The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 382 The Fall of Dragon Soul City

The 'Green Chapter' that Pope Mu sacrificed at this time did not contain the power of destruction, but instead contained the power of order and creation. It can be said that it is similar to the Dragon Soul City's city defense formation and the battle formation of the Guardian Legion. The explosive force of destruction is the opposite force. Destruction, chaos and creation, order, the two forces complement each other.

Generally speaking, the pope has not yet unified the dependent clans, and the 'Green Chapter' he holds is only the result of unifying the six-line dependent clans, and his understanding and understanding of his next path and destiny. The creation and order contained in it are The power is still limited, and it is definitely not as good as the power of "annihilation in all directions" that has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years in the Dragon Soul City's city defense formation.

But now, the power of "annihilation in all directions" that erupted from the Dragon Soul City's defense formation was first due to the incompleteness of the Ten Meridians Familia, and Emperor Jin Xi was in the underworld after all, and his power from a distance was limited. The destructive power that erupted was actually Not half what it was in its heyday.

In addition, the Guardian Legion under the blessing of the Pope Wood also used the power of destruction to counter it. Although it was slightly inferior, it had already consumed most of the power of destruction that erupted from the formation in the city, leaving the rest The power is already extremely limited.

Speaking of which, the Guardian Legion was originally created by Emperor Jin Xi, but after inheriting the throne of the Pope, he carried out reforms in the Celestial Emperor Sect. He had already transformed the Guardian Legion and put it completely in his own hands. Now it has become a force to fight against Jin Xi. The emperor's lineage was even an important force against Emperor Jin Xi.

Due to various reasons and reductions, the power of the golden seal finally suppressed by the Golden Emperor was very limited. Even if the 'green seal' on the Pope's wooden hand was not perfect, it was enough to overwhelm the opponent.

Therefore, under the mutual restraint of destruction and order, the 'green seal' was like a curtain covering the sky, directly pressing over the golden seal, sweeping it up and covering the golden emperor who was in charge of the sky and the earth in the city.

Moreover, the order and power of creation contained in the 'Qingzhang' are exactly what the majority of the clans of all branches expect and need as the clans have been divided for more than two thousand years and wars continue.

Two thousand years of division and war have accumulated too much destruction and chaos among the stars and the family. Now, what people want is order and peace.

This is also the will of the Emperor of Heaven and the destiny of Heaven.

Therefore, the 'Qingzhang' that Pope Mu sacrificed at this time is also in line with the people's will, the destiny, and the will of the Emperor. It has reached its peak in restraining and suppressing the golden seal and the last bit of destructive power controlled by the Golden Emperor. .

It was also because of this that Pope Mucai said that he had the destiny after all, and he won this battle!

The 'Qing Zhang' suppressed it with powerful order and force of creation. The golden seal was swept up and suppressed. The Golden Emperor of Fa Tian Xiang Di in the city was also directly suppressed by the 'Qing Zhang'. His body was hundreds of feet tall. The form was shattered directly, as if losing all strength and falling into Dragon Soul City.

The figures of the Ten Meridian Familia who manifested in the city also let out a cry under the impact and suppression of the blue light erupted by the 'Qing Zhang', and then shattered and dissipated.

Among them, the manifestations of the Suanni, Bifan, Pulao, and Half-Dragon clansmen were obviously more powerful and agile, and they persisted longer and more tenaciously under the pressure of the 'Qingzhang'.

Obviously, the figures of these four Familia manifested are truly infused with the power of the four Familia. Even the power of King Suanni, King Biuan, and King Pulao should be integrated into them, fitting the figures manifested by their respective Familia. among.

But at this time, under the crushing force of the situation, under the pressure of the 'Qing Zhang', all the figures of the four-line family members were suppressed and crushed even if they persisted for a moment longer.

In fact, as the figures of the four-line family members were crushed and shattered by the 'Qingzhang', the wailing sounds coming from them far exceeded those of the other six-lineage members' figures.

This is the wail of the powerful men from the Bifan King, Suanni King, Pulao King, and the Half-Dragon Familia who fit into it. Along with the four figures of the Familia, they were crushed and killed by the 'Qingzhang'.

King Biyan, King Suanni, and King Pulao chose to seek refuge with the Golden Emperor and compete with Pope Mu, thus dooming their outcome.

The Pope showed no mercy or mercy and directly suppressed them in the city defense formation.

At the same time, as the figures of the various clans scattered in ten directions were destroyed, the green light erupted from the 'Qingzhang' also invaded the Dragon Soul City's defense formation along the ten destroyed and damaged places.

Moreover, with these ten base points as the center, under the pressure of the green seal, the green light crisscrossed, eroded, and diffused, quickly cracking and dismantling the defensive formation in Dragon Soul City.

Without the Golden Emperor presiding over, the Jin Xi Emperor who was in the Fengquan underworld was defeated from a distance. At this time, there was no spare power to attack. King Suanni and other kings and strong men were also crushed to death. The four-line family members guarding the city fought. The formation was also implicated and suffered severe backlash, and it was even difficult to maintain the thunder clouds, sea of ​​fire, poisonous miasma, and Yin and Yang twin dragons, let alone run the city defense formation to resist the cracking and disintegration of the 'Qingzhang' Qingguang.

Therefore, in just a moment, Dragon Soul City's defensive formation was cracked open. At the same time, the thunderclouds, sea of ​​fire, poisonous miasma, and Yin and Yang dragons that surrounded the city were all destroyed by the violent wind, rain, mountains, and trees. The mountain of golden swords suppressed and shattered.

At this point, all the defenses of Dragon Soul City have been breached, the defenses are gone, and the city gates are open, welcoming the victor Pope Mu to enter and receive.

Dragon Soul City has been developing for hundreds of thousands of years since the clan tribe established its foothold here and built villages and cities. It has long been another holy place in the hearts of countless clansmen. This holy land has not been breached or fallen in these hundreds of thousands of years. .

Whether it is the internal separatist war of the clan or the invasion of outside demonic cultivators, Dragon Soul City has always stood firm and never been breached.

But now, this history has been broken, and Dragon Soul City has been breached and fallen for the first time.

The Pope looked at Dragon Soul City with all its defenses gone and the city gates open. He did not hesitate, dispersed the magical power of Fa Tian Xiang Earth, gathered his seven legions, and led the seven legions directly into Dragon Soul City.

This time when he entered the city, the pope was not unanimously welcomed by the family members in the city as he had been the previous times.

The Familia living in Dragon Soul City are mainly half-dragon Familia. As the oldest branch of the Familia, with the main bloodline, they have occupied the dominant and commanding position in the Familia for most of the hundreds of thousands of years. , the Half-Dragon Family has always considered itself to be stronger than the other Nine Sons Bloodline Family, and it is natural for them to occupy the leadership position.

After Emperor Jin Xi unified the family members and established the Kingdom of Jin, under the rule of the Kingdom of Jin for tens of thousands of years, the half-dragon family members he came from undoubtedly enjoyed the most and greatest benefits, and also developed stronger and more capable people. Great confidence.

Therefore, although the half-dragon family members in Dragon Soul City have recognized the identity of Pope Mutian Emperor's envoy and are defeated at this time, they still find it difficult to let go of their past pride and self-confidence. They do not continue to resist, but they are not as good as other family members. A general walk-in welcome.

Seeing this, Pope Mu knew the reason, but this did not affect him from sending his men to take over the entire Dragon Soul City and control the Half-Dragon Familia.

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