The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 354 Destruction of the Star of Life

The base of the 'Pantheon' is a life star forcibly transformed from various 'divine crystal' fragments. The operation of various life and elemental powers relies on various 'divine crystal' fragments. Power, compared to real life stars and spiritual pulse stars, has many problems with unstable foundations.

In the process of Liang Ji and others' continuous hunting of 'gods' and seizing fragments of 'god crystals', this unstable foundation was continuously dug up and expanded, causing natural disasters and earthly disasters to continue to erupt in the stars. On the brink of destruction.

The dozens of golden spears set by the 'Sun God' in the sky are not only sharp weapons to attack the star masters and dependents such as Liang Ji, but also the final blow to destroy the star.

Under the bombardment of the golden spear, the entire star began to shatter and disintegrate, quickly heading toward destruction.

At the same time, various divine lights flew up from everywhere in the stars. They were the fragments of 'divine crystals' still left in the stars. At this time, they flew out from various 'divine beings' one after another, like meteors. The 'Sun God' explodes into the sky.

Obviously, the evil monks of the 'Pantheon' have seen that it is difficult for them to keep this star base, so they directly chose to abandon it, destroy the stars, put away the remaining 'divine crystal' fragments, and prepare to rely on The strongest 'Sun God' was taken away to avoid being completely harvested by Liang Ji and other star master monks.

As for the remaining captive humans in the stars, the fanatical believers of various 'gods' were also directly given up by these evil god monks of the 'Pantheon' at this time, allowing them to go to destruction with the stars, and they could also slow down Liang Ji and others. Star Master Monk.


Although they knew that this was the plan of the evil monks of the 'Pantheon', it was impossible for Liang Ji and others to give up on the remaining humans in the stars.

After Yang Yun and other captains gave an order, Liang Ji and others quickly organized the severely damaged team of dependents and rushed to all parts of the star to rescue the remaining captive humans from various natural disasters, earth disasters, and star destruction.

For this reason, even though the combat power and divine power of the 'Sun God' in the sky have greatly increased, Yang Yun and others still took out one of the three starships surrounding the 'Sun God' and descended into the stars to assist Liang Ji. Wait for the Star Master and the Familia to rescue the remaining humans and send them into three starships.

In the sky, the remaining two starships, as well as Yang Yun and other fourth-level star masters' subordinates, drove the spaceships and battleships to besiege the 'Sun God' with all their strength, and at the same time blocked the 'divine crystals' flying out of the stars. 'Fragments, prevent them from flying into the 'sun'.

The battle broke out simultaneously in the sky and on the stars and the earth, and the stars were destroyed at a speed far beyond expectation. Although Liang Ji and others rescued everyone as quickly as possible, captive humans continued to die, and most of them even committed suicide. The blood sacrifice of martyrdom.

The faith and power of their blood sacrifices are still gathering towards the 'Sun God' in the sky.

Infected by the power of these blood sacrifices, the golden 'sun' in the sky has even been stained with a layer of blood, and has a tendency to transform into a blood sun.

Despite this, the combat power and divine power of the 'Sun God' were still increasing. Two starships, as well as Yang Yun and others' family flying boat team, completely surrounded and trapped it to death.

In the continuous bursts of golden light, the blood color is getting thicker and thicker, and the power is getting stronger and stronger. More and more family ships and battleships are bombarded from the sky. It is the two starships that are bombarded by the continuous bursts of bloody golden light. Next, they had to fight and retreat at the same time.

Under such circumstances, most of the dozens of 'divine crystal' fragments flying out from the stars broke through the obstructions of starships, family ships, and battleships, and flew directly into the bloody 'sun' in the sky.

The two starships, as well as Yang Yun and other family ships and battleships, could only block and intercept more than a dozen 'divine crystal' fragments, only a small half of them.

After the bloody 'Sun' in the sky received dozens of flying 'divine crystal' fragments, the golden light and divine power that erupted around it suddenly increased again, and it seemed that the power of those 'divine crystal' fragments began to be injected into the 'sun' .

The sudden explosion of the 'Sun God', the blazing and powerful golden light, instantly broke through the treasures of the starship and the family ship, opening a passage.

The blood-stained 'Sun God' had no intention of continuing to fight or entangle with the starships and the Star Lord's family members. When he saw a passage being opened, he immediately turned into a golden meteor and rushed through the passage, escaping towards the starry sky and the sea. go.


"Stop him!"

"We can't let him run away..."

Yang Yun and other captains led two starships, as well as the Familia airships and battleships, and chased the escaping bloody 'Sun', struggling desperately, even if it was the 'Sun God' who kept having the Familia's spaceships and battleships erupt. It was bombarded and exploded in the starry sky, but it was unwilling to let it escape directly.

At this time, above the stars, the 'sun' escaped, giving the stars the final blow to destroy them. The entire star completely collapsed, the earth was torn apart, and countless flames and starlight burst out from the center of the star, tearing the entire star into countless sizes. Debris shot out across the starry sky.

Among the stars, most of the humans have been rescued, but there are still a small number of hundreds of thousands of humans who are too late to be rescued. At this time, they are being destroyed along with the torn stars.

Liang Ji and others had no choice but to give up on the remaining hundreds of thousands of humans at this time, open the 'Star Gate' and send their respective families back to their natal stars, while they themselves returned to the three starships. , flying away quickly in a starship to avoid suffering the impact of the destruction of the stars.

Standing on the starship, Liang Ji looked at the destroyed stars below, his expression gloomy and ugly.

This is not the first time he has witnessed the destruction of stars. When he was in the black hole of the Yinghai Star Territory, he was already used to seeing the scene of destruction of stars. He even realized and cultivated the first star technique 'Star Breaking Strike', thus completely Master the 'Tao Fruit' and master the power in your natal stars.

However, the destruction of stars he saw at that time were all the destruction of lifeless Death Stars. In order to harvest the source of stars and star treasures, he was even willing to encounter more situations of star destruction. In addition to feeling the destruction of stars, , comprehend the magnificence and destruction in it, and more importantly, look forward to encountering more.

But now, the destruction of stars that I see here again is the destruction of a life star. The life that reproduces in it is still the same human beings like him. Seeing the remaining human beings like ants and dust in the destruction of stars, in the blink of an eye Being submerged, even being unable to make much splash in the destruction of the stars, the feelings and insights involved were naturally very different from the destruction of the Death Star that he had witnessed in the Yinghai Black Hole.

He recalled that in order to study and practice the star technique of 'Shattering Star Strike', he had seen various images and records of the destruction of stars, including the destruction of indigenous stars, including the destruction of indigenous alien races in the stars.

At that time, I already felt and had a deep impact when looking at those images and records. But now I have witnessed the destruction of a star with a large number of human beings living there, and human beings were destroyed along with the star. This kind of impact and feeling is far from those in the original images. , records are comparable.

Life, even human life, is so small and fragile!

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