The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 343 Supernatural Power: Heavenly Wolf Swallows the Moon

The evil god's giant seal swallowed up the chaotic and rioting divine light shot from Silver Wolf City. His figure grew rapidly, and the severed tentacles quickly recovered. The eight tentacles seemed to turn into eight optimizing jade pillars, directly covering the entire Silver Wolf Lake. It seems to stir.

The torrential waves rolled over and crashed down, and the flying boat cannons and cannons of the family members attacking Juzhang Evil God and the battle array of Liang Ji's family members were severely impacted one after another.

The flying boat cannons were bombarded continuously, falling to the ground and turning into wreckage; Liang Ji's family battle formation was also directly bombarded, the formation was torn to pieces, and a large number of family members were swallowed up and killed by the overturned flood waves.

hold head high! Roar……

The evil god's giant chapter raised its head and roared, and the power of chaos and rebellion flowed with the divine light, gathering and manifesting around it, turning into a 'field' of riots and chaos.

The various elemental attacks launched by the surrounding flying boat cannons and Liang Ji's family battle formations blasted into this chaotic and rioting 'realm', and were immediately swallowed up by the chaotic and rioting power, turning into various chaotic forces and integrating into the evil god's giant seal. Within its 'domain', it becomes part of its power to protect itself.


The giant chapter roared, suppressing the surrounding flying boat cannons and family battle formations. Instead of continuing the pursuit, it stirred up huge waves all over the lake and launched an attack directly towards Silver Wolf City.

In the Silver Wolf City, the 'Slaves of the Evil God' who had just suppressed the chaos and destruction in the city were hit by a giant seal carrying a huge wave.

The city government and the star masters from all parties had no time to clean up the chaos in the city, so they had to operate the city's large formations, changing suppression to defense, and tried their best to resist the evil god's giant seal and the impact of the waves sweeping across it.

Amidst the loud roars and roaring waves, the formations and restrictions guarding the city were shaken to pieces.

The giant chapter's eight jade pillar-like tentacles smashed down across the sky, immediately smashing open and tearing apart the already shaky city defense formations and restrictions.

Stormy waves and chaotic divine power and power suddenly poured into the city through these broken formations and restrictions.

Blessed by the chaotic and rioting power of divine power and divine light, the riots of the 'Slaves of the Evil God' that had been suppressed in the city suddenly broke out again.

Taking this opportunity, those 'slaves of the evil god' rushed towards the formations and restricted defenses broken by the evil god's great seal. They wanted to rush out of the city and escape with the help of the evil god's great seal.

boom! Rumble...

Click! Click and wipe...

At this moment, there was a roar and explosion in the North City, and the sound of shattering was heard. A divine light broke through the ground and sank directly into the huge tentacles of the giant Chapter Evil God that blasted into the city.


The divine light entered the body, and the giant Chapter Evil God roared, and the divine light all over his body exploded, as if it was burning with divine fire. He turned around, set up his escape light, and fled away from the stars.

Obviously, the purpose of the Evil God Chapter's attack on Silver Wolf City was to rescue the things in that divine light.

Seeing this, the star masters from all sides inside and outside Silver Wolf City took action one after another, or opened the 'Star Gate', and sent their families to attack with flying boats, cannons, and battleships like Thunder.

It's just that the huge evil god's body erupted with divine light like a divine fire, like a meteor rising into the sky. It was impossible to stop the attacks of various formations, restraints, cannons, thunder and fire from the Familia flying boats and battleships sent by the star masters from all around.

Seeing that Juzhang Evil God was about to break through the obstacles and escape, Liang Ji had already launched the 'Terminal Compass' and mobilized the power of the surrounding 'Star Network'.

In the sky, stars criss-crossed and formed into a huge 'star net' covering all directions, blocking the evil god's escape path.

Beyond the stars, in the starry sky, there are even giant ships coming across the sky to suppress them.

It was the Star Alliance army stationed nearby. At this time, they also received the order and led a team to intercept it.

boom! boom! Rumble...


hold head high……

Almost at the same time, in several places on Sirius, there were roaring explosions, roars and roars, and divine lights shot into the sky, either attacking the 'Star Network' blocked in the sky, or blasting towards the garrison troops suppressing them in the starry sky. starship.

Obviously, these places are the strongholds of the 'Pantheon' in Sirius, and they are also the targets of Yang Yun, Qi Hao, Bai Yanxiu and others' respective encirclement and suppression campaigns.

At this time, they all launched riots one after another, with their own divine lights and evil gods rising into the sky and flying away beyond the stars.

The 'star network' that blocked the sky was directly broken through by these bursts of divine light and evil gods.

The garrison warships and starships that gathered in the starry sky were also temporarily blocked by these bursts of divine light and evil gods.

These divine lights and evil gods gathered in the starry sky outside Sirius. The divine lights intertwined and converged, and in a blink of an eye, a huge portal of divine light opened in the starry sky.

Back on the Serpent Star, the rioting 'Slaves of the Evil God' opened the Divine Light Portal in order to attract the evil gods from outside the territory.

But now, in Sirius, these bursts of divine light and evil gods gather in the starry sky, and the portals of divine light opened are not for attracting evil gods from outside the territory, but for teleportation.

The giant chapter evil god rushed out of the stars and rushed straight towards the opened divine light portal. It was obvious that he wanted to escape from the Star Alliance through this divine light portal and escape to the outside world.


At this time, a cold snort came from Sirius.

The next moment, countless starlight burst out from Sirius, gathered above Sirius in the starry sky, and turned into a huge starry figure.

"The evil gods want to run away after I, Sirius, caused trouble!"

The starlight giant shouted coldly.

Infinite light gathered behind him and turned into a huge wolf figure across the sky.

The wolf opened its huge mouth and directly swallowed the divine light portal manifesting in the starry sky, as well as the giant chapter evil god that rushed towards the divine light portal.

Supernatural power, Heavenly Wolf Swallows the Moon!

Obviously, the person who took action was the principal of Sirius Academy on Sirius, and he was also practicing the inheritance of the saint of Sirius.

Under the huge mouth of the Sirius, the portal formed by the convergence of divine light in the starry sky was directly torn into pieces and swallowed.

The huge evil god who rushed towards the Divine Light Portal was also devoured by the Heavenly Wolf's huge mouth. His huge body was torn apart, and the burning fire-like divine light was also swallowed up.


Seeing that the divine light portal was torn into pieces and the way to the outside world was cut off, the giant chapter evil god whose flesh was torn apart and swallowed up by divine fire roared and roared. Its huge tentacles stirred up the divine light in the sky, and then moved toward the starlight that manifested in the starry sky. The giant and Sirius figures charged away.

Amidst the roar and explosion, the huge evil octopus was directly blasted into pieces in the starry sky. Countless flesh and blood shattered and scattered, and countless divine lights shattered and scattered in all directions.

One of the divine lights took this opportunity to fly straight into the depths of the starry sky. It was obviously the object that had previously been submerged in Juzhang Evil God's body and wanted to escape with the power of Juzhang Evil God.


The Sirius figure raised its head and roared, swallowing the starry sky with its huge mouth. The majestic devouring force burst out from it, and immediately swallowed and captured the scattered divine light, as well as the divine light that escaped into the depths of the starry sky.

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