In the dark void, a group of camel monsters came from the mountains, but they suffered heavy losses one after another.

The mountain as big as a star was smashed into pieces by the high mountain stars, and hundreds of camel monsters were killed on the spot. Afterwards, the Wood Emperor used the magical powers and the power of the battle array to use the golden power left by the 'Lord of the Hell of Sword Mountain' The sword swept across the mountain of swords and killed them, cutting through the camel demon group and the mountains they drove on the spot. Hundreds of camel demons were killed on the spot.

Although there are tens of thousands of camel demons, their power is too scattered. They are all third-order void demons, and the largest is less than 500 feet in size.

On the side of Liang Ji's family members, Muhuang used his own power to gather the power of the ten-line family members, the power of supernatural powers, and the power of the battle formation into one body. Furthermore, with the blessing of the 'Qingzhang', he combined the bloodline of 'Big and Small Ruyi' The magical power directly pushed up to the power of the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', causing his figure to skyrocket to a size of eight or nine hundred feet, which is no less than the size of the fourth-order void demon clan.

Naturally, he also possesses part of the power of the fourth-order void demon clan.

With the strength of the fourth level, the third level camel demon can be suppressed. No matter how many there are, they are still just a pile of loose sand if they cannot gather their strength. They can only let the Wood Emperor gather all the power and sweep and crush them with the great magical power of 'Law of Heaven, Elephant and Earth'. .

Hiss...roar! Roar……

Suffering heavy losses one after another, there were roars and roars from the group of camel demons rushing in the void. Waves of sound swept through the power of the demon souls. The invisible sound waves almost turned into tangible ripples, moving towards the Wood Emperor and his men above the stars in the void. The legion battle array attacks.

"Relieve the disaster!"

The Wooden Emperor took action again, activating the magical power of the bloodline of the Pulao Legion in the battle formation. The blue light passed through the sky, colliding with the impact of the sound waves and the power of the demon soul.

This collision was silent, and the green light, the roars of the camel demons, and the power of the demon souls were all annihilated.

The Pulao Familia's bloodline magical power, 'Relieve Disasters', is more of an auxiliary magical power to relieve oneself of various negative states, but now in the hands of the Wood Emperor, who has reached the fourth level of 'Fa Tian Xiang Di', even the auxiliary magical power is no less effective than offensive The power of supernatural powers.

Especially when used in the right place, it is even more powerful.

At this moment, the green light that 'relieved the disaster' collided with the roaring sounds and the power of the demon souls of the camel demon group, annihilating the sound waves on the spot and destroying the power of the demon souls contained in them.

In the void, many demon clans among the camel demon group were suddenly affected by this backlash. The demon souls suffered heavy losses, and hundreds more camel demons died on the spot.

The two sides had only been fighting for a moment. Among the tens of thousands of camel monsters that came to attack, nearly 20,000 were killed or injured, a death rate of nearly one-fifth.

The third-level Camel Mountain camel demons have awakened their demon souls and gained spiritual wisdom. They can summon friends and gather tens of thousands of camel demons to drive mountains to attack. This is the manifestation of their spiritual wisdom; but now, nearly five-fifths of them are dead or injured. One, also due to the influence of spiritual wisdom, many of the remaining camel demons are already fearful and withdrawn.

However, these camel monsters drove all the way to the mountains and manifested the mountains to rush towards them. After suffering heavy losses one after another, they finally rushed up to the mountains and stars, impacting in front of the Liang Ji Familia Legion, and were about to rush into the formation of the Familia Legion. .

It can be said that killing and victory are just around the corner.

These remaining Camel Mountain camel monsters were naturally unwilling to give up and retreat.

Therefore, amidst the roars of the camel demons, which seemed like roars and roars of encouragement, the remaining camel demons still swept through countless yellow lights, illusory and real mountains, and directly collided with the Wood Emperor and where he was. On top of the battle formation of the Familia Legion.




In the legion's battle formation, the 900-foot-tall Wood Emperor seemed like a mountain towering between heaven and earth. At this time, he took action again, still using the magical powers of all the family members and the power of the battle formation.

