The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 353 Spear of the Sun

Among the stars that are the stronghold of the 'Pantheon', the one that captive humans believe in the most and most devoutly is the Sun God in the sky. This makes the 'Sun God' far more powerful than the other 'gods' in the stars.

But now, as Liang Ji and other star lords lead the invasion of the Familia, they continue to kill various 'gods' in the stars and seize the fragments of 'divine crystals', causing various elements and powers in the stars to continue to lose control, and various natural disasters erupt. , the ground is difficult.

The humans trapped in the stars, under the propaganda of the evil monks of the 'Pantheon', believed that this was an invasion of devils and the end of the world. Only a more pious and fanatical belief in the 'gods' could allow the 'gods' to defeat the invading forces. Devil, save the world.

Therefore, as the battle continues and the number of 'gods' killed continues to increase, the remaining humans in the stars become more and more fanatical and crazy. Martyrs continue to appear, committing suicide, self-immolation, etc., sacrificing their blood to all kinds of people. Gods', in order to enhance the combat power of these 'gods'.

Among them, the 'Sun God', who has the most faith, is the most devout, and is fiery, has naturally suffered the most various human blood sacrifices and martyrdoms.

Therefore, while Liang Ji and the others were conquering the stars in the past few days, killing the 'gods', seizing fragments of the 'god crystal', and rescuing the captive humans, the 'sun' in the sky was also constantly accepting and devouring the stars. What remains is the increasingly ardent and crazy belief of mankind, and even the power of blood sacrifice and incense belief in martyrdom.

Under the cultivation and support of these powers, the combat power and divine power of the 'Sun God' in the sky are constantly rising.

By now, the entire star was about to be taken down by Liang Ji and others. The combat power and divine power of the 'Sun God' in the air had also been raised to its peak. It suddenly exploded into the air, continuously knocking down the family ships of the fourth-order star masters such as Yang Yun. He even forced back three starships that besieged him.

The next moment, there seemed to be a roar that broke through the surrounding 'sun' in the air, and countless blazing golden lights burst out from it, turning into blazing and powerful golden light spears, flying down from the air and blasting toward Among the stars, the clan teams and star masters such as Liang Ji invaded everywhere.

Above the stars, Liang Ji looked up at the changes in the 'sun' in the sky. When he saw the blazing, golden light spear coming from him, he did not dare to neglect it. He tried his best to use the 'Tao Fruit' of his natal star to activate the infinite energy in his Dantian. , activate the star technique of 'Guardian of the Stars' to the extreme to protect the whole body.

At the same time, he activated the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', and his body grew to dozens of feet, and the power of the 'Zhen Qi Aura' surrounding him also increased several times!

Feeling that this was not enough, in a flash of thought, he found the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Black and Yellow Exquisite Tower' from the natal stars, covered it above his head, and hung down the mysterious yellow light to protect his whole body.

At the same time, there are various spiritual lights emerging on his body, which are various robes, spiritual weapons, talismans and other defensive means.

Before this mission, Captain Yang Yun had warned them about the danger of the mission and asked them to prepare more defense and life-saving means. Liang Ji was always willing to listen to others' advice.


The next moment, a blazing and bright golden spear struck in front of Liang Ji, first colliding with the 'Qi Force Field' surrounding him, making a roaring and exploding sound.

The golden light spear was completely condensed from the blazing sunlight. It was blazing, powerful, and fast. Its power reached the peak of the fifth level. The aura of "Guardian of the Stars" surrounding Liang Ji only persisted for a moment before it was blasted away.

However, after being resisted and depleted by the 'Star Guardian' aura, the golden light spear shot was also consumed by most of its power. The remaining golden light could no longer be condensed into a spear, and was only equivalent to a golden light arrow, which was shot directly into the life. On the dark yellow light where the spiritual weapon hangs.

Amidst the roaring and shattering sounds, the black and yellow light hanging down from the natal spiritual weapon pagoda was shattered, and the long golden arrow was directly blocked and shattered.

With Liang Ji's current method, the star technique of 'Guardian of the Stars' and the protection of his natal spiritual weapon can completely withstand the attack of the fifth-level peak, and there is no need for other means to help.

None of the defensive robes, spiritual weapons, talismans, etc. on him were used at this time.

However, what Liang Ji faced was just one of the many golden spears shot down by the 'Sun God' in the sky.

This time, there were dozens of spears shot by the 'Sun God' in the sky, shooting at the invaders and the family members from all over the stars.

While Liang Ji was trying his best to resist the golden spears aimed at him, the other spears also hit the Star Lords and Familia teams from various places in the stars.

Roaring explosions came from all over the stars, as well as the roaring and screaming sounds of various families.

The star masters and their families tried their best to resist these golden spears. Some, like Liang Ji, completely resisted, while others were unable to completely resist and were even severely injured by the golden spears.

Liang Ji didn't have time to check the situation of the star masters and dependents everywhere. He resisted the bombardment of the golden spear and quickly looked at the situation of his own dependents.

When he was attacked by the golden spear, his family team was also bombarded by the golden spear of the 'Sun God'.

Under the leadership of the Pope, the teams of all bloodline clans immediately formed the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' to resist with all their strength. On the other side, the ghost soldiers led by 'Emperor Jin Xi' also formed the 'Soul Cauldron Battle Formation' and raised their golden weapons. The soul cauldron fought against the golden spear with all its strength.

Amidst the loud roars, both the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' composed of various clans and the 'Soul Cauldron Battle Formation' composed of ghost soldiers were directly broken and shattered by the golden light spears fired from them.

The more power of the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' lies in attack and destruction. Its defensive power is far inferior to its offensive power. It cannot withstand the bombardment of the golden light spears at the peak of the fifth grade. The battle formation was destroyed, and the formation diagram Being torn apart, the battle formations formed by the various bloodline clans were directly blasted away. Countless golden lights shot into the clans' ranks like sharp arrows, causing a large number of casualties among the clansmen.

However, in comparison, the ghost soldiers on the other side suffered more losses and casualties.

The blazing golden light spear of the sun had a greater restraint effect on the ghost soldiers. The golden soul cauldron composed of the battle formation was directly exploded. The formation diagram of the 'soul cauldron battle formation' was directly shattered. Countless golden lights were shot on those ghost soldiers. , if you hit it, you will die, if you stick it, you will die.

With just one strike from the golden spear, the team of ghost soldiers brought out by the 'Emperor Jin Xi' was severely damaged. Less than half of the ghost soldiers were directly destroyed by the bombardment of the golden light of the sun.

Seeing this, Liang Ji quickly took action to rescue the remaining ghost soldiers. He used various magical powers to block the remaining golden light that erupted, rescued the remaining ghost soldiers, opened the 'Star Gate', and allowed the severely injured soldiers to escape. The team of ghost soldiers returned to the underworld of their natal stars to cultivate.

boom! boom! Rumble...

Click! Click...

At this time, the entire star was roaring and exploding violently, and the earth continued to crack and spread.

The dozens of golden spear attacks fired by the 'Sun God' not only severely damaged many star masters and their families, but also dealt a fatal blow to the stars where natural and earthly disasters were constantly erupting. The entire star was at this time Begins to collapse and destroy.

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