The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 376 Breaking the Chao Feng and accepting Chi’s kiss

The Chaofeng Familia and the Chikiss Familia joined forces, coupled with the power of the battle formation and geographical advantages, they managed to burst out the power of the great magical power of 'calling wind and rain', pushing their own attack power beyond the limit, reaching the fourth level of power.

In this way, they were able to compete with the three legions of Qi Niu, Ba Xia, and Jiao Tu under the blessing of Pope Mu. No one on either side could do anything for the moment.

However, Pope Mu had more than just these three legions under his command. Seeing that the three legions were temporarily unable to take down the Wind King's City and the Chikiss Legion, he raised his voice and ordered:

"The Yazhan Army, attack!"


The former King Yaju, now the commander-in-chief of the Yaju Army, took the order and led the Yaju Army to sacrifice the 'Golden Sword Battle Formation' and kill into the city of King Chaofeng.

In order to put the final word on it, a huge green shadow appeared behind Pope Mu again, raising his hand and spreading a large green light, which fell on the Yazhan Army.

The next moment, the power of the "Golden Sword Battle Formation" of the Yashu Army was pushed to the extreme. The shadow of the golden sword transformed by the infinite sword energy in the air coincided with the "Golden Sword" raised by the commander of the Yashu Army, and the momentum of the mountain of swords came out. The battle formation moved directly towards the City of Chaofeng King.

The mountain of swords suppressed, and countless golden knives and sword energy burst out from it, slashing into the Royal City of Chaofeng, colliding with the city protection formation and the endless wind that were running in the royal city.

The strong wind was chopped into pieces, the city defense formation was chopped through, and the mountain of knives directly blasted into the King's City of Chaofeng, completely smashing the city's defense formation into pieces.


The Yazhen Legion gave a deep shout, raised their golden swords to evolve the sword mountain, and charged directly into the city, slashing and blasting towards the Chaofeng Palace in the center of the city.


The wind roared like a dragon's roar, and dozens of figures rushed out of the Palace of Chaofeng. It was King Chaofeng and the royal family, officials and generals he led.

They were originally stationed in the Chaofeng Palace to preside over the entire royal city's defense formation to withstand the attacks of Qi Niu and Ba Xia's legion battle formation.

At this time, the city defense formation had been breached by the Yazhen Army. It was useless for them to continue to sit in the palace. They immediately flew out of the palace to join the Chaofeng Army in the city. Perhaps they could still protect themselves with the help of their army.

It's just that the two sides in this battle were originally at a stalemate. Now, if one thing is broken, it will naturally be broken everywhere.

The Yazhan Legion broke through the defensive formation of the King of Chaofeng City. The pressure on the Prisoner Niu Legion and the Baxia Legion was suddenly reduced. The mountains and transformed vegetation they carried suddenly broke through the blows and obstructions of the violent storm and attacked together. In the capital city of Chaofeng.

In the royal city, a large number of the Chaofeng Familia have fled one after another, expressing their surrender and submission to Pope Mu.

Only King Chaofeng and his royal family, officials, and generals were left to join together with the Chaofeng Legion, and they were still trying their best to cooperate with the Chikiss Legion in the sea to use the magical power of "calling wind and rain" in an attempt to resist the attack of Pope Mu's legion.

However, facing the mountains of swords chopped down, the mountains blasted down, and the invading trees, the battle formation formed by the Chaofeng Legion could only resist for a moment before being blown to pieces.

The violent wind in the sky immediately dissipated, and instead of the violent wind, the power of the heavy rain dropped suddenly, from the power of the fourth level to the ordinary power of the third level.

The Jiaotu Legion immediately seized the opportunity, and the majestic and terrifying ice power instantly burst out and fell clearly, freezing large areas of sea water and also freezing the Chikiss Legion that was riding on the waves.

In an instant, the Familia Legions of the two alliances, Chaofeng and Chiki, were ready to take down.

