The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 380 The Confrontation between Two Generations of Destiny (Happy New Year to book friends!)

The golden sword covering the sky swept across the mountain of swords, smashing thunder clouds, cutting through the sea of ​​fire, breaking the poisonous miasma, and cut directly into the Dragon Soul City.

Groan! Groan! Groan...

Waves of dragon roars resounded in the Dragon Soul City, and yin and yang mysterious light erupted from the city, turning into two black and one white yin and yang dragons that surrounded the city, disrupting the yin and yang and chaotic order, and headed straight towards the chopped golden swords.

This is the magical power of the half-dragon clan's 'reversing yin and yang' bloodline. It was integrated into Dragon Soul City's city-protecting formation by Emperor Jin Xi. The half-dragon army's operating battle formation in the city was combined with, activated, and operated in conjunction with the city-protecting formation. The twin dragons of yin and yang that reverse the yin and yang and create chaos are extremely powerful.

It can be said that this can be regarded as a trump card left by Emperor Jin Xi for the Golden Emperor's lineage, the half-dragon family, and Dragon Soul City.

At this time, the trump card was activated, and the Yin and Yang twin dragons collided with the chopped golden sword. The power of reversing Yin and Yang and chaotic order exploded and impacted the golden sword. Suddenly, the mountain of swords manifested on the golden sword began to collapse and become chaotic. Cracks appeared on the sky-covering golden sword, and countless sword energy and sword light integrated into the golden sword lost control and collapsed from it.

The power of the golden sword and the mountain of swords suddenly dropped, and they were in a stalemate with the Yin and Yang twin dragons manifested in the city's great formation. It was difficult to tell the winner.

At this moment, a golden seal flew up from the city. It seemed to turn into a mountain in the wind and floated above Dragon Soul City. It was the 'Golden Emperor Seal' passed down from generation to generation by the Golden Emperor's lineage.

Originally, because the Golden Emperor's lineage had lost its destiny and the support of the people, the golden light on the golden seal was extremely dim and its power was greatly reduced. However, at this time, the golden seal that was sacrificed actually regained its shining and powerful golden light. The golden seal expanded and golden light enveloped the entire Dragon Soul City.

In those bursts of golden light, the light and shadow of the underworld of Fengquan can be faintly seen. The heroic souls of the golden emperors of the past dynasties emerged in it, arranged in formations, and chanted in unison. This generation of golden emperors actually borrowed the power of the golden emperors of the past dynasties from the underworld through means. , the power of the golden seal and golden light is replenished and bloomed, and its power is even far greater than before.

At this time, the figure of this generation of Golden Emperor emerged from the city. It was also good at facing the wind. It was hundreds of feet in size. It was more powerful than the "big and small" bloodline magical power. It already had some great magical powers. The power of heaven and earth.

His body is surrounded by golden light, like burning golden flames, covering the body of King Kong, showing solidity, power and majesty. The power of the 'golden soul' inherited by Emperor Jin Xi seems to be in this generation of Golden Emperor at this moment. All exploded and manifested, just like the golden emperor coming to the world.

Although, in the golden light blooming from the golden seal, there was no figure of Emperor Jin Xi among the heroic souls of the previous Golden Emperors who arranged the formation and blessed the golden light, it does not mean that Emperor Jin Xi cannot use other means to use his own golden soul. 'The power is blessed on the body of the last Golden Emperor, and through the body of the last Golden Emperor, he fights with the new 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' Pope Mu Dou.

The huge Golden Emperor stood in the center of Dragon Soul City, reaching out to grab the huge golden seal that suppressed the air. His eyes were like two golden suns, staring directly at the Pope Wood among the army outside the city.

"You are a brave man who has stolen the order of the Emperor of Heaven. Today, I will punish you on behalf of Heaven and sentence you to death. Your soul will be sent to Hell on the Mountain of Swords!"

The Golden Emperor, who "laws the sky and resembles the earth", grasps the golden seal in his hand and raises his voice to give orders, which is like thunder rolling from the sky and like the power of heaven coming to him. He raises the golden seal in his hand and sweeps countless golden lights like the sky and the earth, and rushes towards the battle outside the city. The pope tree in the formation.

