In the starry sky, as the divine light portal was swallowed by the giant shadow of Sirius, the evil god's giant seal was torn into pieces, and the divine light treasure it wanted to take away was also swallowed by the giant shadow of Sirius.

On Sirius, the remaining evil gods and slaves of the evil gods of the 'Pantheon' suddenly rioted, launching attacks everywhere on Sirius, and even launched a siege on Sirius City, seemingly to recapture the divine light treasure that was swallowed by the giant shadow of Sirius.

Liang Ji had also received a message from Captain Yang Yun at this time, asking him to cooperate with all parties in Sirius to encircle and eliminate the remaining evil gods and slaves of evil gods.


He opened the 'Star Gate', sent out a family team, and gave the order.

The Chaofeng Familia formed the 'Wind Roar War Formation', the Chikiss Familia formed the 'Thousand Waves War Formation', the Yajuan Familia formed the 'Golden Sword War Array', the Bijuan Familia formed the 'Heavenly Thunder War', and the Suanyi Familia formed the 'Fire Sea War'. Formation', Baxia's family formed a 'Zhenyue Battle Formation' and so on.

Team after team of dependents were killing the evil gods and slaves of evil gods who were causing chaos and attacking everywhere on Sirius.

On Sirius, the thirty-nine cities are all staffed by Star Lord officials, and there are various formations and restrictions inside and outside the stars.

At this time, as various places cooperated, the star masters from various places sent their families to either form a battle formation to block the four sides, or drove flying boats and battleships to attack and destroy the evil gods and slaves of evil gods everywhere.

Even the formations and restrictions placed in various cities were in motion, and all kinds of starlight and spiritual light connected and gathered on the Sirius star, turning into a huge formation that enveloped the stars.

The great formation rose up, and all kinds of starlight fell from the sky, either killing or binding those evil gods and slaves of evil gods who were causing attacks and chaos everywhere in Sirius.

With the help of these formations and restrictions, the ten bloodline clan teams sent by Liang Ji, even if there is no leader to form the 'Ten Directions Extermination Battle Formation', there is no problem in killing those evil gods and slaves of evil gods who create chaos. .

The Chaofeng Familia's 'Wind Roar Battle Formation' is on top, the Jiaotu Familia's 'Ice War Formation' blocks all directions, the Yaju Familia's 'Golden Sword Battle Formation', the Bijuan Familia's 'Tianlei Battle Formation', and the Baxia Familia's Zhenyue Battle The formations all took turns to engulf the evil god and his slaves.

Although the various bloodline clansmen under Liang Ji are fighting endlessly among their natal stars, they now work together to fight and kill. They also cooperate very well and have full combat effectiveness.

Groups of slaves of the evil god were captured and killed. Finally, his family team surrounded a Qi Refiner monk who had refined the fragments of the 'divine crystal' and sealed them on a high mountain outside the city.

This is also the target that Liang Ji finally locked.

Most of the evil gods and slaves of evil gods who create chaos and attack everywhere in Sirius are just cannon fodder for the 'Pantheon'. Those who have truly refined the 'divine crystal' fragments and are expected to become real members of the 'Pantheon' are not actually not much.

Liang Ji locked his eyes on the Qi Refiner monk who had refined the fragments of the 'divine crystal', and gathered a lot of information, as well as the help of Senior Sister Yang Yun, before he locked and surrounded him here.

Although Master Chiyu told him that Kunlun Star Palace has been fighting and fighting with the gods of the 'God Realm' all year round. There are many fragments of 'divine crystals' and even complete 'divine crystals' stored in the treasure house of the Star Palace. Students can exchange spiritual stones and meritorious deeds.

However, for Liang Ji, it is naturally a better choice to use his own skills and methods to seize the needed 'divine crystal' fragments.

It can not only save more spiritual stones and meritorious deeds, but also be more conducive to the growth and development of the dependent family.

Therefore, Liang Ji actively participated in the tasks of the Star Alliance security department, and his main purpose was to seize the resources and treasures he needed such as fragments of 'divine crystals', bloodline magical seeds, etc.

