The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 346 Meeting the old person again

Biluo Star Territory, Heavenly Crocodile Star, and White Crocodile City.

Rainbow Star Territory, Aboriginal Stars, Green Plain Star.

Golden Hook Star Territory, Aboriginal Stars, Black Mountain Stars.


In the next few months, Liang Ji followed Captain Yang Yun and traveled to several star fields to clear out the strongholds entrenched in various star fields and stars in the Star Alliance.

During these tasks, Liang Ji gained a more clear understanding of the local stars, cities and other forces of the Covenant, as well as the power of the 'Pantheon'.

The clean-up operation organized by the Covenant Security Department covered almost all thirty-three star areas of the Covenant, cleaning up a large number of 'Pantheon' strongholds. It can be said that the effect was remarkable, and many hidden forces of the 'Pantheon' were revealed. ,strength.

According to some information Liang Ji checked from the intranet of the Star Alliance security department, it seems that the complete 'divine crystal' they discovered and intercepted on Sirius was discovered several times in subsequent operations.

The evil gods and slaves of the evil gods of the 'Pantheon' are all trying their best to send these complete 'divine crystals' cultivated within the Star Alliance out of the Star Alliance and outside the territory.

However, under the blockade of the "Zhoutian Star Formation", these operations undoubtedly ended in failure. Instead, the "Pantheon" was swept away and suppressed by the Covenant security department and local forces. A large number of hidden forces and forces .

On this day, Liang Ji followed the team and cleared out another hidden force of the 'Pantheon' hidden among the indigenous stars in the star field.

These indigenous stars are all stars laid down by the Star Alliance in the process of expanding the star field.

The natives on the stars have already surrendered to the Star Alliance and have become affiliated forces and races of the human monks in the Star Alliance. They provide the human monks in the Star Alliance with various resources and materials for cultivating indigenous spiritual veins and stars.

These indigenous stars have natural spiritual veins. Although they are not as good as the ninth-level main stars, the quality of the various spiritual materials and spiritual objects produced in the stars often exceeds the quality of the star master's natal stars of the same spiritual vein level.

Therefore, these spiritual stars and star natives can survive and develop in the Star Alliance.

However, in the Star Alliance, these star natives are far inferior to the humans of the main stars in terms of their origins, spiritual path, development prospects, etc., and they are a weak and low-level group in the Star Alliance.

Therefore, the natives among these stars often become important targets for the development of evil organizations and cultivators such as the Pantheon and the Temple of Demons.

After all, inequality is often the best breeding ground for these evil organizations.

This time, Liang Ji followed the members of the team to clean up the various 'Pantheon' strongholds, and it was obvious that there were many hidden forces and strongholds of the 'Pantheon' on the indigenous stars in various star fields.

"It seems that after this operation, there will probably be a rectification of these indigenous stars in the Star Alliance."

After the team members reunited, Qi Hao said in a deep voice:

"This is probably the sixth indigenous star we have discovered that contains the power of the 'Pantheon'."

"Coupled with the other action teams, I really suspect that the indigenous stars in various star regions in the Star Alliance may be involved."

Listening to Qi Hao's words, several team members also nodded slightly.

"In my opinion, the Star Alliance is too good to the natives of these spiritual stars, so they should be sealed in the stars and not allowed to come into contact with the super-level civilization of the Star Alliance. Then there will not be so many of them. thoughts and desires.”

Xie Yuchao shook his head and said:

"Alternatively, we can also agree to the requests of the top human immortals, gods, and ghost immortal monks, and open up these indigenous stars for them to sacrifice into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'. Skills can solve the problems of these top monks, and also solve the problems of the indigenous people. When it comes to the stars, it can be said that it solves multiple problems with one stone.”

Liang Jizheng was listening to the discussion of several teammates. They were all old members of the Star Alliance security department. They had done missions for many years and were quite familiar with many policies and information in the Star Alliance.

Listening to their discussions, Liang Ji could often understand a lot of secret information among the Star Alliance.

"Okay." At this time, Captain Yang Yun interrupted the discussion of several people, changed the subject and said: "The matter of the indigenous stars is a problem that the Star Alliance government needs to discuss and solve. Our task is to clean up the Temple's stronghold."

"I received a new task from the ministry here."

"This mission is different. After several months of cleaning by various teams in the ministry, all the exposed strongholds of the 'Pantheon' have basically been cleared away."

"As a result, some key strongholds of the 'Pantheon' have begun to be exposed."

"In this operation, our team is not acting alone, but joining other teams to clean up a key stronghold in the 'Pantheon' that has been identified."

Captain Yang Yun explained the mission assigned by the Star Alliance security department, and then led the team to set off, take a starship, teleport through the 'Star Gate', and finally arrived at the target of this mission, the Manggu Starfield.

In Manggu City, Liang Ji and others boarded the starship and set off. They did not go to the main star in the star field, nor did they go to any 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.

The starship headed straight into the star field, into a desolate starry sky.

Here, their starships merged with the starships of other teams. Including them, there were a total of five teams, with a total of forty-seven Star Lord monks.

Five teams and five starships surrounded a star.

Liang Ji checked the star and the surrounding galaxy environment through the starship.

On the surface, this place is just an empty star field. The star they surround is just a dead star with no spiritual veins. The surrounding galaxies do not have perseverance, satellites or other environments suitable for star life.

However, the intelligence system of the Covenant Security Department directly identified this place as an important stronghold of the 'Pantheon' and sent five action teams to encircle and suppress it in starships. Naturally, it was not as simple as it seemed.

At this time, in the central control of the starship where Liang Ji and others were riding, a screen formed by the convergence of starlight appeared, and the figures of the other five teams appeared on the light screen.

Most of the members of these teams are students from various star palaces in the Star Alliance. A few are top students trained by some schools and even schools. They are sent to the Star Alliance security department for internships. They can not only learn from security The department warehouse has obtained many top-notch materials and inheritances that are difficult for schools and colleges to access, which also pave the way for their future development in the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji looked at the members of the action team and unexpectedly found an acquaintance among them.

It was She Yuanjie who was born in the Tian She High School.

Liang Ji and the other party were both from the Sky Serpent Star, but the other party was a genius from the High School affiliated to the Serpentis Academy. He had been receiving training and support from the Serpentis Academy. Although he got good opportunities after the college entrance examination, he could only enter the Serpentis Academy to practice.

Liang Ji entered the Kunlun Star Palace to practice.

Now seeing the other party again, Liang Ji found that the other party had also been promoted to the third level Star Master and joined the Star Alliance security department as an intern.

Obviously, with the full support and training of Tian She Academy, the other party's growth is no slower than Liang Ji's cultivation and growth in Kunlun Star Palace.

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