The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 378 Dragon Soul City

At the foot of Longshou Mountain, in front of Dragon Soul City.

Pope Mu deployed his army and approached Dragon Soul City. The Golden Emperor in the city also opened all the city defense formations. There were thunderclouds rolling above and seas of fire raging below. There was poisonous miasma all around, and black and yellow, yin and yang lights were flowing.

Dragon Soul City can be said to be the original ancestral land of all the clans on Liang Ji’s natal star. It is the first place where tribes live, the first village and the first city. After hundreds of thousands of years of development, countless clans are among them. The management and layout have a unique status in the minds of many dependents. It can almost be said to be the second holy land after Longshou Mountain Holy Land.

After all, before the Sacred Artifact Pagoda was cast, and before Longshou Mountain became a holy land, the original Heavenly Emperor Temple, the sacrificial leader ‘Xi’ passed down from ancient times, etc. were all in Dragon Soul City.

Before the Longshou Mountain Holy Land appeared, Dragon Soul City was the holy land in the hearts of all the families.

Its status, influence, and the belief and strength protection that the family members of all generations have integrated into it can be imagined.

Moreover, after Emperor Jin Xi unified the family members, Dragon Soul City became the capital of the Kingdom of Jin. Family members from all branches came here to worship Emperor Jin Xi. More than ten generations of Jin Emperor ruled the entire family members here. During those tens of thousands of years, No one knows how much layout and research the golden emperors of the past dynasties have done in this capital, Dragon Soul City.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just talk about Emperor Jin Xi. After unifying the family members and establishing the Kingdom of Jin, he presided over the arrangement of the 'Pagoda' and 'Wandering Dragon' array above the stars. Dragon Soul City was the guardian of the star array. The most important node among them is probably second only to Longshou Mountain Holy Land.

Hundreds of thousands of years of historical inheritance, various legends and mysteries, as well as the arrangements of Emperor Jin Xi and the previous Golden Emperors, have given Dragon Soul City far greater power and defense than the other royal cities of the clans.

This is also an important reason why King Suanni, King Biuan, and King Pulao each led their legions to join the Golden Emperor here in Dragon Soul City.

The power and defense of Dragon Soul City far exceeds that of their respective royal cities. They are more confident of winning here in Dragon Soul City.

With the arrival of their three legions, the battle formation was smoothly integrated into the Dragon Soul City's city defense formation, greatly improving the combat effectiveness of the city defense formation and their respective legion battle formations, which undoubtedly proved their choice. correctness.

It can be seen from this that when Emperor Jin Xi unified all the dependent clans, he probably integrated the power of the ten clans into it when he arranged the Dragon Soul City's protective formation.

Perhaps its original intention is to unite the families of all lines, so that when the stars and the family members are attacked by external forces, the families of all lines can gather here in Dragon Soul City, gather the power of the family members of all lines, and form the protective formation of Dragon Soul City. The power is pushed to the highest level, becoming a stable and powerful guardian place for the family members.

It's a pity that Emperor Jin Xi never expected that when the dragon soul city's protective formation was set up by gathering the power of all the families, the enemy it would face for the first time was not the external invaders, but the war within the family.

Pope Mu was in the guardian army, looking at the city defense formation of Dragon Soul City from a distance. Although the power in it was concentrated with the power of the Ten Meridians Familia, only Biuan, Suanni, Pulao, and others were activated in the formation. The power of the four-line half-dragon family can already be seen to be somewhat mysterious and brilliant.

Pope Mu was able to see from it the mind, methods, ideas, etc. of his predecessor, ‘Emperor Jin Xi’, tens of thousands of years ago.

"It's a pity that the descendants are unfilial..." The Pope looked at the large formation in Dragon Soul City. He admired the mind and methods of his predecessor, Emperor Jin Xi, but he also looked down upon the Emperor Jin Xi who was now lingering in the city.

