The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 379 Offense and Defense (Wish book friends a Happy New Year!)

Seeing the rising power of the thunderclouds above Dragon Soul City, they not only destroyed and annihilated the wind dragons that rushed into it, but also continued to expand and spread, bombarding our own army outside the city.

Pope Mu Shuang's eyebrows slightly raised, and he raised his voice and ordered: "The Chikiss Legion attacks, cooperate with the Chaofeng Legion to break this thundercloud!"

"Follow the order!"

The commander-in-chief of the Chiki Army is none other than King Chiki who surrendered. As a king of the clan who surrendered on his own initiative, the Pope naturally rewarded him. Appointing him as the commander-in-chief of the Chiki Army was to give him more meritorious services. Opportunity.

At this time, King Chikiss took the order and led the Chikiss Legion to rush out. As the battle formation moved, layers of waves surrounded the Chikissing Legion, as if they were walking on waves.

A tall green figure appeared behind Pope Mu, raising his hand towards the Chikiss Legion and spreading a large amount of blue light. The green light fell on every Chikiss Family warrior, immediately increasing their bloodline power several times, and reducing the strength of the Chikissing Legion. The power of the battle array increases a hundred times.

Breathe the wind!

Call for rain!

The Chao Feng Legion and the Chi Kiss Legion joined forces to attack, and with the perfect coordination of the bloodline magical power and the battle formation, coupled with the blessing and improvement of the blue light shed by the Pope Wood, a violent storm suddenly swept across the sky.

Great supernatural power, able to control wind and rain!

The violent storm fell from the sky and collided with the rolling and expanding thunderclouds above Dragon Soul City. Continuous roars and explosions sounded, and large thunderclouds were shattered, disintegrated, and annihilated in the violent storm.

This time, the power of the great magical power of 'calling for wind and rain' clearly overwhelmed the thunderclouds blessed by the large array in Dragon Soul City. The violent storm became more fierce and rapid, constantly swallowing and breaking the thunderclouds, and rushed towards the top of Dragon Soul City.

Amidst the continuous roaring and explosions, the rolling thunderclouds on Dragon Soul City were finally submerged and shattered by the violent storm. The violent wind and rain rushed straight into the city. Countless formations of auras appeared on Dragon Soul City and turned into a light curtain, but it was difficult to stop them. The impact of these violent storms.


At this time, a lion's roar came from the Dragon Soul City, and a huge figure of the Suan Ni Familia appeared in the city, and then jumped directly into the sea of ​​​​fire surrounding the city.

These seas of fire were the attacks launched by King Suanni and his legions in the city in conjunction with the city defense formation.

At this time, as the huge figure of the Suanni Familia merged into it, the surrounding sea of ​​fire suddenly became violent, its power increased dozens of times, and the burning flames even burned into the sky above the city, directly confronting the violent storm coming from the sky.

The wind helps the fire, and the fire borrows the power of the wind. Under the strong wind, the burning power of the sea of ​​​​fire becomes even stronger. Even the heavy rain is unable to quickly suppress and extinguish the sea of ​​​​fire.


At this time, the roar of tigers was heard again in Dragon Soul City, and the huge figures of the Bijuan Familia appeared in the city again. Countless thunders blasted out from the city, and thunderclouds and seas of fire once again gathered above the city to jointly fight against the violent storm. impact.

Obviously, just now, the Chao Feng Legion and the Chi Kiss Legion joined forces. Although the violent storm attack engulfed and shattered the thunderclouds above the city, it did not cause much damage to the city defense formation and the Biyan King and his legions in the city. .

At this time, violent storms and thunder clouds and seas of fire kept colliding on Dragon Soul City. With roars and explosions, the two sides were constantly shattered and annihilated, and they were evenly matched for a moment.


