The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 360 Son of Destiny

Qiuniu City was originally the ancestral land of the Qiuniu family.

Over the years, the Qiu Niu Family has not been suppressed as much as the Yaiju Family. Instead, because the Qiu Niu Family is good at the art of spiritual planting, whether it is the Golden Emperor's lineage or the divided clans, they are all very useful to the Qiu Niu Family. To win over.

Therefore, this Qiu Niu City is not like the decline of the original Yaizhan City, but has always maintained its prosperity.

Even more and more prosperous, the city area continues to expand, and the number of prisoner cattle family members living in the city also continues to grow.

Up to now, Qiuniu City has become one of the largest cities among the Familia clan. It is almost only smaller than the Imperial City of the Jin Kingdom and the Dragon Soul City where the Half-Dragon Familia clan is located. It can be ranked among the Familia clan cities. Rank in the top two or three positions.

But now, each lineage family members are divided, and each of the Nine Sons bloodline family members is king. There is also a strong person in the Qiuniu family members who is king, controlling the power and power within the entire Qiuniu family members.

This Qiu Niu City became the royal city of the Qiu Niu family.

The royal palace is also built in the center of the city, adjacent to the Tiandi Temple.

That night, along with the sound of babies crying, a newborn baby was born in the palace. A bright, transparent blue light bloomed from the newborn baby's body and was about to shoot down into the night sky.

Seeing this, the contemporary Prison Ox King showed a look of shock, and quickly shot out a large green light, and activated the formations and restrictions in the palace to prevent the blue light phenomenon from rushing into the sky.

At the same time, in the Tiandi Temple next to the palace, there was also a divine light shooting out, blocking the palace of the Qi Niu Family, blocking the vision of blue light rising into the sky.

After a while, the vision of the newborn baby blooming with green light began to converge and dissipate.

King Qi Niu looked at the newborn with mixed feelings on his face. At the same time, he immediately sent people to the Tiandi Temple next to the palace to invite the leader of Qi Niu from the Tiandi Sect.

Not long after, the leader of the Prison Niu Cult of the Emperor of Heaven arrived. This was an old prison cow family member with silver horns. After greeting each other with the Prison Ox King, he looked at the newly born newborn, but his face did not look like the Prison Ox King. It was a mixture of joy and sorrow, but a look of joy, and at the same time a little respectful.

After bowing to the newborn, he turned to the Prisoner Ox King and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, this is a Qilin child given by God, just like Emperor Jin Xi was the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven."

"This must be because the Emperor of Heaven couldn't bear to see our people being torn apart and fighting endless wars, so he gave the messenger to end this troubled world and chaos, and lead all the dependent clans to prosperity again."

"This is the blessing of our family members, and it is also the blessing of the prisoner cow family members!"

"From now on, the Qi Niu family will surely be able to move to new heights and become more prosperous under the leadership of this word."

Listening to the congratulations from the leader of Qi Niu, King Qi Niu's face became more and more joyful, and the worry became more obvious. He first thanked the other party for the congratulations, and then sighed: "The Emperor of Heaven favors our Qi Niu clan and is willing to send an envoy. This It is certainly a blessing for us and a great joy!"

"But no matter what, among the ten clans of the family members, our Qinniu clan has always been famous for being good at fighting."

"Today, the world has been divided for a long time, and the various families are at war. How can I defeat the various families and reunify the world with the power of my prisoner Niu family?"

"On the contrary, if the news of the birth of the Heavenly Emperor's messenger in our Prisoner Niu clan is leaked out, I am afraid that our Prisoner Niu family will immediately incur a unanimous crusade from the other Nine Meridians family members. With the power of our Prisoner Niu family clan, it will definitely be irresistible. On the contrary, Dafu is It will turn into a catastrophe, and great joy will turn into great tragedy!”

The more the Prisoner Ox King spoke, the more worried his face became.

This is also the reason why after he discovered that the newborn had a vision, he immediately took action to cover up the vision.

The current situation is not like when Emperor Jin Xi came into the world. The vision of the newborn baby may not bring any benefits to the newborn baby and the prisoner cow family, but it is more likely to bring disaster to the family.

