The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 390 Law, Heaven and Earth

Star Master practices, natal stars advance to the third level, and dependents advance to the third level, condensing souls, gradually making up for the lack of creativity in spiritual wisdom.

Based on tens of millions of dependents, there are also hundreds of thousands of third-level dependents. Coupled with the faster flow of time on the natal stars, thousands or tens of thousands of years pass by in just a few years.

Even if the increased creativity of the third-level dependents is still very limited, with such a population base and the passage of time, it can still bring considerable changes and improvements to the dependents.

As for the cultivation of star masters and the cultivation of dependents, it also starts from the third-level star master and the third-level dependents. Because of the emergence and gradual growth of creativity, the growth and development of dependents, the construction of stars, the growth of Tao fruits, etc. will enter a new stage of rapid development.

In the next few months, Liang Ji was in the black hole of the Manggu Star Territory, leading his family team to search for and hunt the third-order humpback demon.

In the Manggu black hole, although there are many stars in the third-order demon zone, there are many types of stars, such as gaseous stars, liquid stars, solid stars, etc. Among them, the number of high-mountain stars that are truly suitable for the camel demon to survive and swallow up starlight energy is limited. And hidden among the countless stars in the third-level demon area.

If it hadn't been for the Manggu Star Region in the Star Alliance to suppress this black hole for nearly ten thousand years, the senior star masters, Manggu Academy, garrison troops, etc. would have already explored most of the demonic areas of this black hole, and have a rough understanding of the distribution of various stars in it. record.

Otherwise, Liang Ji would undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack to find the mountain stars suitable for the survival and growth of the Camelback Demon among the countless stars, and it would undoubtedly be even more difficult to find and hunt the Camelback Demon.

Now, through the information and intelligence provided by Manggu City's "Outreach Department", Liang Ji can roughly and accurately locate the high mountain stars in the third-level black hole demon area, and directly open the "Starlight Portal" on these high mountain stars. Above, the Familia Legion led by the Wood Emperor can descend directly on these mountains and stars.

It has greatly shortened his hunting time and increased his hunting efficiency.

But even so, it is not easy to find and hunt the third-order Camel Mountain Camel Demon on these high mountain stars.

The stars that can form mountains are usually not too small. Even if Liang Ji divided his family legion into five teams to search and hunt on the mountains and stars, the efficiency still did not improve much.

In a few months, he only hunted less than thirty third-level camel demon pills, and he was still short of the last dozen.

But these dozen demon pills become increasingly difficult to find and hunt as you go to the back.

Liang Ji has discovered that it is difficult to search for the third-order camel demon as you go to the back. In the next month, his family team searched several high mountain stars, but they did not find a third-order camel demon!

This situation is obviously not normal.

Based on his previous hunting experience, Liang Ji knew that there must be dozens to several Camel Mountain Camel Demons above the stars in every high mountain.

But now, after searching several mountains and stars, no Camel Mountain Demon was found!

"Are they all hiding?"

Liang Ji thought in his mind.

The third-level family members have condensed their souls and added creativity, while the third-level void monsters have also condensed their demon souls and possess a certain amount of wisdom.

Therefore, it is not impossible that the remaining Tuoshan camel monsters were scared and hiding because of his continuous hunting of the third-order Tuoshan camel monsters in the past few months.

After all, with demon souls and wisdom, it is normal to have emotions such as fear, withdrawal, and avoidance.

"But in this case, what should I do with the dozen third-level demon pills that I am missing?"

"Should we end this hunting first, refine the more than twenty demon pills we obtained, and then come here to hunt the camel demon?"

"I believe that by then, these frightened and evasive camel demons will have calmed down, forgotten their fear, and come out to wander around again, devouring starlight."

Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind, and he had a vague idea.

However, before he could make a decision, all of a sudden he looked up.

Suddenly, beyond the stars on the mountain, in the dark void, there was a tall mountain peak that looked like a star. Juyue rushed out of the darkness and rushed directly towards the star on the mountain where his family members were.

hiss! Roar! Roar! Roar……

At the same time, on top of the giant mountains that were as big as stars and came towards them, figures of Camel Mountain Demons appeared one after another. They raised their heads and neighed and roared. There were tens of thousands of them!

"This... camel demon is not hiding out of fear of being killed, but is contacting each other and gathering in groups to fight back!"

In the sky above the stars on the mountain, Liang Ji's figure is condensed by starlight. The stars are flowing in his eyes, and his face is thoughtful and slightly smiling.

The third-level camel mountain camel demon has condensed the demon soul and possesses a certain amount of intelligence. Obviously, it not only has emotions such as fear, avoidance, and withdrawal, but also emotions such as anger and hatred, as well as intelligent methods such as joining forces, calculations, and ambushes. .

The electric thought in Liang Ji's heart turned around, and he had a better understanding of the wisdom and methods of the third-order void demon clan.

At this time, among the stars in the mountains, the Wood Emperor had also received the oracle from the Emperor of Heaven. Knowing that a powerful enemy was about to attack, he immediately ordered to recall the legions of the various clans scattered around the star to explore.

The ten legions of the Ten Meridians Familia returned and joined the protective legions beside the Wood Emperor. Under the auspices and operation of the Wood Emperor, they quickly formed the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation'.

As if this was not enough, the 'War Formation of Total Destruction in Ten Directions' rotated again, with roars of tigers, roars of lions, neighing of turtles and chirping of birds. With the Wooden Emperor in the center of the formation as the center, Miao Feng, Prisoner Niu, Yazhu, and Baxia Huge figures of various clans, such as half-dragons and other clans, appeared in various places in the battle formation. They were distributed in ten directions, surrounding the Wood Emperor and joining the formation.

This scene is almost exactly the same as the city defense formation presided over by the Golden Emperor when the Wood Emperor attacked Dragon Soul City.

However, the last Golden Emperor was in the center of Dragon Soul City at the beginning, but now the first Wood Emperor is in the center of the battle formation.

Although the people are different, the effect of the formation is the same.

With the power of the Ten Meridians Familia, the huge figure of the Ten Meridians Families merged with the battle formation amidst the roar, and as the battle formation rotated, it converged on the Wooden Emperor in the center.


The Wooden Emperor raised his head and let out a dragon roar. His figure rapidly grew and expanded, and in an instant he became the size of a hundred feet. He had already activated the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' to the extreme.

At this time, the power of the Ten Meridian Familia clans gathered and circulated in the battle formation, and the Wood Emperor's body, which had grown to a size of a hundred feet, continued to grow and expand.

Two hundred feet, three hundred feet... five hundred feet, this is already the limit of the third-order void monster clan's body shape.

But the Wood Emperor's figure is still growing, breaking through the limit of the third level, and has grown to a size of 800 feet. He is already no weaker than the strongest among the fourth level void monsters.

Great supernatural powers, laws of heaven and earth!

There is no doubt that this is still the awakened creativity in the condensed souls of the third-level Familia. After studying and understanding the great magical power of the last Golden Emperor's 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' by gathering the power of the ten-line Familia in the city protection formation in Dragon Soul City, Thus, it was copied and realized in the unified battle formation of the ten-line family members presided over by the Wood Emperor.

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