The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 342 Different ‘divine crystal’ fragments

The third-level star master uses the 'star guardian' star technique to protect his body through the infuriating force field formed by the infinite infuriating energy; the underworld opened by the soul is used to protect the soul.

This is the main means of self-protection for the third-level Star Lord.

Thousands of silver scales shot out from the collapsed and broken palace at the bottom of the lake, which seemed to be both illusion and reality. They were exactly the means to attack the soul. They penetrated into Liang Ji's sea of ​​consciousness and were immediately blocked by the three layers of underworld manifested in it. The three hells of suppression manifested.


Seeing that Silver Scale's attack was useless, there was another roar in the collapsed palace.

The next moment, amid roaring and shattering sounds, the broken palace was lifted up directly, and a huge, silver figure rushed out from it.

It was a silver octopus with eight huge tentacles. It broke through the collapsed palace. The eight larger tentacles immediately stirred up the entire Silver Wolf Lake.

The Familia flying boats that were attacking all around were struck by the tentacles of the holding octopus and bombarded by the stirring waves.

Several airships were blown to pieces on the spot, turning into broken wreckage and falling to the bottom of the lake. The family members among them were injured or killed, and suffered heavy losses.

However, more members of the family, who controlled the flying boat cannon, surrounded the silver octopus and launched an attack. The silver light was like thunder and the blue tide was like waves, continuously bombarding the silver octopus.

The silver octopus's silver scales are full of defense, and most of the attacks from the flying boat cannon are directly blocked by the giant octopus's silver scales.

A few were blasted, and the flesh and blood injuries caused were quickly restored and eliminated by the divine light erupting from their bodies.

Liang Ji looked at the divine light shining and flowing around him, and he was very convinced that there were definitely fragments of 'divine crystal' in this silver giant chapter.

However, unlike those 'competition stars' he had dealt with before, the one who refined the 'divine crystal' fragments this time was not a monk, but a giant chapter spirit beast!

He couldn't figure it out for a moment, what was the reason why the evil monks of the 'Pantheon' did this?

Do you want to use this silver giant chapter spirit beast to conduct experiments and study the ‘divine crystal’ fragments?

But no matter what, this silver medal is undoubtedly the goal of his trip.

Seeing that the giant chapter was still tenacious under the siege of more than a dozen flying boat cannons, various formations, restricted attacks, and the bombardment of flying boat cannons fell on him, causing limited injuries.

Liang Ji also reached out to open the 'Star Gate' at that moment, and the family members formed a battle formation and fought out of the natal stars.

At this time, the situation of the dependent clan in his natal star was at the time when the ten veins were splitting. Although it was not as coordinated as the time of unification, there were benefits to the splitting.

At this time, the battle formation formed by the various clans that emerged from his natal star, whether it was the number, momentum, or fighting spirit of the clans, was obviously greater than the battle formation army in the past when the clans were unified.

The battle formation armies of the Ten Meridians often fight and kill each other on weekdays. They have rich combat experience, and the power of various battle formations is maximized when operating.

At this time, following Liang Ji's order, these battle-experienced troops rushed out and attacked the silver medal in the lake.

The battle formations of the various clan members either roared like dragons with the wind, or set off thousands of overlapping waves, or gathered thunder and turned into a strike of sky thunder, or manifested the giant shadow of the mountain to suppress it, all kinds of battles The formation circulates the power of ten elements, constantly blasting towards the silver medal.

Although the silver giant seal is powerful, its defense is unparalleled. Under the divine light of the 'divine crystal' fragments, its resilience is even more terrifying.

But now, surrounded and attacked by the fourth-level flying boat cannons of two officials from Silver Wolf City, and also under the siege of the military formation sent by Liang Ji, they are gradually falling into a disadvantage.

The silver scales on his body were constantly being shattered, restored and shattered again, and the divine light erupting from the 'divine crystal' fragments in his body gradually failed to keep up with the speed of the shattering and recovery.

Liang Ji could tell that the fragments of the 'divine crystal' in the Silver Scale Chapter were obviously related to the 'Slaves of the Evil God' riot in Silver Wolf City.

Nowadays, as the various forces and star masters in Silver Wolf City suppress the riots of the 'Slaves of the Evil God', the riots of the slaves of the Evil God and the riots and chaos are gradually suppressed and isolated. The light is also getting weaker and weaker.

It's like the 'divine crystal' fragments in this giant chapter are from the riots and chaos created by the 'Slaves of the Evil God' in Silver Wolf City. The power and energy gained from the 'divine crystal' fragments are used to transform the 'divine crystal' fragments into giant chapters to fight, The divine light of restoration.

This is undoubtedly different from the 'divine crystal' fragments that Liang Ji knew before.

In the college entrance examination, the 'divine crystal' that he saw gained power through natural disasters and the sacrifices of indigenous aliens. Previously, the fragments of the 'divine crystal' that he and senior Qi Changge and others eliminated from the competitive stars were able to devour the competition. Use the special emotions and spiritual energy in the field to gain strength.

But now, the 'divine crystal' fragments in this silver-scaled chapter actually gain power by creating chaos and riots through the 'Slaves of the Evil God'.

It seems that the adaptation and development of the ‘divine crystal’ fragments of this super-level civilization and god world in the Star Alliance are obviously becoming more and more diversified.

Liang Ji didn't know whether this was good or bad.

However, at this time, as the riots and chaos caused by the 'Slaves of the Evil God' in Silver Wolf City were gradually suppressed, the combat power, resilience and other divine light phenomena of the Evil God's Chapter in Silver Wolf Lake were gradually weakened. , for Liang Ji, it is undoubtedly good.

Seeing that Juzhang's body was covered in scars and bloodied by the flying boats, cannons and battle formations of the family members, and the divine light running and erupting in his body was difficult to recover. Liang Ji was in sight of victory in completing his mission.

Suddenly, a series of roaring explosions were heard in Silver Wolf City.

It was the 'slaves of the evil god' who caused attacks, chaos, and riots in the city. Seeing that it was difficult to resist and win, they exploded and burned themselves one after another.

Just like the attack launched by the 'Slaves of the Evil God' in Tian Serpent City, in the end, seeing no hope of victory, they burned themselves one after another, erupting into the sky with divine light, attracting the evil gods from outside the territory to come.

But this time, these 'Slaves of the Evil God' in Silver Wolf City blew themselves up and burned themselves, but the erupting divine light did not rush into the starry sky. Instead, they rushed into the Silver Wolf Lake and submerged themselves into the body of the Evil God's giant chapter.

Immediately, as these divine lights disappeared, the giant Zhang Evil God, who was already scarred and dripping with blood, recovered quickly.

Not only that, his divine light, divine power, and aura increased rapidly, his body shape also expanded rapidly, and his strength and combat power increased greatly.

Three of the eight huge tentacles, which were originally blasted to pieces and cut off by the cannons and battle formations of the Familia, have been quickly restored and regrown. They have even grown rapidly under the injection of divine light and turned into Like the eight optimizing jade pillars, the entire Silver Wolf Lake was turned upside down and bombarded down.

At the same time, as these divine lights disappeared, a large area of ​​chaotic and rioting auras quickly gathered and condensed around the evil god's giant seal, and in an instant it turned into a huge "field" of chaos and riots, covering all directions.

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