Seeing this, another shocking frog croaking sounded in the Dragon Soul City, and an illusory and huge figure of the Pulao Familia appeared in the city. It was the power deployed by the Pulao Familia in the Dragon Soul City. After a frog croaked, it rushed into the city. In the poisonous miasma, the poisonous miasma surrounding the city suddenly boiled, its power increased dozens of times, like a sea of ​​fire merging, spreading and sweeping towards Pope Mu and his legions in front of the city.

The poisonous miasma, whose power has increased dozens of times, spreads faster and wider under the burning and evaporation of the sea of ​​fire, and its toxicity becomes more and more terrifying.

In front of Dragon Soul City, Baxia Legion and Jiaotu Legion lined up at the forefront as a defensive force. However, affected by the fire and poison, many warriors from the two legions were seriously injured by the poison and fell to the ground. .

Pope Mu frowned slightly when he saw this, and a huge blue figure appeared behind him, waving his hand and spreading a large blue light. These green lights are like rain, falling on the Baxia Legion, Jiaotu Legion, and Prisoner Niu Legion.

The blood power of the warriors in the three legions was immediately increased several times, and the power of the respective legion battle formations was increased a hundred times.

"Ba Xia, Jiao Tu, and Prison Niu Legions attack and break the formation!"

Pope Mu raised his voice and gave the order.

"Follow the order!"

The commanders of the three legions responded to the order in unison, and each led their legions to move their battle formations to attack Dragon Soul City.

The Jiaotu Legion activated the 'Ice Battle Formation', and the power of endless ice and freezing erupted, spreading towards the sea of ​​fire and ice around the city, constantly colliding with, consuming, and annihilating the sea of ​​fire.

However, the sea of ​​​​fire was blessed by the large formation in the city, and the combined power of thunder clouds and poisonous miasma increased dozens of times, but it overwhelmed the Jiaotu clan's "Ice War Formation", and countless ices came to freeze it. Swallowed and melted by the sea of ​​fire.

At this time, Ba Xia's legions activated their 'Suppressing Mountain Battle Formation' to attack, and illusory and real 100-foot-high mountains came across the sky, suppressing them into the sea of ​​​​fire, extinguishing the flames, resisting the impact and burning of the sea of ​​​​fire, and resisting Bombarded by thunderclouds in the sky.

At the same time, the prisoner cattle army's battle formations kept pace with the operation, and thousands of trees were transformed, taking root, multiplying, and spreading on the illusory and real mountains, swallowing and purifying the swelling and steaming poisonous miasma and poisonous gas in the sea of ​​​​fire.

For a time, ice, sea of ​​fire, mountains, thousands of trees, and poisonous miasma were standing in a stalemate around Dragon Soul City, colliding and annihilating each other. They were in a stalemate, and no one could do anything to the other.

Pope Mu was in the Guard Corps, taking an overview of the overall battle situation. His eyes were filled with green light as he looked towards the Dragon Soul City. There were still half-dragon family members and the Golden Emperor in the city who had not taken action. There was no doubt that this was the opponent's real trump card.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the green light behind the Pope raised his hand again to shed a piece of green light. The light rained into the Yajuan Legion and the Guardian Legion, increasing the power of the bloodline of the warriors among them several times, pushing it to its peak. , the power of the 'Golden Sword Battle Formation' and the 'Small Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' are also increased a hundred times.

"The Yazhan Army, destroy the city!"

The pope gave an order, and the former King Yaju and the current commander-in-chief of the Yaju Army immediately took the order and led the Yaju Army to attack Dragon Soul City.

The 'Golden Sword Battle Formation' was in motion. Countless sword energy and sword light condensed on the battle formation and turned into a golden sword that covered the sky. King Yaju sacrificed the 'golden sword' inherited in his hand and integrated it into the battle formation. In the air, The condensed golden sword suddenly manifested the "Mountain of Swords", and its power increased dozens of times.


King Yaju let out a deep shout, and the entire Yaju Army united in unison, and the golden sword that covered the sky swept through the mountain of swords and slashed directly into Dragon Soul City.

Happy New Year to all book lovers!

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