The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 381: Parting after a long separation will lead to reunion

Emperor Jin Xi unified the family members, established the Kingdom of Jin, and positioned Dragon Soul City as the capital of the Kingdom of Jin. When he arranged the two formations of "Pagoda" and "Wandering Dragon" above the stars, he also carried out many formations on Dragon Soul City. The layout is even integrated into the two star formations.

Nowadays, the formation disk that controls the star formation has been taken back by the Heavenly Emperor Sect. Even if this generation of Golden Emperor has the power of Emperor Jinxi behind him, he cannot control the two formations of "Pagoda" and "Wandering Dragon" above the stars.

Although Pope Mu has an array disk in his hand, as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' he understands better that the main functions of the two large arrays of 'Pagoda' and 'Wandering Dragon' above the stars are to protect the stars, not Used for internal fighting.

If he uses these two large formations to suppress the divided clans, it will certainly greatly reduce the difficulty of reunifying the clans, but it will definitely be difficult to win over the hearts of the clans, and it will not satisfy the Emperor of Heaven, so it will not be considered complete. One's own destiny.

The Pope clearly knew that he must rely on his own strength to lead the various clans step by step to complete the final unification, to free the clans from the state of division and war step by step, and to regain peace and unity.

This is a process from chaos to governance, from war to peace, from division to unity. Only through this process can the divided hearts of the various clans be reunited.

At the same time, this is also a process that must go through for the development of the clan civilization among the natal stars. If they unite for a long time, they will divide, and if they unite for a long time, they will unite. Only with this process can the development of the civilization of the clan be complete and tenacious, and it is also an important nutrient and foundation for the Tao and Fruit contained in the stars.

The better the papal wood performs in this process of 'dividing for a long time, it must come together', and the more completely it fulfills its destiny, the more the Taoist fruits contained in Liang Ji's natal stars will increase afterwards.

Therefore, Liang Ji would not allow Pope Mu to use the power of the Star Formation to complete the unification. In that case, the increase in power that the 'Dao Fruit' would gain would be minimal, which would not be in the interest of Liang Ji, the Emperor of Heaven.

If Pope Mu really did this, Liang Ji, as the Emperor of Heaven, would directly take action to make him fail and take away his destiny. Even if it caused the family members to continue to be divided and warred for thousands of years, Liang Ji would not hesitate.

Even in the thousands of years of continued division and war, more members of the family will be sacrificed and killed in battle, and more families will be destroyed. Parents, wives, and children will lose their loved ones, causing all members of the family to endure more suffering. Liang Ji did not hesitate to sacrifice.

He is the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of the Stars. He controls the life, death and destiny of his dependents. He is like the supreme heaven and regards all things as stupid dogs!

Fortunately, as the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven and the Pope of the Emperor of Heaven religion, Pope Mu can be regarded as the person closest to the Emperor of Heaven on this star, so he has the clearest and clearest sense of the will of the Emperor of Heaven, but he has understood the will of the Emperor of Heaven early. , understood that he did not want to win victory and unify the dependent clan through the star formation, so he chose to conquer and unify each dependent clan step by step.

At this time, in the final battle of Dragon Soul City, the Pope was unable to use the two star formations of 'Pagoda' and 'Wandering Dragon', but the Golden Emperor who was in Dragon Soul City was able to use all his strength to protect the city. .

When Emperor Jin Xi set up this city defense formation, he had already completed the great cause of unifying the family members, and all the ten-lineage family members were under his command and control.

Therefore, when setting up the formation, the power of the Ten Meridians Familia was integrated into the city defense formation, so that the power of the Ten Meridians Familiamen could be combined to push the power of the city defense formation to its peak.

Although the Golden Emperor's men now only have the Ten-lineage clans of Biuan, Suanyi, Pulao, and Half-Dragon, the other six-lineage clans have all joined Pope Mu, and it is impossible to provide the power of the clansmen for the Dragon Soul City's defense formation. .

