The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 361 Cultivation in the Night Tour Realm

Kunlun Star Palace, Kunlun Mountain, the bright moon is in the sky at this time, and the night is filled with darkness.

Kunlun Mountain is where the Kunlun Star Palace is located. Although it is not a star, the various laws and principles on it are no less than the ninth-level stars. Naturally, there are also sun, moon, stars, day and night, and four seasons.

At this time, in the training room where Liang Ji lived, he activated the formations and restrictions around him. There was an incense burner in front of him, with a stick of incense burning in it, and faint green smoke floated from it, filling the training room.

Liang Ji sat cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes and meditated on the underworld, and in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the "Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth" appeared like an illusion or reality.

His soul had already reached the top of the thirty-three-story pagoda. At this moment, he jumped out of the tower with all his strength. The next moment, he came out of the top of the pagoda. The fine fragrance and green smoke that filled the practice room gathered together and submerged him. In the soul, the soul is growing stronger, and it turns into a layer of green light to protect the soul.

Liang Ji's soul was wandering in the training room, looking down at his physical body. Although his soul had left his body, his physical body was still full of vitality. The surging blood and infinite Qi were still circulating in the physical body. 'Guardian of the Stars' ''s true energy field still surrounds him, guarding his body.

When looking at his own soul, he can see that in addition to the green light protected by the green smoke, there is also a layer of strong incense and faith protection. These are undoubtedly the belief and worship of the 'Emperor' of the dependents in his natal star. , thus prospering incense faith and the power of faith are excellent treasures to nourish, strengthen and protect the soul.

With the power of the family's incense and belief to protect his soul, Liang Ji did not need to prepare other treasures to protect his soul. A fine green smoke was enough.

His soul wandered around the training room, and after adapting to the outside environment, he walked out of the training room and entered the night and environment of Kunlun Mountain.

Although Liang Ji's seventh-grade soul refining practice has reached the realm of "night wandering" long ago, his soul has only been wandering among the stars at night, protected by the power of the stars, the incense of the family and other powers. There is absolutely no difficulty or danger in swimming.

But like now, it is the first time for my soul to travel out of body and night on Kunlun Mountain outside of the natal stars.

He has also been practicing the soul refining stage skills for several years, and has cultivated the third-level natal stars for a long time. Even a third of the underworld has been opened. His soul is strong enough, and the faith and faith of the family members are sufficient. Liang Ji Just now I was able to try night swimming in this physical environment.

His soul escaped from his residence. Under the night, the moonlight fell on his soul, and wisps of lunar power blended into his soul, making his soul feel cool and comfortable, as if the soul Everything has become more transparent and solid.

This feeling was something he didn't have when his soul was wandering at night among the stars of his birth.

The moon above the natal stars is an illusion of the innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian Star Array. Although among the innate spiritual treasures, it can be fake and real, it is still inferior to the real 'Lunar Star'. of.

That is the gap between the illusory Dao Law and the complete and real Dao Law.

At the time of the natal star, the moonlight under the moonlight transformed from the star chart can also nourish, protect and strengthen the soul, but it is far less real and intense than what you feel at this time.

"As expected, the cultivation of the Night Travel Realm during the Soul Refining Stage still requires cultivation among the stars and sacred mountains with complete avenues."

"Only practicing at night among the natal stars, and being protected by the natal stars, although it is safe, it is still short of perfection!"

Liang Ji's thoughts were spinning in his mind.

During his seventh-level soul refining period, he had already entered the Night Travel Realm a few years ago, but his progress in the Night Travel Realm has been quite slow.

His soul is enshrined by the incense and beliefs of thousands of family members in the natal stars, and is also nourished by the power of the natal stars. Even the underworld has opened three levels, but it is still in the night travel realm, and is far away from advancing to the day travel realm. It always feels so far away.

Liang Ji had long suspected that there was something wrong with his practice in the Night Travel Realm.

After checking some courses and information in the Star Palace, I also entered the intranet of Guixian's official website "Underworld" to check some information, and consulted with the instructor.

Liang Ji deduced that the main reason for this was probably that his practice of 'night wandering' had only been among the stars of his natal life, and he had never practiced 'night wandering' in the reality of his body.

Now, for the first time, I tried to practice out-of-body and night-walking practice in the Kunlun Mountains. Sure enough, I immediately felt the difference from practicing night-walking among the natal stars.

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji's soul can travel tens of thousands of miles overnight and travel freely between the cities of the clan with the help of the 'Power of the Emperor of Heaven'.

But at this time, on Kunlun Mountain, after Liang Ji's soul left his residence, in addition to being nourished by the lunar power of the moon in the sky, he also felt the tremendous pressure and restraint of the surrounding heaven and earth. On this Kunlun Mountain, his soul wanted to It is impossible to travel tens of thousands of miles at night, but it feels like it is difficult to move even an inch.

Even Liang Ji clearly felt that in the surrounding darkness, the strong wind and the power of heaven and earth were slowly consuming the protective power of incense, faith, fine fragrance and green smoke around his soul.

When these protective powers are completely consumed by these powers, his soul may also be damaged by the real wind and the power of heaven and earth.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji also temporarily gave up the idea of ​​his soul traveling far away. Instead, he climbed to the highest point of his residence and sat down cross-legged to practice in the soul refining period.

Accepting the infiltration and refinement of the "Power of Taiyin" of the bright moon in the sky, at the same time, I also silently feel the tempering and tempering of the surrounding wind and the power of heaven and earth.

His soul, practicing in the night of Kunlun Mountain, quickly strengthened and solidified.

By the time the power of the incense faith and the fine fragrance and green smoke that protects the soul is almost exhausted, the bright moon in the sky has already hung in the west, and the night will pass.

Liang Ji's soul returned to the secret room and returned to his physical body, feeling that what he had gained from one night's practice was more than what he had gained from practicing at night among the stars for more than ten years.

"Sure enough, the natal stars are still far from comparable to the environment of the avenue above Kunlun Mountain."

A thought passed through Liang Ji's mind. Not long after, the sun rose in the east. Looking at the sunshine blooming in the distance, his heart became brighter and brighter. He finally saw the hope of breaking through the 'Sun Travel Realm'.

For the next few months, Liang Ji stayed in the Kunlun Star Palace, doing various studies during the day, checking various materials, refining demon pills, spiritual seeds, and spiritual materials, developing his natal stars and dependents, and observing the status of the dependents. During the day, the situation develops and the new destiny child "Mu" grows; at night, the soul leaves the body and practices in the night wandering realm.

Only one month later, his soul had adapted to the environment in the Kunlun Mountains and was able to leave his base briefly and travel hundreds of miles around at night.

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