The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 347 Humans in Captivity

The five action teams contacted each other through starships and quickly assigned tasks after getting to know each other.

Five starships were located in five directions, surrounding the locked Death Star in the center.

Following an order, the five starships activated their formations and restraints, and exploded with attacks of thunder, flames, storms, golden light, and floods, bombarding the Death Star one after another.

Amidst the roar and explosion, it was like tearing and tearing a canvas, immediately tearing and shattering the darkness around the surrounded Death Star, revealing the true scene inside.

But on top of the Death Star, there was a 'divine crystal' hanging high like the sun, and the divine light shone down, transforming the entire Death Star into a star of life.

Above the stars, there are cities built one after another, and human beings are imprisoned in these cities. In addition to surviving every day, they pray and worship to the 'divine crystal' that hangs high in the sky like the sun.

This is undoubtedly the secret operation base of the 'Pantheon'. It uses 'divine crystals' to transform the environment and transform a Death Star into a living star. Then various humans from the Covenant Alliance are kidnapped and placed in this star to multiply as offerings. Believe in these 'divine crystal' materials.

It's like raising cattle and sheep in a pen.

It’s just that humans raise cattle and sheep for meat, milk, leather, etc., while the ‘Pantheon’ raises humans here for the power of faith and soul of human souls.

There is no essential difference between the two.

Liang Ji and others were in the starship, activating the formations and restrictions on the starship, and were able to scan the human survival situation in the stars after the darkness and curtain were torn away.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but curse in a deep voice. These evil god monks of the 'Pantheon' did not regard other human beings as the same kind at all. Keeping them in such captivity was worse than dealing with many natives of the spiritual stars.

"As expected, they are all evil gods!"

"They all deserve to die!"

Several people cursed several times, and Captain Yang Yun began to order: "Surge into the stars, kill all the evil god monks, and save these captive humans."

"Yes, Captain!"

Liang Ji and others responded in unison and each opened the 'Star Gate'. Teams of family members either rode flying boats or formed battle formations to fight towards the stars.

At the same time, in the other four directions, each action team also opened the 'Star Gate' and sent out the family members.

On Liang Ji's side, after opening the 'Star Gate', he directly sent the Pope to lead the 'Guardian Legion' and ten bloodline clan teams to form a battle formation and fight out.

The star in front of him is undoubtedly a nest of the 'Pantheon', and there are countless evil god monks gathered in it. Therefore, the Familia team sent by Liang Ji this time must go all out, and the Celestial Emperor Sect will be able to command the entire Familia team. out.


Eleven battle formation teams entered the stars. The Pope gave an order, and each bloodline battle team formed a battle formation and fought towards a city in the stars.

boom! boom! Rumble...

The next moment, there was a roar and the earth shook.

The city was built under a mountain range. At this time, the highest peak on the mountain range shook and swayed. A piece of 'divine crystal' flew out from it, and the divine light shone down and landed on the peak.

Immediately, the mountain peak turned into a stone giant and stood up, like a mountain god coming to the world.

In the city under the mountains, the sound of bells and drums rang. In the center of the city was a huge temple. The evil god monks walked out of it and summoned all the humans in the city to bow to the mountain god, pray and worship the mountain god.

A large amount of the power of incense faith, after being transformed by the temple in the city, turned into a bright divine light and shot towards the mountain god transformed from the mountain outside the city, pushing its divine power to a new peak.

"Baxia's team, Zhenyue!"

"Team Jiaotu, frozen!"

Following the Pope's order, the battle formation formed by the Baxia family and the Jiaotu family took the lead in fighting out.

The Ba Xia clan team set up a formation diagram and formed a battle formation. They appeared as illusory and real mountains and giant mountains, and went straight towards the 'mountain god' to suppress them.


The 'Mountain God' shouted angrily, raising a pair of fists like two mountain peaks, and directly collided with the giant shadow of the mountain that was suppressing it.

Amidst the loud roar, the giant mountain shadow that was suppressed by the Baxia Familia was shattered. However, the standing figure of the 'Mountain God' was also suppressed by the giant mountain shadow and fell directly to the ground.

At this time, the "Ice War Formation" formed by the Jiao Tu family members also followed the Pope's orders and followed them.

The intense ice power moved towards the 'Mountain God', freezing it piece by piece, turning it into a frozen iceberg in the blink of an eye.

"Mocking the Wind Familia, the Wind Roaring Battle Formation!"

"Chi Kiss Familia, Thousand Waves Battle Formation!"

"Yaijuan Clan, Golden Sword Battle Formation!"

"Bi'an Familia clan, Heavenly Thunder Battle Formation!"

Seeing that the 'Mountain God' was frozen, the Pope immediately ordered several main battle clan teams to form a battle formation and follow closely to kill him.

Warriors from the Chaofeng, Chiki, Yaizhen, and Biuan clans all activated their bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi', 'Call the Wind', 'Call the Rain', 'Swallow the Sword', and 'Driving Thunder and Lightning'. The combat power is pushed to the extreme, and the power of the formation diagram and the formed battle formation are also pushed to the peak.

The bloodline magical powers of 'Call the Wind' and 'Call the Rain', under the stimulation of the battle formation, increase their power a hundred times or a thousand times. The strong wind falls from the nine heavens, the wind roars like a dragon's roar, and every strong wind They are all like steel knives that can destroy mountains and mountains.

The 'Calling Rain' summoned torrential waves, which, under the urging of the battle formation, turned into a tsunami that was higher than the previous wave. Each wave was like the impact and bombardment of the overturning sea.

Amidst the roaring and shattering sounds, strong winds and torrential waves shattered the ice of the 'Icy Battle Formation' and blasted into the boulders of the mountain peaks that formed the 'Mountain God', splitting the mountain peaks and smashing the boulders into pieces. Mountain peaks and boulders were swept up by strong winds and huge waves, and fell in all directions.

The entire mountain peak where the 'Mountain God' is located seems to have been skinned, fleshed, and broken by the battle formation formed by these two teams.

After the battle formations of the Chaofeng and Chiki family members, the "Golden Sword Battle Formation" composed of the Yajuan family members, and the "Tianlei battle formation" composed of the Bijuan family members followed closely.

Infinite sword energy and golden energy circulate and gather in the 'Golden Sword Battle Formation', turning into a bright golden sword in the sky. It is unparalleledly sharp and indestructible. It moves with the battle formation and cuts directly to the frozen and wind-shaped blades below. , the 'mountain god' destroyed by waves.

Wherever the golden sword struck, the mountain peak transformed by the 'Mountain God' was almost cut in half.

boom! Click...

Immediately after the golden sword, there was a ‘thunder strike’ formed by the gathering of countless thunderbolts.

The 'Sky Thunder', which was unparalleled in power and pushed the power of destruction to the extreme, struck directly at the place where the 'Golden Sword' struck, and immediately completely blasted away the mountain peak formed by the 'Mountain God', which was almost cut in half.

Amid the landslides, half of the mountain peaks were directly shattered and destroyed by this heavy attack.

Seeing that the 'Mountain God' was almost killed on the spot, in the city at the foot of the mountain, the sound of the bells and drums in the temple became more and more urgent. The humans in the city worshiped the 'Mountain God' amid the urging of these bells and drums. The praises became more and more crazy and enthusiastic.

There were even fanatical believers who, under the arrangements of the evil monks in the temple, began to perform various blood sacrifices of suicide and self-immolation.

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