When the leader of Prison Niu heard this, he did not look worried at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "This son is the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven. His mission to clean up the old mountains and rivers and reunite the divided families is the mission given by the Emperor of Heaven! "

"Since the Emperor of Heaven believes that he can unify the family clan again, he will definitely be able to clean up the old mountains and rivers."

"So what if the Prisoner Niu Familia are not good at fighting?"

"In this world, the will of the Emperor of Heaven is the destiny!"

"Destiny cannot be violated! This son will definitely rule the world!"

Immortal Qiu Niu said, his face full of fanatical belief in the Emperor of Heaven, and his belief in the newborn's unification of the world was actually more firm than King Qiu Niu.

Then, he turned to the Prisoner Ox King and said: "What's more, since he is the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, he is naturally the successor of our Pope of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"With the help of my Heavenly Emperor Sect, it won't be difficult for him to unify all the dependent clans!"

Hearing the words of Qi Niu Priest, Qi Niu King couldn't help but shine in his eyes, and his face turned away from worry. He looked at Qi Niu Priest, but he still didn't dare to believe it: "Hasn't your Heavenly Emperor Sect always transcended the family members of each lineage? Do you want to sit back and watch the battles between the various clans?"

"Even if the current Golden Emperor invites you, you, the Heavenly Emperor Sect, are not willing to intervene or help."

"Now, are you really willing to help my son?"

Priest Qi Niu smiled and said: "When Emperor Jin Xi reformed religion, founded the Heavenly Emperor Sect, and established the position of Pope, it was originally the Heavenly Emperor's envoy who held the position."

"When Emperor Jin Xi's life expired, his heroic soul returned to the underworld, and after becoming immortal with the Emperor of Heaven, the descendants of the Golden Emperor were no longer the messengers of the Emperor of Heaven. Therefore, after a few generations, our Heavenly Emperor Sect deprived the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven from the position of pope, and left them to the throne. A highly respected dean from China and Germany is in charge.”

"Since then, the Heavenly Emperor Sect has detached itself from the various clans and the Jin Kingdom. It only promotes and maintains the faith of the Heavenly Emperor and does not interfere in the disputes between the Jin Kingdom and the various clans."

"When 'Daoshan Yajue' was born, assassinated the Golden Emperor, and set off the independence of each family lineage, it has already shown that the Golden Emperor's lineage has lost its destiny, and naturally our Heavenly Emperor Sect will no longer help him."

"But now, the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven has returned to the world, and the destiny of heaven belongs to this son. Naturally, our Heavenly Emperor Sect will follow the rules left by the original reform of Emperor Jin Xi, accept the order of the Emperor of Heaven, regard this son as the pope, and will also help him complete the unification. The mission of the family members.”

After hearing the words of the Immortal, the Prisoner Niu King was completely relieved. The worry on his face disappeared and the joy became more intense. He bowed to the Immortal and said: "In this way, on behalf of my son and the Prisoner Niu family, I would like to thank the Emperor of Heaven." Teach me to help.”

There was no need for the leader of Qi Niu to return the favor. After all, the Qi Niu King in front of him was the physical father of the messenger of the Heavenly Emperor. Even the Heavenly Emperor Sect also needed to respect him.

A few days later, the contemporary pope of the Heavenly Emperor Sect received a message from the leader of the Qi Niu clan, and secretly came to Qi Niu Palace from the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain to meet the son of Qiu Niu King, who had been reincarnated by Qinghun.

He performed some sacrifices and prayed for the son, and completely confirmed his identity as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven'. His face could not conceal his joy. He took out a green wood tablet and put it on the Qinghun Prisoner Ox, saying: "The Emperor of Heaven gave this gift to this son. Name: Wood!”

"This wooden sign was given by the Emperor of Heaven to protect him and help him grow up safely."

As he spoke, the Pope turned to the Prisoner Ox King and said, "When he grows up, he can practice with me in the Holy Land and serve the Emperor of Heaven!"

After receiving the Pope's complete confirmation, the Prison Ox King's face became even more joyful, and he bowed to the Pope and said, "Thank you, Pope."

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