"That's all, for the sake of the seniors, I will give their descendants a chance."

The Pope suddenly thought, and sent his men forward to persuade the Golden Emperor in the city for the last time to surrender, as well as the rulers of Suanni, Bifan, Pulao and other dependent clans.

"His Majesty Jin Xi is so meritorious and glorious. What Jin Xi is doing now is tantamount to an insult to our ancestors!"

"In the future, when your souls return to the underworld, how will you meet His Majesty Jin Xi?"

"If you still have a sense of shame, vote quickly..."

boom! Click...

Unfortunately, before the words of persuading people to surrender could be heard, a large amount of thunder gathered in the rolling thunder clouds above Dragon Soul City and turned into a thunderbolt, which directly blasted the family members who were persuading them to surrender on the spot.

"Seek death!"

When Pope Mu saw this, an angry look suddenly appeared on his face, and he cursed angrily. Then he raised his voice and ordered:

"The Wind Riding Legion, attack!"

"Break this thundercloud for me!"

"Follow the order!"

The commander of the Wind Roar Legion responded to the order and led his Wind Roar Legion to form the "Wind Roar Battle Formation" and immediately attacked the sky above Dragon Soul City again.

Although they had fought once before, they were defeated miserably by the Biuan Familia clan's "Thunder Strike Battle Formation". The battle formation was blown open by a thunderous strike and the formation map was destroyed.

However, the commander of the Chaofeng Legion still accepted the order without hesitation and led the attack according to Pope Mu's order.

He knew that under Pope Mu, they would not be defeated this time and could even take revenge.

Sure enough, at this moment, a huge green figure appeared behind Pope Mu. He raised his hand and sprinkled a large amount of green light, falling like rain on the attacking Miao Feng Legion.

The blood power of every Chaofeng Familia warrior in the legion was nourished and blessed by this green light, and the power of the bloodline was immediately increased several times, and the power of the formed 'Wind Roar Battle Formation' was increased hundreds of times. During the chant, countless strong winds swept up, turned into a wind dragon and roared out, directly rushing towards the thunder clouds above Dragon Soul City.

boom! Click!

In the thunder cloud, countless thunderbolts gathered together and turned into a sky thunder, which struck directly.

Everything was the same as the previous exchange of blows between the two sides, but this time the result was different.

Before the thunder from the sky could hit the Wind-Mocking Legion, it was hit by the wind dragon that rushed out of it. The two clashed with a roar and explosion. The sky thunder was directly smashed by the wind dragon, and the wind dragon was only slightly injured under the bombardment of the sky thunder. The battle formation of the Chaofeng Legion behind them turned, and countless strong winds surged up and merged into the wind dragon. He quickly recovered from minor injuries.

Roar! Groan...

Amidst the roar of the wind and the roar of the dragon, the wind dragon rushed directly into the thunderclouds, stirring up countless strong winds and impacting the thunderclouds, scattering and shattering a large number of thunderclouds and thunder. Soon, the thunderclouds on Dragon Soul City were destroyed. The wind dragon scattered nearly half of it.

For this reason, the wind dragon stirring up the storm in the thundercloud also consumed nearly half of it.

But just as he was about to disperse nearly half of the remaining thunderclouds, he saw a large formation operating in the Dragon Soul City below. A roar of tigers sounded like a thunderous roar, and a huge phantom of the Bijuan Familia appeared above the city and rushed in. The remaining nearly half of the thunderclouds suddenly became violent. The thunder that erupted was even more powerful. Moreover, the thunderclouds quickly recovered and expanded. In the blink of an eye, they surpassed their heyday. Not only did they envelope Dragon Soul City, From the sky, they even spread out and bombarded towards the position of Pope Mu and his legions outside the city.

As for the wind dragon formed by the battle formation of the Wind Riding Legion, it was destroyed by countless thunders in this violent, powerful, and expanding thundercloud after just a moment of inspection.

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