The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 364 The Golden Emperor forced the palace

In the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, the Golden Emperor worshiped the 'Golden Emperor Temple' and paid homage to his ancestor 'Emperor Jin Xi'. The activity of climbing the holy mountain and visiting the Pope was publicized in a very high-profile manner, attracting the attention of the dependents from all walks of life. .

Around the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, among the peaks of various tribes such as Qi Niu Peak, Chaofeng Peak, and Jiaju Peak, there are important figures from various tribes sitting there, not only to practice inheritance here in Longshou Mountain Holy Land, but also to show that The belief and reverence of the dependents of all lines towards the Emperor of Heaven and the Celestial Emperor Religion.

At the same time, it is also to maintain the relationship between the various clans and the Celestial Emperor Sect.

After all, the Celestial Emperor Sect is in charge of the faith of the dependents. It has always stood outside the dependents of each lineage and watched the battles of the dependents of each lineage. However, the Celestial Emperor Sect has a huge influence among the various clans, and controls many key forces such as the Star Formation, the Guardian Legion, the inheritance of various colleges, and so on.

However, the dependent families of all branches have no choice but to not dare not to make good friends with the Heavenly Emperor Sect, and have always maintained close ties.

At this time, the Golden Emperor's high-profile mountain climbing and worshiping activities have attracted the attention of all the family members from all around, and it can be considered that it has achieved its purpose.

At the same time, the Golden Emperor and his entourage always acted in accordance with the rules and worship etiquette of the Tiandi Sect, so that the Tiandi Sect and Pope Mu had no right to organize, and could only receive them with corresponding etiquette and specifications.

After all the sacrifices and obeisances were over, the Golden Emperor paid homage to Pope Mu.

But after seeing the Golden Emperor and Pope Mu's greeting, his expression turned compassionate, and he raised his voice and said: "Your Majesty the Pope, ever since that sinful soul Yaju boldly assassinated the ancestors of my Golden Emperor lineage, it caused turmoil in the world. The dependent clan has been independent and fighting endlessly for more than two thousand years!"

"In the past two thousand years, there has never been a year of peace and stability. Every year, there are battles and killings between the various clans."

"In the midst of this fighting and turmoil, how many warriors from the clan have no choice but to die on the battlefield, how many parents have lost their children, how many wives have lost their husbands, and how many children have lost their parents because of this!"

As the Golden Emperor spoke, the expression of compassion on his face became more and more intense, and there was even a cry of sorrow, as if he felt the turmoil, death, injury, and misery of countless families of all families for so many years.

In this holy land of Longshou Mountain, there are always many family members from all walks of life coming to worship from thousands of miles away. People from all family members gather here every day.

Today, because of the Golden Emperor's massive mountain climbing and worship activities, more family members came to watch.

At this time, the words of the Golden Emperor seemed to arouse a lot of resonance among these dependents. There were actually many sounds of weeping, praise, and prayers to the Emperor of Heaven, responding to the Mercy of the Golden Emperor. words.

As the Golden Emperor spoke, he bowed to the statue of the Emperor of Heaven and continued:

"The Emperor of Heaven is merciful and opened up this world to support our family members!"

"We, the dependents, should really live happily, peacefully and without worries in this world, instead of continuing to be divided, chaotic and warlike like now."

"How many families from all walks of life are killed or injured on the battlefield every year?"

"This is definitely something the benevolent Emperor of Heaven would not want to see!"

As he spoke, he turned to Pope Mu and said: "Pope Mu, you are the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven in the human world. The Emperor of Heaven helps the Emperor of Heaven to shepherd our dependents. You should understand the kindness of the Emperor of Heaven."

Pope Mu looked at the Golden Emperor and then at the many dependents gathered in the Holy Land Square.

Among the various families, there are already a large number of people who are fanatical about their belief in the Emperor of Heaven. They come from all over the country every year to worship at the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

After the Jin Kingdom was divided and various clans became independent and wars continued, the number of clans who came to worship at the Longshou Mountain Holy Land every year became even greater.

Many of them have suffered deeply from the wars of various clans, and their family members and relatives were killed or injured in the wars. Therefore, they come to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain to worship, pray for peace, and pray for the safety of their families and relatives, etc.

Therefore, the words of the Golden Emperor at this time were able to resonate among the onlookers of the pilgrims and family members, and gained the support of many pilgrims and family members.

As for Pope Mu, he had already speculated on the purpose of the Golden Emperor's trip.

At that moment, Pope Mu also announced the title of Emperor of Heaven and said loudly: "The Emperor of Heaven is kind and will never see his family and people trapped in wars and deaths."

"God is merciful!"

“Pope has mercy!”

The Golden Emperor immediately put an end to the conversation, bowed to the statue of the Emperor of Heaven, and then bowed to the Pope Wood, and raised his voice:

"The families of the world have been suffering from divisions and wars for a long time! We have long been looking forward to reunifying the world and returning to peace, so as to avoid the pain of divisions and wars!"

"And my Golden Emperor lineage is a royal family recognized by the Emperor of Heaven, an emperor who has led the family members to peace and unification since ancient times!"

"The world has fallen into the current state of division and war. I, the Golden Emperor, should bear the greatest responsibility and the most sorrow."

"Of course, I have to accept the great responsibility given by heaven! I, the Golden Emperor, are willing to reorganize the mountains and rivers, unify the families of all branches, end the divisions and wars of more than two thousand years, and end the sorrow of many family members who died in the war, so that the war that should have been fought can be ended. The dead family members of all lines return to their families, to their parents, wives, and children, and to return a peaceful and happy Golden Kingdom to all family members in the world!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is merciful! The Pope is merciful!" The Golden Emperor said and bowed to Pope Mu again, and raised his voice: "I also ask the Pope and the Emperor of Heaven to help me fulfill this great wish, and return peace, tranquility, and freedom to all dependent families. A world of war and sacrifice!”

After saying that, he fell to the ground.

Behind the Golden Emperor, the officials, ministers, attendants, Jin Wu guards who followed the Golden Emperor, and even many powerful people and powerful warriors in the half-dragon family members also bowed one after another. The Golden Emperor raised his voice and said: "The Emperor of Heaven is merciful! The Pope is merciful! Have mercy on my family members who have suffered from divisions and wars for many years. Please help His Majesty the Golden Emperor to unify the mountains and rivers again!"

Before he finished speaking, behind Pope Mu, among the people of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, the patriarch who was born in the Half-Dragon family also led a group of priests, priests, etc. to bow down in front of the Heavenly Emperor Temple and Pope Mu. He stepped forward and raised his voice: "Please ask the Holy Father to take pity on the suffering of the family members and help the Golden Emperor end the division and end the war!"

Mu Pope stood at the top, watching the actions of the Golden Emperor and his ministers and entourage, and watching the actions of the half-dragon leader leading everyone out. There was not much surprise on his face, as if he had already known this. known.

He looked up again and looked at the many pilgrims and family members surrounding him.

Sure enough, when they saw the actions of the Golden Emperor and the half-dragon leader, many of the pilgrims and family members who were watching around immediately began to take the lead in bowing down and raised their voices: "The Emperor of Heaven is merciful! The Pope is merciful! Please be merciful!" Help His Majesty the Golden Emperor end this troubled world! End our misery!"

Many of the pilgrims and family members who were watching around had already sympathized with the Golden Emperor's words. Now, under the leadership of these leaders, the sympathies became deeper, and they all followed suit and bowed their heads and raised their voices in greeting.

In the blink of an eye, most of the family members who were watching in the Longshou Mountain Holy Land Square had already bowed down and raised their voices in greeting.

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