The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 373 Beheading to establish authority

Outside the King's City, under the blessing of Pope Mu, the power of the battle formation composed of the Yazhan Army and the Prisoner Niu Army was increased a hundred times.

The formed Baxia Legion sent by the King of Baxia was directly attacked by the Yajuan Legion with just one attack. The golden sword slashed down and the mountain of knives suppressed it, destroying the battle formation of the Baxia Legion. Almost half of the Baxia warriors were seriously injured and killed on the spot. .

On the side of the Prisoner Niu Legion, the 'Ten Thousand Woods Battle Formation' was formed. With the blessing of the Pope Wood, countless plants and trees quickly climbed and spread among the giant shadows of the mountains that were suppressed on the Baxia King's City, and soon climbed up the mountains. At the top, the giant shadow of the entire mountain is dyed green.

Countless grass and tree roots took root in the giant mountain shadow, tearing, destroying, and shattering, suppressing the Baxia Royal City. The mountain giant shadow guarding the entire royal city was suddenly torn apart and shattered by the countless grass and trees.

Continuous roars and explosions came from the city. It was the large formation arranged by the Baxia Familia in the city that was affected by the collapse of the mountain, causing a large-scale collapse and explosion.

The protective formation of Baxia Royal City was destroyed on the spot.

"Yaijuan Army!"

"The Skitarii Corps!"

"Enter the city!"

Pope Mu gave another order, leaving the Prisoner Cow Legion still outside, continuing to control and destroy the great formation in Baxia Royal City, while he himself set up a blue light, entered the Guardian Legion, and led Two good-fighting legions invaded Baxia Royal City.

In the palace in the city, King Ba Xia's expression changed drastically when he saw that the legion he sent out was defeated with just one blow. When he saw that the giant mountain shadow guarding the city was shattered and the city defense formation was broken, he was even more direct. Collapsed to the ground.

"Defend the enemy! Defend the enemy!"



In the palace, some Baxia officials, generals, and royal family members are still trying to organize new teams to resist the legions that invade the city and protect Baxia Palace.

However, the Baxia family members in the city showed no intention of resisting the Pope Mu who invaded the city. Basically, the two legions entered various parts of the city, and the overlords and family members in the city all looked down upon the wind.

Originally, Pope Mu, as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven', had already received the support and recognition of these ordinary Overlord's dependents. Only because the Overlord King was unwilling to surrender, he had just coerced all the Overlord's dependents in the city to fight against him.

Now, seeing that the city defense formation was broken, Baxia's legion was defeated, and the outcome of Baxia King's defeat was determined. Naturally, all the Baxia family members in the city no longer wanted to follow the Baxia King and surrendered to Pope Mu and his legions one after another.

In this way, the pope sent out a legion of protective missions to various parts of Baxia City to receive surrenders and take over all parts of Baxia City.

And he himself led the Yazhen Army directly to the Baxia Palace in the center of the city.

There is a protective formation here in Baxia Palace, but it is far inferior to the city defense formation. It can only barely attract the shadow of a mountain hundreds of feet high to suppress it on the palace.

Seeing Pope Zongmu leading the Yazhuang Army to attack, the Baxia family members in the palace wanted to make a final resistance, and directly moved the hundreds of feet of mountains above the palace to bombard and suppress the Yazhuang Army and Pope Mu.

The green and yellow manifested behind Pope Mu raised his hand and shed a piece of green light, which fell on the Yajuan Army. The 'Golden Sword Battle Formation' started to move again. The immeasurable sword energy condensed the golden sword and manifested the power of the mountain of swords, directly Slashed on top of the suppressed Baizhang Mountain.

Amidst the loud roar, the 100-foot mountain was cut and shattered on the spot.

The protective formation of Baxia Palace was immediately broken, and the palace was breached. Pope Zongmu led the Yajuan clan into Baxia Palace.

Seeing the end of the road, many high-ranking officials, generals, and royal family members in the palace asked the Pope to surrender.

There were even generals from Baxia's family members who were in the palace and directly tied up King Baxia to surrender.

Pope Mu looked at these people, but did not accept their surrender. Instead, he gave an order for the Yazhan Army to take down all these royal families, officials, generals, and the Overlord.

Afterwards, Pope Mu spent a few days taking over Baxia City, and held a trial in the city. He tried Baxia King, Baxia officials, generals, royal family, etc. in the city, and judged them according to their crimes. punishment.

Among them, those who committed the most serious crimes, including King Baxia, were directly sentenced to be beheaded by the Pope.

In Baxia King's City, under the attention of many Baxia family members, and under the attention of many other family members and royal families, Baxia King and other serious offenders were beheaded.

Pope Mugen personally took action and sent the souls of Ba Xia Wang and several others directly into the "Withering Hell" in the Yaquan underworld, where they were suppressed and tempered by the "Withering Hell".

Throughout the entire trial and execution process, King Baxia repeatedly begged the Pope for mercy and expressed his willingness to surrender. However, they were all ignored and rejected by the Pope.

The Pope knew very well that if he wanted to complete the mission entrusted by the Emperor of Heaven, reunify all the dependent families, and end the war, he would definitely not be able to rely on appeasement. He still needed to establish his authority when it was time to establish his authority.

And this overlord's head is undoubtedly the best thing to establish his authority for him.

After this incident, the other kings of the clan who are still divided, independent and unwilling to surrender should think more about it. Don't think that if you don't surrender to the Pope and compete with him, you can still find a good destination even if you lose.

Among the kings of the dependent clans who are still divided and independent, those who are not firm in their beliefs and are worried and fearful should think about whether to surrender and submit to the Pope as soon as possible.

On the other hand, if Pope Mu cuts off the head of the Baxia King and abolishes the Baxia royal family, it will also be of great benefit to the complete liberation of the Baxia family and his complete control of the Baxia family.

In the following months, Pope Mu took over the entire Baxia Family, selected officials among them for management, and recruited powerful Baxia Family soldiers to form the Baxia Legion, his third legion, to practice the 'Zhenyue Battle Formation'.

At the same time, in the past few months, the news that Pope Mu had breached the King's City of Baxia, beheaded King Baxia, and sent his soul into the "Glorious Hell" for suppression, also spread like a whirlwind throughout the other clans. It caused many changes among the royal family.

Some royal family members are shaken and have the intention of surrendering to the Pope, but there are also some royal family members who are more determined in their belief in fighting.

In the past few months, there have been many messages and connections between the various families. Some of them are in contact with the Pope and want to express their intention to surrender. Others are in contact with each other and want to form alliances to fight against the Pope and his enemies. The legions under his command.

In the past few months, although Pope Mu's main focus has been on rectifying the Baxia Familia and forming the Baxia Legion, he also knows a lot about the many connections, alliances and other information between the various families.

His status as the 'Messenger of the Heavenly Emperor', coupled with his status as the Pope of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, makes the Pope still have many supporters among various families, including some royal families, generals, officials, etc., who secretly submit to the Pope. , providing him with actions, information, etc. among these families.

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