The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 341 The Gap between Star Masters

"Hmph! It is indeed the evil cave of the 'Pantheon'!"

The two officials from Silver Wolf City who accompanied Liang Ji here changed their expressions slightly and shouted coldly when they saw the palace at the bottom of the lake.

The next moment, the families they sent rushed directly into the lake in flying boats, activated their formations and restrictions, set off silver light and big waves, and bombarded the palace at the bottom of the lake.

"Praise be to the light of the gods!"

"Praise be to the light of freedom!"

In the palace at the bottom of the lake, waves of evil gods' voices were heard, and the divine light flowing in them burst out, blocking and breaking the silver light and big waves.

There are also formations and restrictions that are circulating in the palace at the bottom of the lake, quickly spreading to the surroundings, blocking all directions, and directly resisting the many flying boats of the Familia that are attacking.

The formations and restrictions of these palaces at the bottom of the lake are different from the formations and restrictions of the outside world. The evil god monks of the 'Pantheon' can only intervene and modify them carefully. The limits are limited, so they were easily broken by the family flying boats of the two officials of Silver Wolf City; this The formations and restrictions of the palace at the bottom of the lake have been managed and arranged by the evil monks of the 'Pantheon' for who knows how long. They are unique and more powerful.

The attack of the flying boat cannon driven by the two fourth-level family members was unexpectedly difficult to break through the formation and blockade of the palace at the bottom of the lake, and the situation was temporarily stalemate.

Seeing this, Liang Ji gave a deep shout, and his figure quickly expanded, turning into a size of dozens of feet. It was the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi'.

At the same time, he made a secret in his hand, and the bloodline magical power of 'Driving Thunder and Controlling Lightning' also started to circulate. Thunder suddenly gathered in the sky and turned into a thunderbolt that struck down in the sky!

boom! Click...

The sky thunder fell and blasted into the bottom of the lake, directly breaking through the formations and restrictions surrounding the palace at the bottom of the lake.

The formations and restrictions of the palace at the bottom of the lake were originally in a stalemate with the attacks of the flying boats of the surrounding family members. At this time, they were bombarded by thunder, and they suddenly shook and turbulent, approaching the limit.

On the side, when the two officials from Silver Wolf City saw this, they also took action one after another.

One of them held up a long sword, and the sword energy was like cutting down the full moon; the other held up a blue jade bottle, which seemed to contain a sea of ​​water, pouring down endlessly.

Liang Ji looked at the attacks of the two men. Although they were powerful, he soon discovered that their attack power was only ordinary. It was only average among the fourth and sixth ranks. It was not even as powerful as the flying boat cannon of their fourth-rank family members. The attack power caused by it is stronger.

Seeing this, Liang Ji understood that these two official star masters of Silver Wolf City should also be monks from a school. They must have been able to achieve the current level of fourth-level star masters little by little.

Ordinary star master monks who come from such a school have limited qualifications and limited inheritance. They often have a lot of cultivation and strength in their natal stars and dependents. However, their own cultivation and strength are average, and few can even surpass the dependents. of.

Such a situation is actually very detrimental to their subsequent growth and even their cultivation in the second-level Hedao realm.

However, for them, they may not consider that far. Being able to develop their natal stars and dependent clans has often exhausted their energy, time, resources and inheritance. It is often too late to consider more about their own practice, growing.

When it comes time for them to consider their own cultivation and growth, it is not too late to make amends slowly.

Liang Ji changed his mind and didn't think about it any more. He already knew that most of the Star Lords who are currently guarding the main stars and star fields of the Star Alliance are from academies, academic palaces, etc. Cultivation is limited and depends more on time to sharpen and grow.

Most of the truly powerful Star Lord monks, those born in the Star Palace, are outside the Star Alliance, developing star fields in the outer territories and competing with enemies.

Therefore, there is no need to be too surprised when seeing the situation of these two Star Lord officials in Silver Wolf City.

He just made a hand with the hand, and the wind surged in the sky, the black clouds gathered, and the thunder and thunder rose. He called the wind, summoned the rain, drove the thunder and lightning, and all kinds of magical powers were moved by it, turning into wind, rain, and thunder, and blasted towards the bottom of the lake. palace.

The formations and restrictions arranged around the palace at the bottom of the lake suddenly became increasingly difficult to support under the continuous attacks of the Familia's flying boat cannon, wind, rain and thunder magical powers, as well as the two fourth-level star masters' natal treasures. Amidst the turmoil and shaking, some Cracks appeared on the formations and restrictions around the palace.


Seeing that the formation was about to be broken, bursts of roars and roars suddenly came from the palace at the bottom of the lake.

The next moment, a large piece of silver light erupted from the palace, swept out, broke through the attacks and obstructions of the surrounding Familia flying boats, and charged straight towards Liang Ji and the two Star Lord officials.

Facing the impact of the silver light, the two Star Lord officials sacrificed their natal treasures to protect themselves. One of them, a silver sword, was like a full moon covering the top and protecting the body. The jade bottle was surrounded by endless sea water to resist the impact of the silver light.

It was also at this time that Liang Ji discovered that these two fourth-level star master officials had not yet mastered the star technique of "star guardian". They could only rely on their own treasures and treasures to protect themselves.

At this time, under the impact of the silver light, the two of them had to fight and retreat, unable to attack the palace at the bottom of the lake.

On the contrary, Liang Ji was using the power of his natal star 'Dao Fruit' at this time to operate the star technique of 'Star Guardian' to the extreme. The aura formed by the infinite true energy was like the power of stars to guard the surroundings, blocking the incoming silver light. Resist.

At the same time, he used the magic formula in his hand again. In addition to the magical power of calling for wind and rain, driving thunder and lightning, he also used the magical power of swallowing swords and spitting flames, carrying mountains and subduing mountains, and blasting down.

The formations and restrictions around the palace at the bottom of the lake were already cracked by attacks. Now it was difficult to hold on, and they completely collapsed amidst the roaring and shattering sounds.

The flying boats and cannons of the Familia who were attacking from all sides, and Liang Ji's magical powers, all immediately bombarded the palace at the bottom of the lake.

Amidst the roaring and shattering sounds, the palace at the bottom of the lake was bombarded and shattered, directly collapsed and destroyed.

Ang... roar!

A roaring roar came from the collapsed and shattered palace.

The next moment, another stream of broken silver light, like thousands of silver scales, rushed out from the collapsed and broken palace, and rushed towards the surrounding Feizhou Familia, Liang Ji and others.

These silver scale fragments seemed illusory and real, virtual and real. The formations and restrictions on the flying boat could only stop most of them, but the rest could not be resisted at all. They were allowed to rush into the flying boat and submerged into the bodies of the two Star Lord officials. On the spot, one by one of the fourth-level family members had their souls broken and died suddenly.

Even at this time, Liang Ji's 'Star Guardian' astrology was operating at its peak, but it was difficult to block these virtual and seemingly real silver scale fragments. They were all a special soul attack power that directly penetrated the 'Star Guardian'. ' The true energy blocked Liang Ji's sea of ​​consciousness and attacked his soul.

At this time, the phantoms of the three levels of the underworld suddenly appeared in Liang Ji's sea of ​​consciousness. The phantoms of the Sword Mountain Hell, the Withering Hell, and the Black Water Hell appeared in it. They immediately resisted and suppressed the attacks of these incoming silver scale fragments in one In a hell.

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