In this operation, Ben also wanted to seize a few more 'divine crystal' fragments for later use in opening up more layers of the underworld.

However, the previous actions were unexpected and even involved high-level Star Lord monks. Naturally, there was no room for him and his family members to intervene.

Until now, the accident has been taken down by the high-level star master monks on Sirius with the magical power of 'Sirius Swallows the Moon'.

Now, Liang Ji and his family members can deal with the remaining middle and low-level evil gods and slaves of evil gods.

At this time, ten bloodline clans formed ten battle formations, blocking all directions and surrounding the enemy.

In the center surrounded by the battle array of the family members, the Qi Refiner monk who had refined the fragments of the 'divine crystal' offered an orb that shone in the air like a golden elixir. The power of various elements in the orb gathered and circulated, appearing in the air. The power of various elements, such as wind, thunder, water, fire, and five elements of cold poison, blasted in all directions like divine power and natural disasters.

Liang Ji looked at the various methods and actions of the Qi Refiner monks who were refining the fragments of the 'divine crystal', and felt as if the 'evil god' methods he had seen in the college entrance examination had reappeared.

At the beginning, among the indigenous stars that were undergoing additional questions assessment, the evil god used the 'divine crystal' to swallow the power of the stars' spiritual veins, control the power of various natural disasters in the stars, and have unlimited fighting power.

Liang Ji and other Star Master students who participated in the assessment sent a large number of Familia, but they only consumed a little bit. In the end, they almost exhausted the star spiritual veins and the power of the 'divine crystal' before they had a chance to win.

But it's different now. On the main star of Sirius, the various elements and natural disaster methods of the Qi Refiners and monks who refine the fragments of the 'divine crystal' are no longer limited by the star level, and the power and destructive power of the explosion are even far greater than before. The evil god’s methods during the college entrance examination.

However, Liang Ji and his family members are no longer the first-level combatants they were during the college entrance examination.

At this time, the Familia under Liang Ji were all third-level Familia. The ability to use their bloodline magical powers and form battle formations to kill enemies was far from what they were before.

Various battle formations also operate various powers of wind, thunder, water, fire, and five elements of cold poison. They also control the power of natural disasters, and the various natural disasters, magical powers, magic weapons and magic of the Qi Refiners in the encirclement who have refined the fragments of 'divine crystal'. Collide and confront each other.

Seeing that it was difficult to win for a while, Liang Ji opened the 'Star Gate' again, and the Pope of the Celestial Emperor Sect, who was from the Prisoner Niu Familia clan, led the 'Guardian Legion' to fight out.

"Ten Meridians Familia, Ten Directions Battle Formation, set up the formation!"

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, when the Ten Meridians Familiars are divided and fighting each other, only the Heavenly Emperor Sect is superior and can maintain the unity and connection with the split Ten Meridians Familiacracies.

At this time, the Pope of the Celestial Emperor Sect personally came forward and gave an order. The war formations of the ten-lineage clans that had split and clashed had to regroup and reunify and build with the 'Guardian Legion' as the center. Set up the 'Ten Directions Extermination Battle Formation'.


Following the Pope's order, the 'Ten Directions Extermination Battle Formation' was operating to the extreme, and the power of various elements was pushed to the extreme. Finally, they reversed and restrained each other, turning into the purest and most powerful force of destruction, directly destroying the surrounding refining energy. Monks engulfed.

The various natural disaster powers and magic weapons used by the Qi Refiner monk who had refined the 'divine crystal' fragments were all shattered and annihilated by the pure and powerful destructive power of the elements. He himself was also crushed and killed on the spot.

A fragment of the 'divine crystal' flew out of it, and when he was about to take the opportunity to escape, Liang Ji reached out with a flash of black and yellow light and directly brushed down the escaped fragment of the 'divine crystal' and took it down.

The last day of 2022! Kavin!

May 2023 bring new inspiration and new ideas!

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