The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 374 Huai Enjiao Picture

Pope Mu stayed in Baxia Royal City for several months, sorted out the affairs of Baxia Familia, formed a new Baxia Legion, practiced the 'Zhenyue Battle Formation', and collected enough information about the other families.

At this moment, Pope Mu led the four legions to set off again to continue the war of conquest and unification of the dependent clans.

This time, the target he chose to attack was the Jiaotu family.

Originally, the Pope wanted to choose the target of the attack to be the Chikiss Familia. After all, the Baxia Familias under his new subordinates were of the earth element and were overcoming the Chikiss Familias of the water element.

However, the royal city of Chiki Familia is located in the East China Sea, half on the island and half in the sea, taking advantage of the water movement in the East China Sea.

Secondly, according to the news that Pope Mu received from the Chiki Familia and the Chaofeng Familia, in the past few months, these two royal families have been in contact with each other and formed an alliance.

The Chifeng Familia's 'Call the Wind' and the Chi's Kiss Familia's 'Call the Rain'. The combination of the two to call the wind and rain can greatly increase the combat power of the two bloodline Familia.

This is knowledge and information that has been passed down from ancient times among the two families. Therefore, during the wars of the past two thousand years, the two families have often joined forces to fight and support each other.

But now, in the face of Pope Mu and his move to behead his tyrant Wang Liwei, the Chaofeng Familia and the Chiki Familia have completely formed an alliance in order to jointly deal with the threat of the army led by Pope Mu.

Therefore, in this case, even if the Pope was not sure of victory, he chose to temporarily postpone the conquest of these two families. Otherwise, even if the conquest could be won, the soldiers of each family under his command would definitely be killed or injured. few.

This is not in the interest of Pope Mu and his family members.

On the contrary, on the other hand, among the Jiaotu clan, not only were there no alliances, there were even many divisions and turmoils within the clan. Some generals from the Jiaotu clan even contacted Pope Mu and expressed their willingness to act as internal agents and capture him directly. King Jiaotu surrendered to Pope Mu.

In the past few months, the Pope has already negotiated terms with the other party. Now that he had this internal response, he naturally chose to take down the Jiao Tu family members who were easy to take down first.

The royal city of the Jiaotu clan is located to the north of the mountain range where Longshou Mountain is located. It is surrounded by an ice field environment, which is very suitable for the growth of the Jiaotu clan.

With Pope Mu's reputation as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' and with the support from the Jiaotu family members, Pope Mu led the army all the way north. He also did not encounter much resistance and went straight to the front of King Jiaotu's city.

This time, Pope Mu changed the battle arrangement, leaving the Prisoner Niu Legion to form the "Wanmu Battle Formation" for defense. The other three legions, Yazhen, Baxia, and Guardian Legion, each formed a battle formation and launched an attack on King Jiaotu City at the same time. .

The city protection formation in Jiaotu King's City, coupled with the combination of battle formations, erupted with endless ice power and froze in all directions.

The Yajuan family members moved their battle formations to sacrifice their golden swords, the Baxia family members carried the shadow of Juyue Mountain, and the Guardian Corps used their destructive power to fight against this terrifying frozen power.

The cyan figure appeared behind Pope Mu, raised his hand and sprinkled cyan light. The blood power of the warriors in the three legions increased greatly. The golden swords, mountains, and destructive power increased dozens or hundreds of times. It broke out and immediately broke and destroyed all the terrifying ice power that erupted in the city.

The three legions immediately charged towards King Jiaotu's city.

At the same time, in the Jiaotu King's City, the generals of the Jiaotu family who had taken refuge with Pope Mu immediately led the Jiaotu Army to initiate civil strife and led Pope Mu and his army into the city.


In the Jiaotu Palace, King Jiaotu discovered the changes in the city and shouted angrily.

But it was useless. Pope Mu led the army and entered the city under the support of the surrendered Jiaotu legion. The Jiaotu family members all over the city looked at the wind and surrendered, with little resistance.

Pope Mu immediately led the army to kill Jiaotu Palace directly.

"I wish to surrender! I wish to surrender!"

"Your Majesty the Pope, I am willing to give up my royal title and submit to Your Majesty the Pope!"

Seeing that the situation was over, King Jiaotu immediately removed the palace's protective formation, opened the palace door, and led the royal family, officials, generals, etc. in the palace to kneel down and surrender, holding the royal seal high.

"Take them all!"

Pope Mu gave an order, and his family members immediately dispatched to capture the surrendered King Jiaotu and his men.

King Jiaotu and his men kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Pope Mu met with the generals of the Jiaotu Army who had surrendered and surrendered in the Jiaotu Palace. After rewarding them, he sent troops to take over the Jiaotu City.

In the next few days, the affairs of King Jiaotu City were sorted out, and the trial of the surrendered King Jiaotu, the royal family, officials, generals, etc. began.

This time, the Pope did not go on a killing spree, but spared the lives of King Jiaotu and most of the royal family, officials, and generals as a sign of mercy.

After all, if you want to unify all the clans and re-establish a unified and peaceful clan capital, it is not enough to establish power alone. You also need to show kindness. A combination of kindness and power is the way to govern the country.

Killing the Baxia King is a way of establishing prestige, but leaving King Jiaotu now is a sign of grace. It conveys a clear attitude to the other kings of the clans who are still fighting and fighting: those who resist will be killed, and those who submit will save their lives!

Of course, although he did not kill King Jiaotu and his men, the Pope did not spare them lightly. The death penalty can be avoided, but the crime of living cannot be escaped. For the Jiaotu royal family, officials, generals, etc. who resisted, they were mostly sent to prison by Jiaotu. Some bitterly cold and difficult places are used to develop new territories or mine veins, etc.

Even King Jiaotu was punished by Pope Mu to enter the Celestial Emperor Sect and become an ascetic monk. He spent the remaining years serving the Celestial Emperor in order to atone for his sins.

It took Pope Mu only more than a month to deal with the affairs of the Jiao Tu family members. Because in this battle, most of the Jiao Tu legions surrendered, retaining their complete organization and most of their strength, so Pope Mu directly transferred the Jiao Tu troops Just take the legion under your command, and there is no need to form a new Jiaotu legion.

Therefore, more than a month later, Pope Mu then led his five legions, Qi Niu, Hu Jiao, Jia Zui, Ba Xia, and Jiao Tu, to set off to continue the great cause of conquest and unification.

This time, Pope Mu’s chosen target was the Chaofeng Family.

The alliance between the Chaofeng Familia and the Chiki Familia can be said to have its advantages and disadvantages.

The two alliances of bloodline clans, the combination of their bloodline magical powers and battle formations have greatly increased their combat power, but even if the Pope wants to capture them, he will have to pay a high price.

But on the other hand, with the alliance between the Chikiss Family and the Chaofeng Family, the Pope only had to lead an army to attack the Chaofeng Family, and the Chikiss Family Legion as an ally had to leave the East China Sea and come to support the Chaofeng Family.

In this way, the Pope will not be able to avoid the geographical environment like the East China Sea to fight against the Chiki Familia.

This is undoubtedly a great advantage for Pope Mu and his legions.

If the battle is run well, it is impossible to conquer the two families of Chaofeng and Chiki in one fell swoop, greatly increasing the strength of Pope Mu's men.

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