The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 368 Conquering the Jiajuan clan

Above Liang Ji's natal star, a meteor streaked across the starry sky.


The dragon soul wrapped around the stars raised its head and let out a dragon roar, swallowed the falling meteor, refined it and planted it into the natal star.

This is another demon elixir for the third-level Camel Mountain Demon.

His natal star has already refined another third-level demon elixir. At this time, the new demon elixir is planted into the natal star. The great formation covering the earth above the star is moving, and the elemental spiritual veins intersecting vertically and horizontally are like array patterns. The power of the incense and faith of the dependent clans spread everywhere is continuously injected into the formation, urging the formation to rotate with the stars.

Under the operation of this grand formation, the third-order demon elixir planted in the stars was broken, and the power of the demon elixir was refined and integrated into the star spiritual veins, increasing the strength of the third-order spiritual veins. Among them, the dark demon elixir was The soul was refined into strands of soul power, which sank under the Nine Earths and merged into the newly formed underworld under the third layer of underworld.

This fourth layer of underworld has now taken shape by devouring the power of the demon souls in nearly ten demon pills and integrating the power of souls left by the countless deaths of the family members over the past thousands of years.

At this time, the bright moon was shining above the stars and the night was getting dark.

Liang Ji's soul appeared on the top floor of the natal spiritual weapon and the sacred weapon pagoda.

This sacred artifact pagoda has been cultivated with the power of the stars for hundreds of thousands of years. Countless families have believed and worshiped, and countless incense beliefs and beliefs have been integrated into it. With the expansion of the stars and the growth of spiritual veins, it has also continued to grow. increase.

Up to now, it has exceeded the height of all the peaks in the stars, like a jade pillar supporting the sky and the earth.

Liang Ji's soul stood on the top of the tower, raising his hands as if he could pick up the bright moon and stars hanging high in the sky, and lowering his head to overlook the entire kingdom of the clan.

Overlooking the world, coupled with his control over the entire star Dao Fruit and star power, Liang Ji's mind and intention can understand most of what is happening in the family members at this time.

As if omniscient, as if omnipotent!

It already looks a bit like a real god or emperor.

At this moment, Liang Ji's soul turned his eyes and saw that in the direction of King Yajue's city, Pope Mu Zheng was leading the dean of the church and the defense force to visit King Yajue.

Several months have passed since the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, where the Golden Emperor forced the palace with the will of the people and was destroyed by the Pope's tree, instantly blooming with the vision and brilliance of the messenger of the Heavenly Emperor. Above the stars, several months have passed.

Although Pope Mu had a vision, showing his identity as the messenger of the Heavenly Emperor, he was recognized and respected by most of the dependents.

However, among the various clans, represented by the royal family, those with vested interests who profited from the split and wars among the clans, apart from the Qi Niu clan who was born in Mu, there are only other clans that recognize him as the messenger of the Heavenly Emperor. identity, and even express surrender and follow him.

Therefore, although Pope Mu defeated the Golden Emperor at the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, he still faced numerous obstacles in reunifying the dependent clans, and the biggest obstacle among them was undoubtedly the royal families of various dependent clans.

For this reason, after Pope Mu reorganized the Heavenly Emperor Sect within a few months, he chose to come to the city of King Yaju to prepare to talk with King Yaju.

He was confident and persuaded King Yaju to lead the Yaju tribe to join him. And as long as the powerful Yaizhen clan joins in, coupled with the economic and financial support of the Qiu Niu clan who are good at spiritual planting and management, as well as the power of the Heavenly Emperor's religion and the righteousness and honorary support of the Heavenly Emperor's envoys, the Pope will not be able to do anything. He is absolutely sure to regain the old mountains and rivers and unify the divided clan.

As for spending several months reorganizing the Tiandi Sect, it is undoubtedly necessary.

When the Golden Emperor used public opinion to force him to convict, the leader of the Celestial Emperor Sect, who was from the half-dragon family, led some priests and priests to stand up for the Golden Emperor and join him in forcing him to convict.

Now, since he has defeated and suppressed the Golden Emperor, those beings in the Celestial Emperor Sect who have taken refuge in the Golden Emperor have naturally become objects that the Pope needs to clean up and rectify.

The messengers of the Emperor of Heaven are never only kind, but also have thunderous wrath!

Back then, Emperor Jin Xi would send those who opposed him into the Hell of Sword Mountain to ensure the completion of his mission, unify the family members, and establish a country.

Now, as the new messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, Mu naturally has no shortage of such thunderous means.

He rectified the Heavenly Emperor Sect and directly sent these 'rebels' into the 'Glorious Hell' in the Yaquan underworld to suppress them.

Emperor Jin Xi is the reincarnation of the golden soul baptized by Jin Dechi. After completing his destiny mission, he will be the destined master of the Fengquan underworld. He can drive the enemy into the "Knife Mountain Hell" in the Fengquan underworld.

He, Mu, is also the reincarnation of the green soul baptized by Mu Dechi. As long as he completes his destiny mission, he will be the destined Lord of the Yaquan underworld, and he will naturally be able to drive his enemies into the "Withering Hell" of the Yaquan underworld.

After punishing the traitors with thunderous means, the Pope gained complete control over the power of the Celestial Emperor Sect, and was able to safely seek more support from the outside. Therefore, he led his team to Yajue City to negotiate with King Yajue.

Liang Ji's soul stood on the high tower and looked in the direction of Yajue City. He could clearly see that in the palace of Yajue, Pope Mu Zheng and King Yajue were facing each other, seemingly fighting together.

The Yajuan clan belongs to the metal and has always been known for its warlike nature. Even the guilty soul of Daoshan was reincarnated into the Yajuan clan and became the being who assassinated the Golden Emperor, broke the unification of the Jin Kingdom, and kicked off this troubled world.

Therefore, even if the Pope is absolutely sure of conquering King Yaju and the Yaju clan, this confrontation and battle is still inevitable.

The Yaju clan only submits to the strong, and King Yaju is the best among them.

Liang Ji's soul watched the battle between the two from afar. Pope Muwei was reincarnated as a green soul and was reborn in the Niu family. His bloodline, magical powers, and combat power all belonged to the Mu element. He was not good at fighting. It was even restrained by the power of the Golden Element of the Yajuan Clan.

However, because of his position as the Pope and his status as the messenger of the Heavenly Emperor, his practice is not only the inheritance of the Niu Family, but also the more profound and powerful inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, and he can be blessed by the power of the stars, heaven and earth with every move he makes. .

Even at critical moments, he can attract the help of the Heavenly Emperor through sacrifices, and he even has the 'code', 'scepter' and other spiritual weapons and treasures that have been passed down by the Heavenly Emperor's religion for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, in the battle between Pope Mu and King Yaju, he was not at a disadvantage, but gradually gained the upper hand.

Even though King Jaiju has a ‘golden sword’ in his hand, he is not the Sinful Soul of Daoshan, so it is difficult for the ‘golden sword’ to exert its full power in his hands.

Liang Ji's soul could see that in the palace of King Yaju, Pope Mu had already brought the general trend of heaven and earth to completely suppress and defeat King Yaju.

In terms of personal combat power, Mu, as the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, is not afraid of anyone in the family.

All he lacks is that his men are strong enough and have enough fighting power.

But now, having subdued the Yajuan Familia, he has completely made up for his biggest flaw, and can now embark on the right track to realize his destiny of reunifying the Yajuan Familia.

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