The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 362 The Fusion of Spirit, Qi and Spirit

Kunlun Mountain, on the peak where the Jade Line is located.

Liang Ji's residence was located on the mountainside. His soul left his body and walked out of his residence. He pinched his soul seal under the night. Suddenly, a breeze came from all around, gathered at the feet of his soul, and turned into a strong wind to carry his soul. Riding on the wind, traveling among the mountains at night.

All the way around the mountain peak, Liang Ji's soul had been traveling around the mountain peak at night for several months and was familiar with all the paths. At this time, the soul traveled by the wind without any hesitation.

There are many palaces and pavilions on the mountain peaks of this jade line, and there are also many formations and prohibitions. As a student of the red jade instructor, Liang Ji relied on his identity token to be able to control the formations and formations in these palaces, pavilions, and formations. Walking through it and traveling at night.

Soon, his soul passed through a pine forest and arrived at a mountain col where there was a lake with a pool of spiritual water, and the bright moon was reflected in it.

I don't know whether it is the natural terrain of this place, or whether the seniors of the Yuzi lineage have arranged formations and restrictions here, so that the mountains and lakes reflect the bright moon, and can naturally gather the 'power of the twelfth', and the souls in the lake are full of them. After countless years of infiltration by the 'Power of Taiyin', the water has almost turned into 'Taiyin Spiritual Water'.

Liang Ji also accidentally came here on a night soul tour and discovered this treasure place. It was actually the best place for him to practice soul practice and strengthen his soul.

Therefore, in the next few months, Liang Ji's soul would leave his body at night, and he would travel here at night, where he would be nourished by the rich "power of the lunar yin" and practice the soul of the night wandering realm.

The gains and soul growth gained in a few months are comparable to the efforts of the outside world in several years. If he had only seen the hope of breaking through the 'Sun Travel Realm' before, now, nourished and strengthened by the strong power of the lunar calendar for several months, Liang Ji had already seen the 'Riyou Realm' in front of him, not far away from him.

Liang Ji's soul flew down to the center of the mountain lake on the wind. The bright moon reflected in the lake was under him. His soul sat cross-legged on the moon in the lake, and the bright moon in the sky was above his head.

In this way, in the middle of the double moon, it is the place where the "power of the lunar moon" is the most concentrated and pure among the lakes.

Liang Ji has been practicing here for several months and has already figured out the situation here.

Under the night, the bright moon slowly moves westward in the sky, and the moon shadow reflected in the lake also slowly moves with it.

Liang Ji's soul sits cross-legged on the moon in the lake, as if riding on the 'power of the lunar', moving with the bright moon and the moon in the lake, always between the two moons, enduring the most pure and rich 'power of the lunar' 'Clean and nourish.

After several months of practice, his soul has become very strong and adapted to the strong wind and the power of heaven and earth on Kunlun Mountain. Now even the incense belief and fine incense smoke that protect the soul have been destroyed by the strong wind and the power of heaven and earth. After all the energy was consumed, Liang Ji's soul could still travel at night and practice in the Gangfeng and the power of heaven and earth by its own strength, and even be tempered by the Gangfeng and the power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, now Liang Ji's soul has been able to practice in the night of Kunlun Mountain for a longer time. Until the bright moon has completely set in the west, and the light of dawn has emerged in the eastern sky, his soul has just left this mountain col and lake and returned. abode and return to the physical body.

After practicing for a night, Liang Ji gained a lot. After Liang Ji's soul became stronger, his mastery and operation of the power of flesh and blood, the power of Dantian's true energy, etc. became more and more profound and subtle. Even the true energy field that enveloped his whole body became more and more powerful. The powerful soul becomes stronger under the control and operation, and the operation becomes more detailed and perfect.

In the secret cultivation room, Liang Ji carefully felt that after his soul returned to his body, he had a stronger and more detailed grasp and feeling of the body and Qi. He carefully understood the changes in this moment in his heart and felt the three powers of soul, blood and Qi. The blending, collaboration and operation between them.

The road to the Star Lord is a first-level heavenly immortal. After the seventh-level soul refining, the next level is the sixth-level golden elixir realm.

The golden elixir is the integration of the three powers of essence, qi, and soul practiced in the previous three levels. Only then can it be cast into an immortal golden elixir and advance to the sixth-level golden elixir realm.

Therefore, the understanding of the fit, movement, and blending of the three forces of body, true energy, and soul is particularly important. Every time Liang Ji's soul leaves the body for practice, the moment when he returns and reunites with the physical body and true energy is his exquisite experience. Carefully understand the best moment for the integration and connection of the three powers. Only by understanding and understanding deeply enough can he successfully synthesize the golden elixir later and advance to the sixth-grade golden elixir realm.

Liang Ji naturally did not miss every opportunity and carefully comprehended the changes and feelings.

After a while, the soul was completely integrated into the body, and the process of integrating with blood and true energy fell silent. Liang Ji also ended this realization and opened his eyes.

At this time, the light in his eyes flickered, and his eyes were bright, as if there were two points of light burning like fire in the depths of his eyes, and like two bright moons emerging in the depths of his eyes.

This is exactly how Liang Ji's soul power has increased greatly during the past few months of his soul wandering and practicing. It even increased so much that it was difficult to restrain the vision for a while.

After a while, these light visions subsided, and Liang Ji used the 'Star Book' to check the situation in the natal stars.

Among the stars, the two large formations of pagodas and wandering dragons are always moving with the power of the stars, helping the stars to refine demon pills, as well as various spiritual roots and spiritual seeds.

Originally, Liang Ji's natal star reached the third level, and the time flow rate on it reached up to ten years per day. In daily life, it only took a few years. In reality, it often takes about a month to refine a third-level demon pill.

But now, with the help of the star formation, the speed at which the natal stars can refine third-order demon pills has been doubled. It only takes ten days to refine a third-order demon pill.

At this time, according to Liang Ji's calculation, it was the time when Lieutenant General Xingchen finished refining the last demon pill.

He checked it through the 'Star Book' and found that it was indeed the case. He then took a demon elixir from the third-order Camel Mountain Camel Demon and sent it into the natal star through the 'Star Book'.

With a dragon roar, the dragon soul entwining the stars swallowed and refined the demon pill, and then sent it into the natal star to slowly digest and grow its spiritual veins.

Liang Ji looked at the remaining third-order camel demon pills, and there were already less than ten pills. It seemed that it would be necessary to go to the black hole of the Manggu Star Territory to hunt for new third-order camel demon pills.

"But before that, we may be able to reunify the Familia and raise the combat power of the Familia to a higher level. Then it will be easier to hunt demon pills."

Liang Ji changed his mind and turned his mind to the stars of his destiny, looking towards the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

He spent several months practicing in the Kunlun Mountains where his soul left his body and practiced at night. Hundreds of years have passed on the natal star. The new son of destiny, Mu, has already grown up and has been practicing in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain and the Tiandi Sect for many years.

Now, a grand sacrificial ceremony is being held in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain. The son of destiny, ‘Mu’, is taking over the scepter from the old pope and becoming the new pope of the Celestial Emperor Sect of the Familia.

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