The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 355 Borrowing the power of the star map

In the vast starry sky, there is darkness and chaos, and the stars flash at the end of the vision.

In this dark and chaotic starry sky, a blood-shrouded sun fled at full speed in the void, flying towards the depths of the star sea.

Behind the bloody sun, five starships rode on the starlight, chasing after them.

Liang Ji and others were standing on these starships at this time, staring at the bloody sun escaping in the distance.

The stars where the 'Pantheon' kept humans captive were destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of humans who were too late to rescue were annihilated as the stars were destroyed. The 'Sun God' escaped with dozens of 'divine crystal' fragments that escaped from the stars. Liang It was naturally impossible for Ji and the others to let him escape.

Therefore, after the star that held humans in captivity was destroyed, Liang Ji and others did not stop at all, and directly boarded five starships to pursue the escaping bloody sun.

However, the sun's flight was like the light of a rainbow. Although the starship Liang Ji and others were riding was quite good, compared to the speed of the sun's flight in front of them, it was still slower. As they followed closely behind, The distance between the two sides is also gradually increasing.

Seeing this, after Yang Yun and other five team captains met and discussed for a while, they jointly made an application to the Star Alliance, hoping to mobilize the power of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" to help them win the escape in front. Escape from the sun.

The entire Thirty-Three Stars Domain of the Star Alliance is shrouded under the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array", and now both they and the escaped bloody sun are still within the Star Alliance's star domain. , naturally it is under the shroud of the "Zhoutian Star Array".

Therefore, at this time, it is natural to mobilize the power of the "Zhoutian Star Formation" to fight against the enemy.

However, the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array' can be said to be the foundation of the Star Alliance's existence. Naturally, it cannot be mobilized just by mobilizing its power. There are also various restrictions.

As the leaders of the action team of the Star Alliance security department such as Yang Yun, the five of them jointly initiated the application and explained the specific reasons. It is possible to get permission from the Star Alliance to mobilize the power of the "Zhoutian Star Formation".

But even so, if the application is approved and you want to mobilize the power of the 'Star Map', you still need to pay a lot of merit.

After all, the 'Zhoutian Star Array' is the foundation of the Star Alliance. Every transfer requires the consumption of its strength and foundation. Naturally, it cannot be used easily. Only by making up for the losses with enough meritorious deeds can it be successful.

Sure enough, the application initiated by Yang Yun and the five others was quickly approved, and Liang Ji and others also saw the amount of merit required to mobilize the power of the 'Star Map'.

Just to deal with a "Sun God" who has reached the fourth level, in fact, it does not require much power to mobilize the "Star Chart", but the merits that need to be consumed are not a small number, but tens of thousands.

After Liang Ji joined the Star Alliance security department, he followed Yang Yun's team to participate in various missions for several years, and his meritorious service so far has not reached tens of thousands.

This time, applying to mobilize the power of the 'Star Map' requires tens of thousands of merits, which shows how huge the consumption is!

Although the merit required is not small, Captain Yang Yun and others agreed without any hesitation. They each sacrificed the 'Star Book' and so on, and had to pay for the merit consumption.

There are five teams and five captains, and evenly divided among them, each person needs to pay tens of thousands of merits.

"Wait a minute, captain." At this time, Qi Hao said, "I will be credited with this achievement."

After hearing this, the rest of the team also reacted and each said: "Yes, Captain, count me in too!"

"How can we kill this evil god without our power?"

Liang Ji remembered what he had seen before, the star was destroyed, and the hundreds of thousands of humans on it were destroyed along with the star.

And what I saw in the stars, the scenes of human beings being held captive by the evil monks of the 'Pantheon', I think of the scenes of them committing suicide and martyring the evil god; I think of the human beings who were rescued into the starship, but there is no joy at all, but all It is fear, despair, and there are even situations where some people constantly want to commit suicide in the starship and make blood sacrifices to the evil gods.

There was only a surge of anger in his heart, and he said in a deep voice: "Count me in!"

Yang Yun looked at the few people and knew what they were thinking. She did not refuse at the moment and nodded in agreement: "Okay."

At the moment, everyone offered sacrifices to the 'Star Book', transferred their merits, and paid for the use of the 'Celestial Star Array'.

Tens of thousands of merits, each of the five teams needs to pay more than 10,000 merits.

Now, when Yang Yun and his team are divided evenly, each person only needs to pay less than 2,000 merit points, which is not much, and they can earn it back in just one or two missions.

Liang Ji didn't know if the other four teams shared the merit expenditure equally like they did. He only saw that shortly after everyone transferred the merits, in the vast starry sky around him, the stars that were originally flashing at the end of his eyes began to rapidly Become shiny, bright, and huge.

It's like the stars in the far distance of the sea of ​​​​stars are flying quickly.

The next moment, in this originally dark and chaotic void, several star projections flew in, and the shining stars formed an extremely simple star map that enveloped the void.

The blood-colored sun escaping in front seemed to know how powerful it was. When the surrounding stars fled, the bright blood-colored sun light already shone and exploded, and blood-colored golden sun spears flew out from it. , bombarding towards the stars projected and flying around.

However, this 'Golden Spear of the Sun', which was once on the stars that trapped humans, was invincible and even destroyed the stars. Now, in this sea of ​​stars and under the 'Celestial Star Array', it is small, fragile and powerful.

The blood-colored 'Golden Sun Spear' shot out had already been swallowed up and annihilated by the burst of starlight from the stars before it hit the surrounding stars.

The blood-shrouded sun still refused to give up after seeing this. Its burst of blood-colored sun light became more and more fierce and bright, gathering and burning in the void in front of it, gradually turning into an illusion and reality, burning with blood-colored and golden flames. The portal gradually opened in the void.

There is no doubt that it is the 'divine gate' outside the same Star Alliance. The Sun God saw that it was difficult to escape, so he did not hesitate to waste his origin to open a portal to the outside world, hoping to escape outside the territory.

Liang Ji stood on the starship and quickly approached the bloody sun. At this time, he seemed to be able to see fragments of 'divine crystals' being burned in the flames in the bloody sun, and screams could be heard from it. It came out, turned into a bright divine light, blended into the blood-colored golden flame of the sun, and injected into the illusionary and real portal.

In order to open the 'God Gate', the 'Sun God' even did not hesitate to destroy dozens of 'divine crystal' fragments harvested from the stars, extracting the original power from them to supply the opening of the 'God Gate'.

And under the injection of these divine lights, blood flames, and golden lights, the illusory and real portal formed by the divine light quickly became solid and real.

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