"Emperor Jin Xi!"

Pope Mu raised his head and looked at the Golden Emperor who was hundreds of feet tall above the Dragon Soul City. The green light in his eyes flashed, and he seemed to have seen and determined that the person standing behind the Golden Emperor was the one who was taking action. The previous generation's messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, 'Emperor Jin Xi'.

However, there was no fear on his face, but rather joy and fighting spirit.

They are both the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' and the sons of the Destiny of two generations. Why don't the Popes want to compete with the 'Emperor Jin Xi' and try their respective methods to see who is the real 'Destiny'!

At this time, Pope Mu's figure also grew rapidly and merged with the tall green shadow behind him, but it was undoubtedly still far behind the power of the 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' in the city.

After all, the 'Golden Emperor' in the city borrowed the power of the great formation in the city, the previous Golden Emperors, and even the 'Golden Xi Emperor' to push the power of the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' to the level of the great magical power 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' Powerful.

The Pope does not have the help of these forces at this time, so he is naturally far behind.

However, as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven', the Son of Destiny of this generation will naturally not lack the power and blessing on this star.

But when he saw his hands raised, the sky suddenly surged with wind and clouds, and thunder and fire streamed. Not far away, the sacred artifact pagoda standing on the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain vibrated and hummed, the sound of bells came out, and a black and yellow light came from the sky and the earth. It rose and landed on the body of the Pope Wood. With the crown added to its body and the help of heaven and earth, its figure expanded again and reached a height of hundreds of feet. It stood tall against the sky and the earth, fully displaying the power of the great supernatural power of "the law of heaven and earth".

"Qingzhang's laws are decrees, and destiny is a gift!"

Pope Mu raised his voice and chanted, and a large piece of green light emerged from his hands and fell on himself, blessing the power of his bloodline.

The power of his blue soul has the power to bless the bloodline of the clan. Every time it is blessed on the warriors of the legion clan, it can increase the power of the bloodline of each warrior several times. At this time, all these green lights are blessing him. On his body, the power of his bloodline was suddenly blessed and increased dozens of times, and his combat power was increased a hundred times.

Facing the golden emperor in the city holding up a mountain of golden seals, and countless golden lights coming from the sky and the earth, Pope Mu's raised hands were filled with green light and condensed into a green seal, among which were all the things Pope Mu had led and conquered over the years. The understanding of reorganizing the various clans and reorganizing the rivers and mountains is also the path he will take after unifying the clans. It is for 'rituals'!

At this moment, the 'ceremonial green seal' soared into the sky, colliding with the golden seal and countless golden light.

The golden light is sharp and sharp, just like the 'code' and 'legal system' set by Emperor Jin Xi back then, which are sharp, ruthless and powerful.

The green light that erupted in the 'Qingzhang Ceremony' was much softer, and the strands were like ten thousand trees entangled. Although it was constantly being split, broken, and chopped under the golden light, there was always more green light filling the air. Continue to entangle, resist, and fight, entangle endlessly, forcefully resist the golden light that is like a mountain of golden seals, and the heaven and the earth are shaking. It is difficult to suppress and attack the Pope Wood for a while.

Seeing this, the face of the Golden Emperor standing tall in Dragon Soul City changed slightly, and then he entered the city with a golden seal and a magic seal with the other hand, and shouted loudly: "Ten Meridians Familia, help me defeat the enemy!"

The next moment, you can hear lions roaring, tigers roaring, birds chirping, turtles hissing, wolves howling, frogs croaking and many other roaring sounds.

Then he saw that in the Dragon Soul City covered by the large formation, the ten-lineage clans of Qiu Niu, Yasu, Chaofeng, Chiqi, Baxia, Pulao, Jiaotu, Suanni, Bifan, and half-dragons seemed to be illusory and really huge. The figures emerged, each occupying one side, blending into the city defense formation, surrounding the Golden Emperor's body in the middle.

Happy New Year to all book lovers!

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