However, now behind the Golden Emperor is the Jin Xi Emperor who was in charge of setting up the formation. He is fighting with the Pope in the air. Naturally, he has the means to forcibly activate the power of the Ten Meridians in the formation, making the figures of the Ten Meridians appear. Combine it with the city defense formation in the city to maximize the power of the city defense formation.

"Gold cuts! Wood withers! Floods! Burns with fire! Buried with soil! Destroyed by wind! Destroyed by thunder! Killed by poison! Frozen! Chaos of Yin and Yang!"

The figures of the Ten Meridians Familia who emerged in the Dragon Soul City formation were scattered in all directions. At this time, they each raised their voices and howled, roaring the destructive power of the elements controlled by the Ten Meridians.

The destructive power of these ten elements erupted from their figures and merged into the city defense formation. As the formation moved, the most powerful force exploded.

"Destroy all directions!"

The Golden Emperor of Fa Tian Xiang Earth held the golden seal and moved the entire formation, shouting loudly. It was the "Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation" that was originally created by the Ten Meridians Familia. It was transformed by the original Jin Xi Emperor and placed in this dragon soul. In the city, it became the most powerful city defense formation in Dragon Soul City. The Ten Meridians Familia gathered together to erupt with the power of destruction in all directions. The terrifying power of destruction gathered on the golden seal held by the Golden Emperor. As the golden seal was suppressed again, the explosion Toward the Pope Wood outside the city.

"Well done!"

Faced with such a devastating blow, the Pope did not show any fear or retreat. Instead, he showed excitement and excitement. He knew clearly that this move could not be performed by the last Golden Emperor in the city, and it must be the Jin Xi Emperor. , as the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven, he came out in accordance with the destiny. It can be said that he has no rivals on this star. The only one who can resist and compete with him is Emperor Jin Xi, the previous messenger of the Emperor of Heaven and the son of destiny.

Therefore, Pope Mu has long been looking forward to fighting against the opponent.

"If you are destroyed in all directions, how come I am not destroyed in all directions!"

Pope Muyang spoke loudly, and the tall figure who also had the same power as the sky and the earth raised his hand and sprinkled a large amount of green light. This green light turned into a light rain and fell on the guarding legions surrounding him.

Under the law of the sky and the earth, the power of the blue light sprinkled by the Pope's tree is far greater than the light rain sprinkled by the blue soul before. The blood power of the warriors in the guardian army has exceeded the limit and increased by ten times. The 'Small Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' formed by the teaching legion was also operated and promoted to the extreme under the blessing of blue light and the limit-breaking increase in bloodline power, directly turning into a complete 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation'!

Among them, the power of the elements controlled by the Ten Meridians are mutually reinforcing each other, gathering the destructive power of each Meridian to form the most powerful force of 'destruction in all ten directions', and blasting out into a beam of destruction, which directly collided with the golden seal under the Golden Emperor's cover in the city, and the explosive The forces of destruction collide together!

Amidst the loud roar, where the two destructive forces collided and exploded, even the space was torn apart in an instant. Under this horrific collision, explosion, and destruction, the destructive power in Dragon Soul City combined with the golden seal was finally slightly more powerful than the destructive power erupted by the Guardian Legion.

The destructive power of both sides is constantly being annihilated, but the Golden Seal is still using its slow but firm power to suppress and bombard the Pope Wood with the destructive power that has consumed most of it.

Faced with this, Pope Mu shook his head slightly and sighed deeply: "Emperor Jin Xi, after all, you are already the envoy of the previous generation of Emperor of Heaven. Your heroic soul has returned to the underworld. Your ability to intervene in the human world is limited, and your lineage of the Golden Emperor is after all. It’s destiny.”

"In this battle, I have my destiny, and I will be the winner in the end!"

As he spoke, he raised the 'green seal' in his hand, sweeping in countless green lights like a curtain covering the sky, covering the golden seal and the golden emperor of the law, heaven and earth in the city.

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