The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 365 The Beginning of Mu’s Journey

Liang Ji's natal star, on the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, the contemporary Golden Emperor brought many pilgrims in the Holy Land to worship, extort confessions, and ask Pope Mu and the Emperor of Heaven to help him unify and end the two thousand years of troubled times of the family members. sorrow.

Pope 'Mu' stood on the high platform, and with the special bloodline obtained from the reincarnation of his green soul, he could clearly sense the surging faith and power of faith under the worship of the pilgrims in the holy land.

The waves were turbulent and hesitant, even shaking his soul.

This is the silence and gathering of the pain, sorrow, resentment and other forces of countless family members who have died, sacrificed, and been separated during the two thousand years of divisions and wars among the family members.

Qinghun Mu and Pope Mu realized more and more at this time that the clan could no longer continue to be divided and war-torn. It was time to reunify, and they also had a deeper feeling and understanding of their missions.

After pronouncing the title of Emperor of Heaven, the pope also showed mercy on his face. He bowed respectfully to the many pilgrims in the Holy Land Square and said in a loud voice: "The family has been divided for more than two thousand years, and the world has been in chaos and disputes. Every day, members of the family die in battle and sacrifice, and it’s time to reunify to relieve the suffering of the family members in the world.”

After listening to Pope Mu's words, the Golden Emperor, who was kneeling at the front, couldn't help but feel happy on his face.

"What about the Celestial Emperor Sect? What about the Pope?"

"It's not about surrendering to the people's will!"

"Even the Emperor of Heaven who has always been in legend..." A thought came to the mind of the Golden Emperor: "Isn't it also promoted by the thoughts of all living beings?"

"You should also surrender to the faith of all sentient beings!"

The Jin Emperor's prostrated figure couldn't help but raise his head slightly, looking towards the Pope Wood on the high platform with a smile on his face, and towards the tall statue of the Emperor of Heaven behind him. Many thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind.

"I should rely on public opinion to make orders..."

However, before many of his thoughts were settled, he saw Pope Mu on the high platform looking down at him. There was no trace of worry or fear on his face, but a sarcastic smile.

It seems to be laughing at him!

The Golden Emperor was angry, but now was not the time to explode, so he could only suppress it.

At this time, Pope Mu on the high platform had already raised his voice and continued: "The Emperor of Heaven is merciful and cannot bear to see the dependents continue to be divided and fight, so he has passed down an oracle, instructing us, the Emperor of Heaven, to help the dependents reunite. , restore peace to the world and end this war and strife."

Pope Mu's words immediately caused many shouts of exclamation from the many dependents gathered in the Holy Land, as well as the various dependents in the surrounding peaks.

Some of these exclamations include surprise, astonishment, anger, and unwillingness.

After all, the Familia clan has been divided for more than two thousand years. For most Familia clans, although there have been constant wars and heavy casualties, most Familia clans want to end this division and war and usher in peace and unity again.

However, there are also some dependent families who have taken advantage of this situation of division and war and gained many rights, interests and benefits. In particular, the royal families of various dependent families are undoubtedly the ones who have benefited the most.

For these dependents who have benefited from divisions and wars, they are naturally unwilling to let the divisions and wars end, and not to be reconciled to the reunification and peace of the dependents.

That will undoubtedly mean that the power, positions, interests, etc. they gained during the division and war will be eliminated with the arrival of peace and reunification.

These people are naturally frightened, angry and unwilling.

However, these voices of shock, anger, and unwillingness were quickly drowned out by the many surprises and cheers from up and down the Holy Land.

After all, the dependents who have benefited from division and war are only a minority. The majority have suffered and suffered from division and war, and want to end division and war as soon as possible.

Under the high platform, the Golden Emperor had already stood up, looking up at the Pope Wood above the high platform, the smile of victory on his face became more and more obvious.

"But!" At this time, Pope Mu also lowered his head and looked at the Golden Emperor below. He changed the topic and said with a cold light in his eyes: "The Jin Kingdom led by your Golden Emperor lineage has been destroyed by the Daoshan Mountain more than two thousand years ago. If the Lord of Hell 'cuts and divides it, he has lost his destiny!"

"Now, although the world should be reunited, it will not be re-unified by your Golden Emperor lineage!"

The Pope's merciless words were like a thunderbolt hitting the Golden Emperor's head, smashing the smile on his face and suppressing many exclamations and cheers in the Holy Land. Everyone looked at the Golden Emperor and looked at Toward the Pope Wood on the high platform.

At this time, the Golden Emperor looked very ugly. He stared at the Pope Wood on the stage and said in a deep voice: "You mean 'The Lord of Hell on Sword Mountain'?"

"That's right!" Pope Mu nodded directly, attacking the opponent again and suppressing the reputation of the Golden Emperor, saying: "The assassination of the Golden Emperor set off the suppression of sinful souls that preluded the split of the family members. After the life span, the soul returned to the underworld. In the name of the Emperor of Heaven, become the 'Lord of Sword Mountain Hell'!"

"From now on, the Sword Mountain Hell has a master who will reaffirm the souls who were sent to the Sword Mountain Hell!" He said, looking at some of the patriarchs and priests in the Celestial Emperor Sect, and then at the Golden Emperor and some officials below, and said : "In the future, you must be rigorous and conscientious in enforcing the law and conducting trials, and there must be no unjust, false or wrong cases, or sending the wronged souls to hell!"

"Otherwise, the Lord of the Hell of Sword Mountain will vindicate the wronged soul, and after your life is over, your soul will return to the underworld, but you will inevitably be invited to go to hell."

Listening to Pope Mu's words, the expressions of many people in the Heavenly Emperor Sect, as well as many officials from the dependent clans below, changed slightly, ranging from pondering, to panic, to regret.

"Impossible!" At this time, among the people present, the reaction of the Golden Emperor was undoubtedly the most intense. He raised his head and looked at the Pope's tree and the statue of the Emperor of Heaven, and said angrily: "That sinful soul Yazui dared to assassinate the Golden Emperor. This is an act of rebellion! My lineage, the Golden Emperor, is the bloodline and descendant of the messenger of the Heavenly Emperor, and is the representative of the Heavenly Emperor. His assassination of the Golden Emperor is an act of blasphemy!"

"What's more, he split the Jin Kingdom, and the divisions, wars, and casualties among the families of the world for more than two thousand years were all started by him!"

"He is a sinner among the people in the world! A blasphemous sinner! A rebel!"

"How can such a person be recognized by heaven and earth as the lord of the hell on the mountain of swords?"

"Pope!" The Golden Emperor shouted angrily, looked at the Pope on the stage, and said in a deep voice: "This is a false oracle, an insult to my Golden Emperor's lineage! An insult to my ancestor, Emperor Jin Xi!"

"Bold!" On the high platform, the Pope shouted in a deep voice. Thunder exploded in the sky, winds and clouds surged, thunder and fire rolled, and other strange phenomena appeared. It seemed that the Emperor of Heaven was angry. He stared at the Golden Emperor and said in a deep voice. : "The Heavenly Emperor Sect was established by the reform of His Majesty the Emperor Jinxi, the envoy of the Heavenly Emperor. All the disciples in the sect serve the Heavenly Emperor wholeheartedly. The Heavenly Emperor can learn from this! How can I allow you to slander me!"

In the Holy Land, many onlookers and pilgrims looked at the vision manifested in the sky. At this time, they also prostrated themselves on the ground, chanting the name of the Emperor of Heaven, shouting for miracles, and at the same time expressing their gratitude to the gods. The pope showed more and more reverence for the strange signs.

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