The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 375 The power of great supernatural powers

The City of Chaofeng King is located on a peak near the sea in the east of Longshou Mountain Range.

The mountain peaks reach straight into the sky, and are often surrounded by strong winds. The environment is most suitable for the Wind Familia who belong to the wind attribute. At the same time, the mountain peak where the royal city is located is close to the East China Sea, which is closest to the island where the royal city of the Chikiss Familia is located in the sea. Under the alliance of the two families, they can best assist each other.

Pope Zongmu led the five legions of Gujiao, Qiu Niu, Yazui, Baxia, and Jiaotu directly to the mountain where King Chaofeng City was located.

King Chaofeng was also well prepared and activated the city defense formation. Countless strong winds roared down from the wind and clouds above the mountain and attacked the surroundings of the mountain, making it difficult for Pope Mu's legions to even approach the mountain.

In this regard, the Pope has no means to make arrangements.

The three legions of Hujiao, Jiazui, and Jiaotu were on guard, and the two legions of Qiuniu and Baxia were sent to attack.

Among the five elements, the earth element and the wood element are undoubtedly the most restrained elements.

The Baxia legion's operational battle formation carries the mountain shadow camp, and the Prison Niu legion's operational battle formation transforms into countless grass and trees taking root on the mountain shadows and mountain peaks, resisting the strong wind whistling in the air.

In this way, the mountain shadow suppressed and the thousands of trees locked the wind, they went up layer by layer, step by step, starting from the foot of the mountain and attacking towards the Wind King City on the top of the mountain.

Groan! Groan! Groan...

On the top of the mountain, gusts of wind roar came like the roar of a dragon. The Chaofeng Familia activated the 'Wind Roar Battle Formation', controlling the wind from all over the sky to rush down like a dragon, increasing its power several times.

What's more, there are warriors from the Chaofeng clan who stir up flying swords and spiritual weapons in the battle formation, hide them in the strong wind, and chop them down with the wind, and the power is increased several times.

Wherever these dragon-like winds and flying swords struck, the thousands of plants and trees transformed by the Prisoner Niu Familia were cut off, and the mountain shadows carried by the Baxia Familia were all destroyed.

The attacks of the two legions, Qi Niu and Ba Xia, were immediately blocked, making it difficult for them to continue attacking towards the top of the mountain.

Seeing this, Pope Mu took action personally, and a huge green shadow appeared behind him. He waved his hand and sprinkled a large green light, which fell on the battle formation of Qi Niu and Ba Xia.

Immediately, the blood power of the Qi Niu and Ba Xia clan warriors in the two battle formations exploded and increased several times. The power of the 'Zhenyue Battle Formation' and 'Wan Mu Battle Formation' exploded dozens or hundreds of times. increase.

The mountain shadow carried by Ba Xia's legions grew from dozens of feet to more than a hundred feet, and the originally illusory mountain shadow almost condensed into reality. It was difficult for wind dragons or flying swords to break or shatter it.

The number of grasses and trees transformed by the Prison Niu Familia clan's operation of the 'Ten Thousand Trees Battle Formation' increased dozens of times, and they all became more resilient. The speed at which the wind and flying swords cut down the grasses and trees was greatly reduced, and could not even keep up with the growth and spread of the grasses and trees. speed.

In this way, with the blessing of the power of Pope Wood, the two legions of Ba Xia and Qi Niu quickly broke through the attacks and obstructions of Gangfeng and Feijian, and charged towards the Castle of Chaofeng King on the mountain top.

Wow! Wow! Wow...


Seeing that the two legions were about to rush up the mountain and rush under the City of Chaofeng King, the sound of waves suddenly roared in the sea beside them.

The next moment, a series of turbulent waves swept up from the sea. The turbulent waves crashed on the shore and bombarded the Qiu Niu and Ba Xia Legion under the mountain peak.

Pope Mu turned his eyes to look into the sea, and saw the legion composed of the Chikisi Familia, stepping on the waves of the sea, forming a battle formation and charging with thousands of waves.

