Seeing thousands of camel mountain camel demons disintegrating and fleeing towards the stars and the dark void, Liang Ji had no intention of giving an order to pursue them.

In this battle, his family members have killed thousands of Camel Mountain camel demons. Even if many of them were shattered into pieces and their bodies were scattered in the void, there are definitely three to four thousand that can be picked up now. According to sixty-seven out of ten The rate of pill formation can at least harvest nearly two thousand third-level demon pills.

This amount is already far more than what Liang Ji needs. If he sells it, plus the various spiritual materials on the camel demon, he will definitely make a lot of money.

As for Liang Ji's clan army, although they have almost always had the upper hand since the battle, they inevitably suffered losses after repeated collisions and hard fights, with nearly a thousand casualties.

What's more, in the previous battle, the Wood Emperor operated large formations and used methods one after another. Although the combat power was continuously pushed up, and even surpassed the level to have some fourth-level combat power, but for the blood of himself and the clan warriors of the legions under his command, The energy consumption is undoubtedly very huge.

Therefore, although he has won now, Liang Ji has no intention of pursuing the victory. Although his family army has not reached its limit, it is almost there. It also needs time and space to repair.

At this time, the stars in the mountains were almost torn apart, barely remaining intact. After the battle between Liang Ji's family members and the camel demon group, all the other void demon clans in the stars had been frightened and driven away. Now there is no void demon clan entrenched in the stars. .

Even though many of the stars were shattered at this time, and starlight was constantly flowing out from the abyss and broken mountains, there was no Void Monster Clan coming to chase and devour them.

The void monsters in the third-level demon area are basically third-level. They have condensed demon souls and have spiritual wisdom, which also makes them more fearful and seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Liang Ji. On the one hand, he continues to use the 'Star Mirror' projection to collect starlight in exchange for merit. On the other hand, he opens the 'Starlight Portal' and allows the Wood Emperor to lead the troops of the family members who have just gone through the war to return. Cultivation among the natal stars.

Then, the reserve Familia Legion was dispatched from the natal star to clean up the battlefield on the mountain star, harvest the spoils, and explore the various parts of the mountain star to collect various resources and treasures.

The reserve corps system was also one of the reforms carried out after the Wood Emperor ascended the throne and established the Wood Kingdom. Under the active military service corps, some additional warriors from the family members were recruited to form a reserve army so that they could support the Wood Emperor in time when needed. and his active military corps.

On the one hand, this is because after tens of thousands of years of development, the number of third-level dependents in Liang Ji's natal stars has increased, and now there are nearly one million.

After the Wood Emperor recruited the active military clan legions, there were still many third-level warriors left among the various clans, and many of them were young and strong. Recruiting them as reserves could not only prevent these third-level warriors from causing trouble, but also Weakening the combat power of each lineage's family members can also increase the combat power of the Wood Kingdom Central Committee and the Wood Emperor's subordinates.

It can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone.

This is also the system reform that the Wood Emperor carried out by absorbing the previous experience and lessons from the division of the Jin Kingdom and the wars and disputes among the various clans for more than two thousand years, weakening the branches and strengthening the center, so as to achieve greater suppression and control over the clans of each clan. .

The Wood Emperor is very clear that with his status as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' and his own strength, he can now firmly sit on the throne of the emperor, and no one in the various clans dares to resist or split.

However, when his life is over, his soul returns to the underworld, and the throne is passed on to his descendants, the descendants of the Wood Emperor may not have enough prestige and strength to firmly sit on the throne.

After all, they were just from the Prison Niu lineage and were not known for their combat prowess.

If the descendants of the Wood Emperor do not have enough combat power to suppress the various clans, I am afraid that the unification of the Wood Kingdom completed by his hands will not be long before it falls apart again.

Therefore, what the Wood Emperor can do is to try his best to strengthen the power of the central government and weaken the power of each family branch.

Recruiting legions from various clans, actively researching legion battle formations, law of heaven and earth, controlling supernatural powers and other methods, as well as formulating reserve legions, etc., are all for this purpose, strengthening the central trunk and weakening the branches of each leg, so as to protect future generations of Wood Emperors Master enough power to suppress all clans.

For Liang Ji, the star master, these actions of the Wood Emperor are on the one hand beneficial to the advancement of the clan's civilization, and on the other hand, they are also conducive to improving the combat power of his clan. Naturally, it is beneficial to him, so he does not intervene or stop it. the meaning of.

At this time, the reserve army had already cleared the battlefield, harvesting a total of 1,859 complete third-order camel demon corpses, and an estimated two thousand or so broken and scattered camel demon corpses.

In the previous battle, the stars collided with the mountains, and the entire mountains and stars were almost torn apart. Later, the Wood Emperor was able to operate and control more than the third level of power. It was good to be able to kill the enemy. If you want to control it carefully and keep the intact body of the camel demon, it is undoubtedly It is even more difficult.

Therefore, it is expected that the number of broken and scattered camel demon corpses on the battlefield far exceeds the complete corpses.

However, as a result, the final harvest of third-level demon pills was only more than 1,400, which was far less than what Liang Ji had previously speculated, almost four to five hundred.

However, among the camel monsters whose bodies were smashed, many of them had their demon pills smashed to pieces as well.

Liang Ji was helpless about this, but with more than 1,400 third-level demon pills, plus the harvest of complete and broken camel demon corpses, excluding the dozen or so demon pills he needed, it was enough to make a fortune. .

At least it was more than enough to make up for the casualties and losses of his family members.

What's more, he himself has collected a lot of starlight, which can be exchanged for hundreds of meritorious deeds.

After the reserve army cleaned up the battlefield, they quickly separated and collected various treasures and resources on this high mountain star.

At this time, the stars in the mountains are almost torn apart, and there are cracked abyss and broken mountains everywhere. Although it has not reached the level of star destruction, there are still a lot of treasures and resources in these abyss and broken mountains.

The root of the mountain, the heart of the earth, lava fire, obsidian, green granite, thousand-weight iron, flowing rock sand, etc., various treasures and resources hidden deep in the earth and mountains, although they are not very high-level and precious. treasures, but the advantage is that they are large in quantity, and it is now easy to mine, so Liang Ji naturally has no intention of letting them go.

After returning to Manggu City, sell these resources and treasures to some chambers of commerce, and the resale will be a good income from spiritual stones.

At this time, Liang Ji looked at these incomes and thought about the battle between the army formation led by the Wood Emperor and the camel demon group just now, but his thoughts changed slightly and he had new ideas.

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