"I wish to surrender! I wish to surrender!"

Seeing that the situation was over, King Chaofeng immediately surrendered to Pope Wood and raised his voice:

"My king... no, I am willing to take over the title of king and lead the Chaofeng Familia to submit to the Pope!"

"Moreover, I am willing to go and persuade King Chiki to surrender. I only ask the Pope to spare my life!"

At this time, Pope Mu also entered the City of Chaofeng King under the guard of the Guardian Legion. He did not directly pay attention to King Chaofeng's surrender and begging for mercy. Instead, he sent his men to various parts of the King of Chaofeng City to take over the entire city.

This kind of thing has been done many times, and Pope Zongmu's men are already very familiar with it, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

Therefore, after checking that there were no changes anywhere in the city, we started to meet the surrendered King of Chaofeng.

Originally, according to Pope Mu's past method of "establishing prestige and showing favor", King Chaofeng led his legions to fight to the end, and should have been another target for Pope Mu to behead to establish prestige.

However, the Pope was also quite interested in what King Chaofeng said about his willingness to persuade King Chi to surrender.

Although during this battle, the Jiaotu Army was frozen in the sea, and the Chiki Army that was coming to support was frozen in the sea and captured them all.

However, Chiki King is still in Chiki King City, deep in the sea, occupying a favorable location in the sea, and can reorganize the Chiki Army at any time. Although the Pope is confident that with his current strength, he can break through Chiki King City and capture the opponent; but in the sea After all, fighting is very inconvenient for the various legions under his command, and there will undoubtedly be a lot of damage in the end of the battle.

If we could directly persuade King Chiki to surrender and subdue the Chiki family without any bloodshed, it would naturally be of great benefit to Pope Mu.

Therefore, a few hours later, King Chaofeng took some of the men sent by Pope Mu and set off directly to the Chiki King City deep in the East China Sea to persuade them to surrender.

If the persuasion to surrender is successful, the Pope will naturally benefit greatly from it. Even if the persuasion to surrender fails, the most he can do is to spend more effort and sacrifice more in a battle, and then after the war, chop off the heads of King Chaofeng and King Chiki to establish his authority. .

After sending out King Chaofeng, Pope Mu stayed in the city of Chaofeng King to handle the affairs of the Chaofeng Familia.

He rebuilt the city defense formation, gathered the Chaofeng family members in the city, and tried a group of recalcitrant royal families, officials, generals, etc. Although he promised to spare King Chaofeng's life as long as he could persuade King Chiki to surrender, he did not agree to let him go. The royal family, officials, generals, etc. under him.

In this battle, despite the stubborn resistance of the Wind Familia, a group of stubborn resisters must be killed in order to establish their prestige. Since King Chaofeng cannot be killed to establish his power, he can only choose a group from the recalcitrant royal family, officials, and generals.

After dealing with these, Pope Mu led the patriarchs of the Chaofeng clan to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony in the capital of Chaofeng King, not only to pray for those clansmen who were lost and sacrificed in the war, but also to bless their souls. Entering the underworld for immortality is also to stabilize the hearts of the people of the Chaofeng Clan so that they can better accept the rule of Pope Mu.

Sure enough, after a grand sacrificial ceremony, it became much easier for Pope Mu to recruit warriors from the Chaofeng Family to form the Chaofeng Legion. A large number of powerful warriors from the Chaofeng Family came to join the army, and it took just two months to complete the task. The taunting legion has been reorganized and the 'Wind Roar Battle Formation' has been rehearsed. At the same time, they are trying to use the battle formation to activate the bloodline magical power of 'Whispering Wind' to the extreme.

Pope Mu quite admired the power of the great magical power of 'calling wind and rain' that had been unleashed by the Xiao Feng and Chi Kiss Familia in the previous war, and wanted to regain control of it to become the trump card of his legions.

In the midst of such busyness, King Chaofeng returned smoothly and successfully persuaded King Chiki to lead his family to surrender.

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