The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 383: Entering the hell of glory and glory

In Dragon Soul City, Pope Mu sent his men and legions to take over the rule of various parts of the city and the half-dragon family members.

Although the half-dragon clansmen in the city did not welcome the Pope like other clans in the royal city, they did not take any violent actions or even resist.

After all, the half-dragon family also recognizes the identity of Pope Mutian Emperor's envoy. Now that they have been defeated, they have no intention of resisting desperately.

Therefore, there was no surprise when Pope Mu's army took over Dragon Soul City.

Pope Mu led the Guard Corps straight to the center of Dragon Soul City, where there is the earliest and oldest Heavenly Emperor Temple among the family members, as well as the palace built by Emperor Jin Xi when he established the Jin Kingdom.

It was in this palace that the last Golden Emperor led his men to preside over the city's grand formation to fight against the Pope.

At this time, Pope Mu was also defeated and fell into the palace.

However, the Pope did not rush to enter the palace. Instead, he entered the earliest and oldest Tiandi Temple nearby and led his subordinates, priests, priests, and guardians to perform a great ceremony and worship.

Before the Longshou Mountain Holy Land appeared, this was the original holy land of the Democracy Clan. It undoubtedly had unique significance for the Pope, the Celestial Emperor Sect, and the Democracy Clan.

When the pope entered Dragon Soul City, he did nothing else but worshiped the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor. This not only showed his attitude, but also was an act to appease the people. At the same time, it undoubtedly represented a formal handover of the destiny of the two generations.

After the half-dragon family members in the city saw Pope Mu Dali worshiping the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor, their resistance was greatly reduced, and they became more active in cooperating with the reception and sorting out of Pope Mu's legions.

After all, in the minds of many half-dragons, this temple of the Heavenly Emperor, the first of the clan in their own city, is actually the first holy land they truly recognize, more so than the Longshou Mountain Holy Land.

And to have such a result also shows that Pope Mu's actions were not in vain.

After completing the worship at the first Heavenly Emperor Temple of the family members, Pope Mu finally led the Guard Corps into the Golden Palace nearby.

Although the Kingdom of Jin has been divided for more than 2,000 years, and has been war-torn for more than 2,000 years, and the Golden Emperor has long lost its rule and control over other families, the Golden Palace is still magnificent, luxurious and precious, and you can see the exquisiteness everywhere you enter it. Thoughtful and atmospheric design.

The pope made some calculations in his mind and knew that the Golden Emperor's lineage had to spend a lot of materials and wealth every year to maintain this luxurious and precious palace, and the Golden Emperor's lineage lived in such a palace and interacted with the members of the family. Isolated, it is no wonder that they will become increasingly arrogant and separated from the family members. In the end, all family members will break away and become independent one after another, and the huge Jin Kingdom will fall into pieces, and eventually it will be destroyed in their own hands.

Although it is said that this is somewhat arranged by the "will of the Emperor of Heaven", as the Pope, he also understands that the will of the Emperor of Heaven often follows the trend. The Golden Emperor's line also fell into the path of self-destruction first, and then the Emperor of Heaven It was just arranged accordingly.

A master who never forgets the past, the Pope has now conquered Dragon Soul City, and has completed 99% of his mission to reunify the family members. Next, he will naturally establish his own dynasty and even pass it on to future generations, but he needs to Learn a lot of experience and lessons from this Golden Emperor lineage.

In the Golden Palace, there is no longer any resistance. The royal family, generals, ministers, Jin Wuwei, etc., but those who still have the intention to resist have already suffered heavy losses in the previous siege battles, either dead or injured. What kind of resistance will be formed?

After all, as the core of the previous battle, the Golden Emperor was guarded by the resistance of all parties in the city. Even the Golden Emperor had been defeated and severely injured. It would be difficult to resist after falling into the Golden Palace, let alone standing in front of him. , the resistance forces surrounding him.

Therefore, the Pope went straight into the Golden Palace without encountering any obstruction. On the contrary, some family members in the palace took the initiative to open the door and greet him, showing more active surrender and submission than the ordinary half-dragon family members in the city outside.

Pope Mu ignored these people and went all the way to the center of the Golden Palace, where complex altars, formations, and restrictions were set up. Among these altars and formations were a large number of Jinwu guards, as well as King Biyan and King Suanni. , the legion soldiers led by King Pulao operated these altars, formations, restrictions, etc. to cooperate with the Golden Emperor in the final battle and killing.

But at this time, these King Biyan, King Suanni, King Pulao, etc. had all died on the spot, and the legions under their command also suffered heavy casualties. A large amount of blood, flesh and limbs filled the depths of the palace, and The entire magnificent, luxurious and precious palace was filled with strange and tragic effects.

Since the battle to reunify the various clans began, the casualties in this battle in Dragon Soul City far exceeded the previous battles in the royal city of the clans, and it can be said to be the most tragic one.

The pope looked at these altars, formations, and restrictions, and he already understood how the Golden Emperor finally received the power of the previous Golden Emperors in the underworld, and even received the support of the Jin Xi Emperor. Such an arrangement is definitely not the last Golden Emperor. What can be thought of and arranged must have the methods of Emperor Jin Xi.

He shook his head slightly, and made a great salute to the Four-line Familia Legion that suffered heavy casualties and was filled with flesh and blood. He recited some holy scriptures of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, prayed and blessed the spirits of these fallen warriors to enter the underworld, and live in the underworld. Immortal under the protection of the Emperor of Heaven.

Although these dependents are under the leadership of the Golden Emperor and are hostile to him, in the eyes of Pope Mu, these people are also the subjects of the Emperor of Heaven.

After some worship and prayer, the Pope climbed to the center of the altar and formation. On the tallest altar, the last Golden Emperor was seriously injured and collapsed here.

However, he was still awake. When he saw the arrival of Pope Mu, the last Golden Emperor forced himself to sit up cross-legged, adjusting his appearance and royal robes, trying his best to maintain the majesty of the emperor. He looked at Pope Mu and said calmly: "Pope, you didn't defeat me in this battle, but you want me to lose today!"

"After all, this destiny is no longer with my Golden Emperor lineage!"

"The grace of the Emperor of Heaven is so rare! My ancestor, Emperor Xi, has made countless meritorious deeds. Why does this destiny only last for ten generations?"

The last Golden Emperor seemed to be questioning the Pope, and also seemed to be questioning the mysterious Emperor of Heaven.

However, neither the Pope nor the Emperor of Heaven had any intention of answering him.

Pope Mu walked up to the last Golden Emperor, looked at him and asked in a deep voice: "Are these your last words?"

The face of the last Golden Emperor changed slightly, and he looked at the other party and said: "I am the Golden Emperor, the emperor of the family, and I should have the dignity of an emperor!"

"If you are no longer judged in front of all the family members, you will be given the greatest dignity to you and Emperor Jin Xi."

Pope Mu said in a deep voice.

Seeing this, the last Golden Emperor also knew that he would die. He pondered for a moment and said: "I am the Golden Emperor, and my soul should enter the Fengquan underworld to pay homage to the ancestor of Emperor Xi."

The pope shook his head, a green seal appeared on his hand, and pronounced: "Your soul shall go to the hell of withering glory!"

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