The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 389 The Creativity of the Familia

In the black hole of the Manggu Star Territory, in the third-level demon area, and in another mountain star.

The Baxia Legion and the Prisoner Niu Legion joined forces and found a group of eight Camel Mountain Demons. They were working together to knock down and break a high mountain, swallowing the starlight emerging from it.

The land and mountains for hundreds of miles around the mountain roared and shook under their attack, often with the potential of cracking and landslides.

When the Baxia Legion and the Prisoner Niu Legion jointly attacked, they were immediately discovered by these third-order camel monsters.


Several camel demons roared in unison, and the sound waves and soul power rushed in at the same time.

At the same time, the mountain that was knocked down and destroyed by them was also swept up by the yellow light erupted by several camel demons, bombarding and suppressing the incoming Baxia and Prisoner Niu Legions.

hold head high! hold head high! hold head high……

The Baxia Legion was the first to be involved. They all raised their heads and chanted dragons. The legion's battle formation moved up, carrying giant shadows of mountains. They directly smashed into the camel demon's sound waves and the impact of soul power, and then collided with the roaring mountains. Together.

There were loud roars, vibrating and echoing among the stars and mountains. The giant mountain shadows carried by the Baxia Legion were smashed into pieces. The mountain peaks raised by the camel demon were also smashed by the successive mountain shadows, and finally collapsed. on the spot.

Seeing this, the eight camel demons erupted one after another, and the humps on their bodies rose up and turned into real mountains. Countless yellow lights swept in all directions, rolling up the mountains one after another and rising from the ground. Together with the peaks transformed by the humps, they rushed towards the Baxia Army. .

Ba Xia's legion operated the "Zhenyue Battle Formation" to bring up mountain shadows that seemed to be real and illusory. They kept colliding with these real mountains. It was actually difficult to resist. The mountain shadows were constantly smashed, while most of the real mountain peaks were preserved. Blast towards the battle formation of Baxia Legion.

hold head high! Roar……

At this time, another dragon roar sounded in the Baxia Legion. The sound and power even exceeded the roars of all the Baxia Familia warriors in the legion.

Amidst the roar of the dragon, a huge figure of Baxia, which seemed to be both illusory and real, emerged from the battle formation, stood in the center of the battle formation, and enveloped the entire Baxia legion.

This is also the summary of the experience and lessons of more than two thousand years of division and war after the unification of the Mu Kingdom in the past hundreds of years, the results obtained, and the means of upgrading the legions and battle formations of each lineage.

Back then, when the Wood Emperor led his army to attack Dragon Soul City for the final decisive battle, the city defense formation in Dragon Soul City summoned the figures of the Ten Familia clans such as Ba Xia, Qi Niu, Chao Feng, and Yao Zui to suppress the formation in all directions. This will push the power of the city defense formation to the extreme.

But now, after hundreds of years of research and experimentation by the Familia, this method has finally been integrated into the battle formations of various Familia clan legions.

The battle formation of the Baxia Legion was in motion, summoning the huge figure of Baxia to join the battle formation, immediately pushing the power of the 'Zhenyue Battle Formation' to the extreme.

The mountain shadows that were carried one after another turned from virtual to real, as if real mountains were moved one after another, and they were constantly colliding and bombarding with the real peaks with several humps rising, and they were not at a loss for a while.


At this time, the Qiu Niu Legion, which was in the same group as the Ba Xia Legion, also began to attack. Commander Qiu Niu raised his voice and gave orders, and the legion formed a 'Ten Thousand Woods Battle Formation' and charged forward.

Immediately, countless grass and trees were transformed with the movement of the battle formation, growing, climbing, and eroding towards the peaks raised by the camel demons and the peaks their humps transformed into.

Thousands of trees took root, and the forests were full of stains. Peaks were constantly cracked and torn apart by the roots of thousands of trees, and a large number of rocks and fragments fell down.

However, these plants and trees are all transformed into large formations, which seem to be illusory and real. They are effective against the illusory mountain shadows brought by the Overlord Legion, but the effect against the real mountains raised by these camel monsters is limited.

