The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 367 Vision and Failure to Worship

"The dimness of the golden seal means that your Golden Emperor lineage has lost its destiny and is unable to inherit the throne of the emperor. Naturally, it also has no destiny to unify the family members!"

Pope Mu stood on the high platform, completely knocking the Golden Emperor's lineage to dust, and raised his voice:

"The Emperor of Heaven moves the way, and this destiny never lies within one family!"

"Tens of thousands of years ago, Emperor Jin Xi received the destiny and unified the dependent clan under the command of the Emperor of Heaven. Now, the way of heaven is moving, and a new destiny has come to the world. Under the command of the Emperor of Heaven, he has ended this troubled world, reunited the dependent clan, and brought peace and tranquility to the dependent clan. !”

Pope Mu said, a green light began to appear on his body, and the immeasurable green light soared into the sky, dyeing the Holy Land Emperor, just like the vision of golden light soaring into the sky when Emperor Jin Xi was born.

At the same time, winds and clouds surged in the sky, thunder and fire stirred, and various visions appeared, as if the heaven and earth were celebrating and welcoming the new son of destiny to the stage.

On the highest peak of the Longshou Mountain Holy Land, Liang Ji's natal spiritual weapon, the sacred weapon pagoda that was revered and worshiped by the family members in the era, was also buzzing and vibrating at this time, as if the sound of bells and bells was coming from it.

A large area of ​​black and yellow light shines up from the pagoda, rushes up into the air, falls down, and lands on the Pope Wood, as if a black and yellow canopy has been added to it.

The various visions are no less similar to the various visions recorded in family history books and religious Bibles when Emperor Jin Xi came to the world.

Most of the many dependents present and the various dependents in the surrounding mountain peaks have received instruction from the various dependents’ academies, and have read the history books and religious bibles of the dependents, and have learned about the events recorded in them when Emperor Jin Xi came to the world. All visions are full of understanding.

At this time, I saw the visions that appeared on Pope Mu's body, as well as the various visions of the harmony of heaven, earth, and the sacred artifact pagoda. These dependents and dependents of all lines did not know the new destiny mentioned by Pope Mu. His son is himself.

This is also the Pope Wood. Hundreds of years after he was born into the Qi Niu Family and was hidden from all kinds of visions, he ascended to the position of Pope, took charge of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, and had the Qi Niu Family behind him to support him. He finally had enough He must have the strength and confidence to let go of the vision of the Son of Destiny, and openly explain that he is the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven and the Son of Destiny, instead of covering up the vision, hiding his name, and growing cautiously like before.

"Emperor of Heaven!"

"Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"It's destiny!"

"Long live!"

On the Holy Land Square, with the confrontation between Pope Mu and the Golden Emperor, more and more families came to watch this rare confrontation.

At this time, these dependents saw the visions on the Pope's tree and the visions in heaven and earth. The pilgrims who had already prostrated themselves became more enthusiastic and cheered; and the dependents who had not yet prostrated themselves all prostrated themselves one after another. Under the vision, the name of the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Emperor's messenger Pope Zongmu was cheered.

On Liang Ji's natal star, when the first member of the family to awaken their spiritual veins and wisdom was born, Liang Ji named it 'Xi' and began the construction of religion and belief. After hundreds of thousands of years of development, the belief in the Emperor of Heaven was It has long been integrated into the blood and souls of these dependents.

Therefore, the Pope simply let go of his own vision of the Heavenly Emperor's messenger and was recognized by the Heavenly Emperor. He immediately received the recognition, worship and cheers of the vast majority of the dependents present.

Just this moment, the people’s hearts will return!

Under the high platform, the Golden Emperor looked at the golden seal on his hand. The golden light in it was extremely dim, which seemed to mean that the destiny and the people's hearts had left him and the Golden Emperor's lineage.

The Golden Emperor calmed down at this time. He put away the dimmed golden seal, stood under the high platform, and looked at the Pope Wood above the high platform.

Previously, the Pope had never revealed his identity as the Heavenly Emperor's envoy. In order for the Pope to support him and the Heavenly Emperor Sect to reunify the clans, the Golden Emperor bowed under the high platform.

But at this time, as Pope Mu continued to attack his Golden Emperor's lineage and showed his identity as the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, he had completely come to the opposite side of the Golden Emperor's lineage.

Therefore, the Golden Emperor stood with his head held high at the bottom instead of prostrating himself like many of the family members in the surrounding square.

This represents his Golden Emperor lineage and does not recognize the identity of Pope Mutian Emperor's envoy and the son of destiny.

But the Golden Emperor did not kneel, and many officials behind him, including the strong men of the Half-Dragon Family, the Jinwu Guards, etc., all hesitated. On one hand, they had always been loyal and believing in the Golden Emperor's lineage, and on the other hand, they were loyal to the Celestial Emperor's religion. Zong, the new messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, the son of destiny, this choice really makes it difficult for many people to make a decision.

After a moment of hesitation, among the officials, half-dragon dependents, and Jinwu guards who followed the Golden Emperor, some of them began to kneel down and bow down, expressing their surrender to the Pope Wood and the Heavenly Emperor's envoy on the high platform.

In the end, more than half of the dependents who followed the Golden Emperor chose to prostrate themselves and surrender.

The dominance of religious beliefs over the souls of the dependents, the belief in the Emperor of Heaven, the reverence and surrender to the envoys of the Emperor of Heaven, etc., can be seen at this time.

However, no matter how strong the ruling power or profound the faith is, it is impossible to completely rule the hearts and souls among these tens of millions of dependents. Naturally, it is inevitable that there will be dependents who are unwilling to surrender and bow down.

If the Golden Emperor doesn't worship, nearly half of his followers behind him don't worship as well; and among the surrounding mountain peaks, there are even more powerful people, royal families, vested interests, etc. who belong to various clans!

They dare not oppose the Emperor of Heaven, but they dare to oppose Pope Mu, even if he is the envoy of the Emperor of Heaven.

This is no longer the time tens of thousands of years ago when Emperor Jin Xi came into the world.

At that time, not long after the Familia advanced to the third level, there were not many people who could gather their souls. It was just when they were entering civilization from ignorance, Emperor Jinxi came to the world as the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, and led the ignorant Familia into the civilization that established the country. Naturally, it was It received almost unanimous support from the entire family.

Moreover, even at that time, there were still opponents and those who competed with Emperor Jin Xi. Otherwise, there would not be those sinful souls who were sent to the Hell of Knife Mountain by Emperor Jin Xi, and there would not be today's Hell of Knife Mountain. host'.

It’s just that there were relatively few opponents and contenders at that time.

But now, after tens of thousands of years of development, the third-level dependents who have condensed their souls have developed for more than ten generations. Now, the number of third-level dependents among the dependents has exceeded hundreds of thousands.

The third-level dependents condensed their souls and gave them more spirituality, wisdom, and even creativity, but it also gave them more ambitions, thoughts, desires, etc.

Therefore, among the dependents today, there will only be more and stronger people who do not want to bow down to Pope Mu, the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, and who want to oppose Pope Mu to unify the family and control the world.

And this is also the reason why when the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven came into the world, King Qi Niu and the leader of the Qi Niu clan had to cover up his vision, so that the vision of the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven could not bloom until now.

After tens of thousands of years of development, there are more and more third-level families that have condensed their souls, and the hearts of the family members have long since changed!

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