With the magical power of the Baxia Familia and the power of the battle formation, they brought mountain shadows to suppress them around the legion's battle formation for defense.

Then, with the magical power of the Prisoner Niu Familia and the power of the battle formation, countless plants and trees were transformed and rooted on the mountains and stars to both attack and defend.

Finally, he used the magical power of the Jiaotu clan's bloodline and the power of the battle formation to generate countless ice powers to freeze the surrounding areas. It not only froze the attacking camel monsters, mountains, and yellow light, but also resisted various attacks.

Even so, with nearly ten thousand camel demons erupting with all their might and attacking with full force, the suppressed mountains, rooted vegetation, and frozen ice all around were unable to stop them. The mountains were smashed, the vegetation was broken, and the ice was broken. open.

The remaining group of camel demons, the driven mountains, and the yellow light collided directly with the legion's battle formation, making roaring sounds. The roars of the camel demons and the shouts of the family members echoed and surrounded the mountains and stars. superior.

The two teams collided, entangled, and fought together. At every moment, the camel demon and the warriors of the clan were killed, injured, and perished.

In the center of the legion's battle formation, the figure of the Wooden Emperor of the 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' was affected by the damage to the battle formation and the casualties of the dependents. It began to shrink again, shrinking from a size of 900 feet to less than 800 feet.

However, its body shape still exceeds the limit of three-level five hundred feet, and it still retains the size and combat power of the fourth-level Void Monster Clan, and it still operates and explodes with the power of the great magical power of 'Fa Tian Xiang Di'.

The Wooden Emperor continued to control and operate the legion's battle formation, and once again activated the magical powers and battle formation power of the Familia, but this time it was the Dragon Familia Legion, the strongest among the Ten Meridians Familia.

"Invert the yin and yang!"

"Xuanhuang Broken Soul!"

With a deep shout, he saw the light of yin and yang sweeping out from the legion's battle formation and sweeping into the attacking camel demon group. Suddenly, the yin and yang in the camel demon group were reversed, all laws were disordered, and many camel demon humps were damaged. The transformed mountain peaks and the mountains swept by the yellow light were all shattered and dissipated under the sweep of the yin and yang light.

The group of camel demons was completely wiped out, all the magic and methods were dispersed, leaving only the camel demons themselves, and there were even many who were injured by the backlash of the magic.

At this time, another black and yellow light swept out from the battle formation, and also swept into the camel demon group.

Different from the "out of order" of the previous yin and yang light, this dark yellow light contains the power of breaking souls. Everywhere it passed, the souls of the camel demons were broken, and they fell to the ground one after another, dying on the spot.

"Golden sword suppresses prison!"

"The ten directions are destroyed!"

The camel demon group suffered heavy losses, but the Wood Emperor still had no intention of letting them go. Instead, he took the opportunity to kill them.

The golden sword in his hand was raised and slashed again, and the power of the mountain of swords was manifested on it. The "War Formation of Destruction in All Directions" was in full swing, and endless destructive power swept up from it, and the golden sword was chopped off. The swords joined together and they cut into the group of camel demons together.

Wherever the golden sword struck, countless sword lights and sword energy fell in all directions, and the force of the mountain of swords crushed them, and endless destructive power swept across the camel demon group.

In an instant, large areas of the camel demon group were cut in half by the sword energy and sword light, crushed on the spot by the mountain of swords, and were swallowed up and slaughtered by the endless power of destruction.

In just a moment, among the nearly 10,000 camel demons that rushed in, two to three thousand camel demons were killed on the spot. Adding in the casualties in front of them, the number of dead and injured camel demons so far has been nearly 5,000, almost occupying the area. Nearly half of the camel monsters came.

Nearly half were killed or injured, and the remaining five or six thousand camel demons could no longer hold on. The spiritual intelligence of the demon souls made them feel fear and despair, and they immediately dispersed and fled towards the mountains, stars, and into the dark void. Run away.

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