The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 348 Mountain God Hades

"I offer my broken body to the mountain god!"

"Behead the invading enemy!"

In the city, in front of the central temple, fanatic believers who have been ignorant and brainwashed for life, under the command of the evil god monks, commit suicide, self-immolation, and perform blood sacrifices.

The majestic power of incense faith, stained with blood, turned into blood-colored divine light and merged into the 'mountain god' who was cut in half outside the city.


Under the injection of this bloody divine light, only half of the 'mountain gods' erupted with bright divine light and divine power. They roared in a deep voice, and the ice of the Jiaotu clan's battle formation was destroyed by the burst of divine light and divine power.

A large amount of divine light illuminated the surrounding mountains, causing the earth to shake suddenly. A large number of peaks and boulders were picked up by the divine light and fell onto the remaining half of the 'Mountain God', quickly destroying the half of the 'Mountain God' The divine body reunites and makes amends.


The mountain god who had recovered roared and broke through the impact of the strong wind and flood waves. He raised two mountain peaks with his fists. One of them blasted towards the battle formation of the Chaofeng Familia clan swept by the strong wind in the sky, and the other blasted into the surrounding ice. The battle formation of the Jiaotu clan in the mountains.

Amidst the roaring and shattering sounds, countless strong winds were blasted to pieces, the battle formation formed by the Chaofeng Familia was blasted apart, and the 'battle formation diagram' that had been sacrificed was blasted and torn apart.

The Jiao Tu Familia clan's "Frozen Battle Formation" in the surrounding frozen mountains was also blasted away. Countless ices were shattered, and the "Frozen Formation" that formed the battle formation was blasted out.

"Form up the formation and destroy all directions!"

Seeing this, the Pope, who was in charge of the battle formations of all parties, gave an order and led the 'Guardian Legion' to attack. He commanded ten bloodline clans to form a battle formation and distribute it in ten directions, forming a decisive battle formation of 'annihilation in all directions'. .

Powers such as wind, thunder, water and fire, the five elements of yin and yang, ice and poison, etc., are stimulated by the battle formation and complement each other, pushing them to the extreme.

Subsequently, the battle formation was reversed, and the various elemental forces that were pushed to the extreme turned in opposition to each other, turning into the most powerful and destructive force. Under the operation of the battle formation commanded by the Pope, they all blasted towards the newly gathered forces. 'Mountain God'.

The ice freezes, the sea of ​​​​fire burns, the mountains suppress, the strong winds and floods bombard, there are also golden knives to cut through, the sky thunder bombards, the poison corrodes, thousands of trees block and take root, and break the ground.

Even though the 'mountain god' was surrounded by dazzling divine light, bursting with divine power, and protected and attacked by mountain boulders, it was still difficult to withstand the rotation and destruction of such a destructive battle formation.

The mountain peaks were broken, the boulders were shattered, and the entire mountain peak that made up the 'Mountain God' began to collapse and shatter. A bit of divine light flew out from it, and the fragments of the 'divine crystal' it had refined were about to escape.

Liang Ji took action directly, blasting out a ray of black and yellow light, and immediately grabbed the escaping 'divine crystal' fragments.

"Enter the city! Clean out all the evil god monks!"

Seeing the 'Mountain God' being beheaded, the Pope spread out the 'Ten Thousand Destruction Battle Formations' and gave another order.

Each bloodline clan now formed their own teams and entered the city.

"People of the gods! The devil is coming, now is the time for you to sacrifice your lives for the gods!"

"Kill the devil, and your souls will go deep into the Kingdom of God and gain eternal life under the light of the gods!"

"Submit to the devil, and your souls will fall into the devil's abyss forever, and you will be tortured by the devil forever, and you will not be able to be reincarnated!"

In the center of the city, in the temple, those evil god monks who kept humans in captivity issued statements and propaganda to the humans in the city.

The humans in the city have been ignorant and brainwashed by these evil god monks for generations. When they heard the words of these evil god monks, even if they had no cultivation at all, they all raised various weapons to kill the dependents who entered the city.

It was obvious that these evil god monks from the 'Pantheon' wanted to use the lives of ordinary humans to stop the invading Star Lord Familia.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Liang Ji snorted coldly and ordered: "Pulao Familia, Ten Thousand Poisons Battle Formation!"

The next moment, the Pulao family members formed a battle formation and rushed forward. Countless poisonous gases and poisonous poisons were sacrificed by them, and they quickly spread towards the entire city under the movement of the battle formation.

Those poisonous gases and poisonous poisons fell on ordinary humans in the city, immediately poisoning them to the ground and causing them to be anesthetized.

This way, they can be restrained directly without harming their lives.

The other members of the clan formed a battle formation, and with the poisonous gas and poisonous poisons of the Pulao family members opening the way, they went straight towards the temple in the center of the city.

In the temple, those evil god monks saw that it was useless to rely on ordinary humans to stop the Star Lord's Familia, and immediately changed their strategies, and beams of divine light shot out from the temple, shooting at the humans in the city in all directions.

Under the rays of divine light, large swaths of human beings were slaughtered on the spot. Their flesh, flesh, and souls were swept back directly by these divine lights, and were submerged into the temple in the center of the city.

And as these flesh and blood and souls were swept back, a dark and bloody divine light quickly bred and exploded in the temple, turning into a bloody 'god's kingdom' to emerge, turning into a field and expanding towards the surrounding areas.

In the city, many fanatical believers and human beings were called one after another and rushed towards the temple in the center of the city, rushing into the bloody 'God's Kingdom'. Their flesh and blood disintegrated, their souls flew out, and transformed into the blood-colored 'God's Kingdom', becoming Part of the 'Kingdom of God'.

With the integration of these flesh and blood, a black shadow gradually condensed in the center of this bloody 'Kingdom of God'.

An evil god monk walked out of the temple, holding a fragment of the 'divine crystal' in his hand. He looked at the black shadow that was gradually forming in the bloody 'kingdom of gods', his face was as gloomy as water, and he sighed in a deep voice: "These stars The Lord came too quickly, otherwise there would be no need to temporarily create this 'God of Hades'."

"I hope this temporarily formed 'God of Hades' can withstand the attacks of these Star Lord Familia for a while longer."

After the words fell, the evil monk sacrificed the fragments of the 'divine crystal' and flew into the black shadow condensed in the center of the bloody 'King of Gods'.

With the integration of the fragments of the 'divine crystal', a large swath of divine light burst out from it, completely illuminating the dark shadow and manifesting a ghost-like deity that seemed both illusory and real.


As the 'divine crystal' entered the body, this illusory and real black ghost completely condensed into reality, raising its head and roaring.

The next moment, countless bloody lights erupted in the bloody 'Kingdom of God' that enveloped all directions. Black ghosts shot out from these bursts of bloody light, directly forming a battle formation and heading towards the Familia who entered the city.

The dependents in the city formed a battle formation, and the power of wind, thunder, water and fire was used to attack these black ghosts shrouded in blood, but it was half the result with half the effort, and the effect was greatly reduced.

Only when the family members activate the power of the 'Soul Cauldron' and add it to the elemental power of wind, thunder, water, and fire, can they attack these black ghosts and cause enough damage.

However, even so, the black ghost's lethality to the Familia team is far beyond ordinary.

Seeing this, Liang Ji raised the 'Star Mirror' and opened the 'Star Gate' again. This time the 'Star Gate' opened directly in the underworld of the natal stars.

The Lord of Fengquan’s underworld, ‘Emperor Jin Xi’, led the underworld’s heroic soul battle formation to fight out.

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