The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 388 Calling the Wind and Rain

Five third-order camel mountain camel demons, harvesting three demon pills, can be regarded as living up to the sixty-seven out of ten chance of the third-order void demon clan forming a demon pill, and Liang Ji is quite satisfied.

However, in the next few days, the troops led by the Wood Emperor searched the mountains and stars, but failed to find new targets for the Camel Mountain Camel Demon, which made Liang Ji a little impatient.

Surrounded by the legions below, the Wood Emperor seemed to be able to sense the meaning of the 'Emperor of Heaven', and chose to divide his troops at this time.

He divided the ten legions of the Ten Meridians into five groups, and each two legions joined together to advance and search in the five directions of the stars.

Chaofeng and Chiki teamed up, Baxia and Prisoner Niu clan, Suanni and Bifan teamed up, Jizhuan and Jiaotu teamed up, Half-Dragon people and Pulao teamed up, each of the five teams chose a direction to explore.

The Wood Emperor is leading the Guard Corps to wait in the middle, ready to support the five teams at any time.

Although the Chaofeng Legion had hunted down five third-order camel demons on its own before, it was only with the blessing of the green light shed by the Wood Emperor that it achieved such combat power and record.

But now, the various clan legions are exploring the surroundings. Once they encounter the Camel Mountain Camel Demon, or other third-level void monsters in the mountains and stars, the Wood Emperor may not be able to catch up immediately to give them blessings and upgrades. of combat power.

Therefore, it is more appropriate for the Familia legions to unite in pairs and form a team to explore. Even if they encounter some powerful third-order void monsters, the two Familia legions fighting together can at least persist until the Wood Emperor arrives and gives them Bless and enhance their combat power.

As expected, the effect of the division of troops was greatly increased, and the harvest was achieved in just two days. It was the joint effort between the Chaofeng Legion and the Chiki Legion.

Among the five legions and the Ten Meridians, the Chaofeng Familia legion can fly in the air with the wind. It is fast, has a wide field of vision, and can move forward and retreat most freely.

Therefore, the Chaofeng Legion is actually the most suitable to explore all directions and find the target of the Camel Mountain Camel Demon on the stars in this mountain range.

This time, the team of Chaofeng and Chiki were the first to discover the target, which can be regarded as proof.

This time, there were only three Camel Mountain Camel Demons discovered by Xiao Feng and Chi Kiss Legion. They gathered together to destroy a high mountain and were devouring the starlight flying out of the mountain.

There are three third-level camel demons, the tallest one is only about 300 feet tall, and the other two are only over 100 feet tall, with limited combat power.

The Chao Feng Legion and the Chi Kiss Legion jointly launched an attack. The two clan warriors in the legion used their bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi', 'Call the Wind' and 'Call the Rain', and integrated with their respective legion battle formations.

Finally, the battle formations of the two legions fit and connected with each other to form a joint formation.

Immediately, under the catalysis of 'Big and Small Ruyi' and the battle formation, the already greatly increased power of 'calling wind' and 'calling rain' magical powers were directly connected and integrated into one, forming the power of the great magical power 'calling wind and rain'!

This is also a method that the two legions and formation masters in the clan have jointly explored and completed over the past hundreds of years after the Wood Emperor reunified the clan.

Previously, during the process of the Wood Emperor's unification of the clans, the Chaofeng clan and the Chikis clan joined forces and cooperated with the city defense formation in the Chaofeng King's city to combine the two legions and the two magical powers into one, catalyzing and improving To the level of great magical power of 'calling wind and rain'.

After the Wood Emperor unified the Familia clan and regained control of the two Familia clans of Chaofeng and Chiki, he would naturally not let go of such a method to greatly increase the combat power of his Familia clan and legions, so he had already arranged for the formation masters in the Familia clan to cooperate with the research of the two legions. , how to realize the transformation and improvement of the two-line Familia legions from the magical power of 'calling wind' and 'calling rain' to the great power of 'calling wind and rain' without the blessing of the city protection formation.

The effect is undoubtedly gratifying. After hundreds of years of research by the military formation masters and the two legions, they have finally realized the direct combination of the battle formations of the two legions, forming one formation, just like the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' is It's the same as merging the battle arrays of the Ten Meridians into one formation. This time, it's just the merging of the Wind Roar Battle Formation of the Wind Riding Legion and the Thousand Waves War of the Chikiss Legion. With the blessing of this combined formation, the ability to "call for wind and rain" is achieved. 'The power of great supernatural powers.

At this time, violent wind and rain fell from the sky. The wind was like a knife and the rain was like pouring water. It immediately engulfed the three third-order camel monsters in the mountains below.


The three camel demons were submerged in the wind and rain, and they realized something was wrong. They each raised their heads and roared, and the impact of sound waves and soul power suddenly broke out. However, before they could expand, they were swallowed up and annihilated by the surrounding violent wind and rain, and there was no effective counterattack at all.

The three third-level camel demons have condensed demon souls and have certain spiritual intelligence. When they saw this, their eyes shone brightly, knowing that something was wrong.

Then, the humps on the backs of the three camel monsters lit up with yellow light, like mountain peaks rising into the sky. At the same time, the yellow light swept towards the surrounding mountain peaks, raising each mountain peak from the ground, and the peaks turned into humps swept the yellow light, and simultaneously blasted into the violent storm in the sky.

Obviously, the three-headed third-order camel demon had realized something was wrong, and now it was trying its best to break out of the violent storm.

However, the Chaofeng Legion and the Chikiss Legion joined forces, and the two battle formations merged into one formation to form the great magical power of 'calling wind and rain', which was dozens of times more powerful than their respective magical powers when they formed a formation, as well as the power of the battle formation.

In the battle formation where the Wood Emperor unified the clans, it can be seen that the magical power of 'calling wind and rain' jointly used by the Chaofeng Familia and the Chikiss Familia was even able to compete with the battle formations of the multiple clan legions under the blessing of the Wood Emperor's green light. Which is powerful.

Now, after hundreds of years of research and improvement, the power of the magical power of "calling wind and rain" formed by the joint efforts of the Wind Riding Legion and the Chi Kiss Legion has been greatly improved compared to its original power.

At this time, under the impact of the violent storm, the mountains swept up by the three camel demons, the burst of yellow light, and the peaks turned into humps were unable to break through the impact and sweep of the surrounding violent storm. Instead, they fell into it and were gradually shattered by the violent wind. Eroded by heavy rains, the mountains eventually collapsed and the yellow light was shattered. Even the peaks transformed by the twin peaks on the back of the camel demon were shattered by wind and rain.

Roar! Roar……

The three camel mountain camel monsters roared again, but it was just the last scream. They were swallowed up by the violent storm and killed on the spot.

This time, without the blessing of the Wood Emperor's azure light, the three third-level camel monsters were blasted away with only the combination of the Wind-Mocking Legion, the Chi-Kiss Legion, the battle array and the magical power, which enabled them to achieve the power of 'calling wind and rain'. Kill on the spot.

After reunification, the Familia clan has absorbed many battles, fights, battle formations, supernatural powers and other development experiences in the two thousand years of division and war, and then used the power of the whole clan to digest, research and improve it in a peaceful and unified environment. , has already increased the combat power of each family member clan and the entire family clan many times.

Unification, division, war, and reunification, every drastic change is a growth of the Familia's civilization. It can not only improve the origin of the stars and Tao Fruit, but also greatly improve the Familia's own and combat power.

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