The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 345 Star Alliance local power

"Pantheon, what they originally wanted to send to the Star Alliance was a complete 'divine crystal'."

Liang Ji and others, together with the star masters of all parties on Sirius, quickly put down the attacks and chaos caused by the "Pantheon" in the stars, and then joined Captain Yang Yun and others.

Captain Yang Yun also got more clues and information from within the security department, and said to Liang Ji and the others:

"The 'Pantheon' has been lurking and developing within our star gate for countless years. It has been studying how to transform and refine the 'divine crystal' into a treasure that can be refined and used by the monks within the Star Alliance."

"After so many years, I have gained a lot."

"Those competitive stars absorb and refine the emotional and spiritual power of people in the Star Alliance through the refined 'divine crystal' fragments to obtain the power of the 'divine crystal'."

"Also, the slaves of the evil gods of the 'Pantheon' create chaos, riots and other attacks, causing panic and chaos, in order to cultivate the power of the 'god crystal'... and so on."

"These are the powers that the 'Pantheon' has studied for many years."

"The complete 'divine crystal' they want to send to the Star Alliance and send to the outside world is a complete 'divine crystal' that was cultivated by devouring the various emotional and spiritual powers of the monks and humans within the Star Alliance. "

"It contains a lot of information about the spiritual power and characteristics of the monks and humans within the Star Alliance. If it falls into the hands of the super-order civilization 'God Realm', it is likely that the gods of the 'God Realm' will develop many weapons that are aimed at Star Alliance monks and humans. power and means."

Listening to Captain Yang Yun's explanation, the expressions of Liang Ji and others changed slightly.

"I always thought that the slaves of the evil gods of the 'Pantheon' were just suffering from scabies, but I never thought they could be so harmful!"

Bai Yanxiu said in a deep voice.

"Fortunately, this time, we discovered them in advance and didn't let them send the complete 'divine crystal' out of the Star Alliance."

Zhang Xiu also nodded and said.

Qin Hongyan on the side shook his head slightly and said: "The Star Alliance is covered by the 'Zhoutian Star Formation', which blocks the inside and outside. It is not easy for them to send things out."

After a few people discussed a few words, Captain Yang Yun turned back to the conversation and said: "Well, everyone did a good job in this mission, especially in discovering the complete 'divine crystal' cultivated by the 'Pantheon' in advance and blocking it. To prevent him from living outside the territory, the ministry will issue special merit reward rewards."

"However, everyone's mission is not over yet. There are still several suspicious stars and places that need to be cleaned up."

"Everyone, get ready. We will continue to set off and carry out the mission later."

"Yes, Captain!"

"Okay, Captain."

Liang Ji and others responded in unison.

A few days later, several people took a starship and arrived at the "Ling'ao City" in the center of the Ling'ao Star Territory. Here, they passed through the "Star Gate" to the new star territory to continue their mission.

The execution location of the new mission is in the Quicksand Star Territory.

Quicksand Star Territory, Sky Fox Star.

The Quicksand Star Territory is also a rather special existence among the Thirty-Three Star Territories of the Star Alliance.

First of all, the Quicksand Star Territory is located at the boundary of the Star Alliance. There are many stars in the Star Territory that are broken like star sand. They are floating in this Star Territory with the wind of the Star Sea, hence the name Quicksand.

The reason for such a scene, according to some information that Liang Ji consulted in the Kunlun Star Palace, seems to be related to the war that opened up the Quicksand Star Territory tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, there were powerful enemies in the Quicksand Star Territory. Although the Star Alliance successfully developed and conquered the Quicksand Star Territory, many stars in this Star Territory were shattered in the fierce battle at that time, forming a large number of stars in the Star Territory. Stars and sand blowing in the wind.

It is also because of this that the Quicksand Star Territory has always been the most barren place among the Thirty-three Star Territories of the Star Alliance, even worse than the Manggu Star Territory that was newly developed and established in the past ten thousand years.

The barrenness of the Quicksand Star Territory is mainly reflected in the scarcity of spiritual vein stars in this star field. The main stars of the ninth level plus some indigenous spiritual vein stars total only more than thirty stars.

Compared to other star fields, where there are often hundreds or hundreds of spiritual vein stars, it is certainly far behind.

The Sky Fox Star is one of the rare ninth-order main stars in the Quicksand Star Territory.

This operation took place in several cities in the Sky Fox Star. After Captain Yang Yun assigned the tasks, Liang Ji and the others went their separate ways.

Liang Ji's mission target this time is Red Fox City in the Sky Fox Star.

When he arrived at the place, Liang Ji directly contacted the local government, inspection department, and Star Lord forces with documents from the security department to blockade and blockade Red Fox City.

Compared to the last operation in Sirius, this operation was much smoother.

The power of the 'Pantheon' hidden in Red Fox City is limited. After discovering the actions of Liang Ji and others, although they also tried to induce some slaves of the evil gods to cause attacks and chaos, they were quickly suppressed by the government and star masters in Red Fox City. .

Liang Ji didn't even need to send his family members, and he was successfully suppressed with local power alone.

In the Star Alliance, local power is mainly composed of three parts. One is the local government, which is the local garrison, and the third is the power of local universities.

These forces guard the place, stabilize every main star and city in the Star Alliance, and maintain the local stability and security of the Star Alliance for hundreds of thousands of years. Their power is also very powerful.

In particular, every main star academy cultivates a large number of low-level star masters every year, and it is an important force in the main star and local area.

Although the Star Lords from these academies are not as powerful and powerful as those from the Star Domain Academy and the Star Alliance Star Palace, their numbers are sufficient and they are an important and basic force for stabilizing the place.

Liang Ji had carried out several missions before, especially the last mission in Sirius Silver Wolf City. He had seen a lot of corruption in the local government and the Star Lord's power. He almost thought that the local power of the Star Alliance was nothing more than this.

But now, what he saw in Red Fox City, Sky Fox Star, gave him a new understanding of the local power of the Star Alliance.

"It seems that the local governments and Star Lord forces in the Star Alliance are not all idlers."

Liang Ji had a thought in his mind.

However, the power of the local government and the Star Lord quickly suppressed the power of the 'Pantheon' in the city. Of course, Liang Ji did not have to exert much effort, and the achievements and trophies he received were much less.

Even a fragment of the 'divine crystal' found in the 'Pantheon' stronghold in Red Fox City was taken away by the local government's star master monks, and Liang Ji had no way to intervene.

Liang Ji didn't care about this. Compared to the 'divine crystal' fragments, he undoubtedly cared more about the successful completion of the mission.

Anyway, for him, as long as he has enough merit, he can exchange for enough 'divine crystal' fragments or even a complete 'divine crystal', whether from inside the Kunlun Star Palace or from the treasure house of the Star Alliance security department. .

And from the strength of Red Fox City, we can see the situation of the entire Sky Fox Star.

And this is also true. Not long after, Liang Ji learned about the performance of several other teammates through spiritual messages. Basically, they did not need to take action. He only relied on the local power of Tianhu Star to successfully suppress and eliminate the star. The hidden power of the 'Pantheon'.

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