Although the mountain is constantly being torn apart by thousands of trees and the boulders are constantly rolling down, it is difficult to completely split and shatter a real mountain in a short period of time.

"Prison Cow!"

Seeing this, in the legion battle formation, Commander Qi Niu once again ordered that there would be another change in the 'Ten Thousand Wood Battle Formation'.


A sound like the roar of a bull and the roar of a dragon sounded, and the huge figure of the Prisoner Ox emerged from the battle formation, suppressing it on the 'Wanmu Battle Formation', covering the entire Prisoner Ox Army.

Just like the domination of the legion in front, the huge figure of the prisoner cow coincides with the legion and the battle formation, pushing the power of the 'Ten Thousand Woods Battle Formation' to the extreme.

Suddenly, the number of transformed trees, grass, and vines not only increased dramatically, but their toughness, power, etc. also increased dozens of times.

The mountains lifted by the camel demons and the mountains transformed by the humps were covered and shrouded in countless grass, trees, vines, etc. in just a moment. Countless strong and tough roots of grass and trees quickly took root and tore deep into these mountains and mountains. , broken and gone.

These mountains and mountains were quickly torn apart, and huge cracks quickly spread among them.

boom! boom! Rumble...

At the same time, the battle formation of Ba Xia's legion coincided with Ba Xia's figure, and the mountains they carried were solid and real. They also cooperated closely with the Prison Niu Legion, and they continued to bombard these mountains, which had been rooted and torn apart by thousands of trees. , broken mountains, and mountains colliding together.

The mountains transformed by the camel demon's hump were the first to be unable to hold on. They were completely shattered by the torn trees and the collision of mountain shadows, turning into countless yellow lights, rocks, and flesh and blood scattered in all directions.

hiss! Roar……

The mountain formed by the camel's hump was broken, and several camel demons in the mountains below were severely injured and roared in pain.

Subsequently, the mountains that were swept and lifted by the yellow light of the camel demon were also split and torn apart by thousands of trees, and were smashed into pieces by the mountain shadows transformed by the battle formation of the Baxia Legion.

The battle between the two sides was clearly divided, and several third-level camel monsters in the mountains that had suffered heavy losses were no longer able to resist.

The mountain shadows carried by the Ba Xia Legion were transformed into solid objects, and the thousands of trees transformed by the Prison Niu Legion quickly took root, spread, and blocked all directions.

This time, there was no great magical power, no blessing from the cyan light rain of the Wood Emperor'Qingzhang', and based on hundreds of years of research between the formation masters and the Familia legions on the Dragon Soul City formation, the Familia's bloodline figure coincided with the battle formation, and the two Familia lines Together, they easily captured several third-level Camel Mountain Camel Demons.

From this we can see the growth and development of these dependent families.

After the dependents reach the third level, the soul is condensed in the body and blood, and the creativity that was lacking in the originally awakened spiritual intelligence will gradually increase.

At the first and second levels, all the combat skills, spells, talisman making, elixir refining, weapon refining and other inheritances used by the Familia require Liang Ji to buy ready-made inheritance, elixir recipes, blueprints, etc. in order for the Familia to learn them. Cultivation and refining based on diagrams do not have the slightest ability to research, innovate, and create on your own.

This is because the first- and second-level dependents have weak bloodline power, no condensed souls, and lack of creativity.

But now, after the family members have advanced to the third level, they have condensed their souls, and their creativity in spiritual intelligence has also greatly increased. After tens of thousands of years of development, thousands of years of war, and hundreds of years of research, they have naturally begun to have knowledge of many inheritances, technologies, etc. some innovation, change, development, and even creation.

The Chao Feng and Chi Kiss Familia united to form an formation and developed the great magical power of ‘calling wind and rain’, which was the innovation and development of the third-level Familia.

As it is now, summoning the bloodline figures of the clans to match the battle formations, pushing the power of the battle formations of each clansman to the extreme, is undoubtedly this kind of creation and development.

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