The Chaofeng Familia and the Chikiss Familia formed an alliance. Now that the Chaofeng King's City is under attack, the Chikiss Legion really left the Chikiss King's City to come to support.

And this was within Pope Zongmu's calculations and expectations, so he did not panic at all and directly ordered: "Jiaotu Army, attack!"

"Follow the order!"

The commander-in-chief of the Jiaotu Army was none other than the general of the Jiaotu Army who had surrendered to Pope Mu. After they cooperated internally and externally to capture the King of Jiaotu, Pope Mu naturally rewarded him based on his merits and promoted him to the commander of the Jiaotu Army.

After the Pope completes his destiny task of unifying the dependent clans, the commanders of these legions will naturally be rewarded with great rewards. Even if they cannot be called the kings of the dependent clans, they will be rewarded with more powerful positions and benefits.

At this time, Commander Jiao Tu responded to the order and led the Jiao Tu Army to directly confront the Chi Kiss Army in the sea.

The 'Ice Battle Formation' started to move, and countless terrifying ice powers burst out, heading towards the thousands of ice waves rising from the sea.

At the same time, the huge green shadow that appeared behind Pope Mu raised his hand and shed a large amount of blue light on the Jiao Tu Legion. Suddenly, the blood power of every Jiao Tu warrior in the legion increased several times, and the entire "Ice War" The power of the array is also increased a hundred times.

The ice power that erupted was pushed to its limit, even exceeding the third level and reaching the fourth level of power.

Wherever the power of ice passed, the thousands of waves raised in the sea were frozen, and the immeasurable cold air moved directly along these waves towards the sea and toward the Chikiss Familia who were riding the waves.

At the same time, with the Jiao Tu Army resisting the Chi Kiss Army, the two legions Qi Niu and Ba Xia had no worries and continued to attack the top of the mountain as quickly as possible and fight to the front of the King of Chaofeng City.



The two legions set up battle formations, and huge, solid mountains came across the sky, breaking through the clouds and strong winds in the sky, and bombarded and suppressed the King's City of Chaofeng on the top of the mountain.

At the same time, under the ‘Ten Thousand Trees Battle Formation’, countless plants and trees multiplied and spread, taking root and invading the City of Chaofeng King.

"Call the wind!"

"Call the rain!"

The next moment, a large piece of blue light rushed out from the King of Chaofeng City and went straight into the sky. On the other side, there was also a large piece of water light in the sea soaring into the sky and straight into the clouds.

Green light and water light met and dispersed in the sky, and suddenly the sky was filled with wind and clouds. Countless strong winds swept down, and even heavy rain fell like drops.

The strong wind and heavy rain strengthen each other, pushing their respective powers to the peak. When the two are combined, they even erupt into a power that far exceeds the third level.

Under the torment of this violent storm, the suppressed mountains in the air, the multiplied and spreading vegetation on the ground, and the frozen ice in the sea were all severely damaged. It was unexpectedly difficult to break through the King of Wind Mocking City and freeze the Chikiss Legion in the sea.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness were also paying attention to this battle. Seeing this, he understood that in the past two thousand years of division and fighting, every family member was constantly seeking progress.

The same is true for the Chaofeng Familia and the Chikiss Familia. In the past, they used the power of bloodline magical power to support the battle formation, but now they use the battle formation to support the power of the bloodline magical power, pushing the third-level bloodline magical power to its peak.

Then, they joined forces with each other and used the combination of 'calling wind' and 'calling rain'. With the blessing of the battle formation, they actually had some power of the great magical power 'calling wind and rain', breaking their own limits and reaching the fourth level of power.

Even with the combined strength of the three legions of Qi Niu, Ba Xia, and Jiao Tu supported by Pope Mu Qingying, they were unable to defeat them for the time being.

However, the ability of the Chaofeng and Chikiss Familia to achieve this step is already the limit. At most, they are on par with the three legions. If they want to defeat the three legions supported by Pope Mu, it is far from enough.

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