The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 394 Earning Spiritual Stones

Originally, Liang Ji came to the black hole of the Manggu Star Territory just to hunt forty or fifty demon elixirs from the Camel Mountain Demon. He would make up for what he needed to cultivate the stars later and then left, returning to the Kunlun Star Palace to cultivate the stars and improve his family members.

After all, it has only been a few years since the Yinghai black hole exploded. According to records in the Star Alliance, black hole explosions in the thirty-three star fields almost only occur once every thousand years.

The black hole in the Manggu Star Territory is far from the time when the black hole explodes.

Without the opportunity for a black hole to erupt, without the continuous destruction of stars, and without the large number of void monsters attracted by the destruction of stars, it would be difficult to gain much from hunting here in a short period of time.

Instead of spending too much time here, slowly looking for and hunting the third-order void demon clan, and earning some money for demon pills and demon materials, he might as well improve his cultivation level as soon as possible and complete more tasks of the 'security department' to earn some money. Much.

But now, the battle between the legion formation led by the Wood Emperor and the camel demon group, whether it was the harvested demon pills, camel demon materials, or the work done above the stars in the mountains, undoubtedly made him very satisfied.

Now that there are enough gains and benefits, Liang Ji's original thoughts naturally gradually changed.

Practicing in the Kunlun Star Palace, improving the stars of one's destiny and cultivating the dependents is a practice; now, refining the demon elixir in this ancient city, improving the stars and dependents, and cultivating the Soul Sun Travel Realm are also a practice.

Moreover, even here in Manggu City, he can also log in to the Kunlun Star Palace official website through the Star Network to study various courses, check information, exchange treasures, etc.

But it does not affect his own practice and development at all.

And staying here to practice can also allow the Wood Emperor to continue to lead his legion to form a battle formation, hunt the void monsters in this black hole monster area, and collect star resources and treasures.

Just now, the camel monsters gathered in groups and attacked, causing him to react suddenly.

Because the third-level void monsters have condensed their demon souls and awakened their spiritual wisdom, there are rarely as many void monsters as there are in the second-level monster area, where there are groups of void monsters wandering around in the void. Most of the third-level void monsters are scattered in all directions. , each pursuing and devouring starlight.

However, it is also because the third-order Void Demon Clan has intelligence, so as long as his army of dependents hunts down a kind of Void Demon Clan in large enough numbers and ruthlessly enough, it will definitely provoke a large number of third-order Void Demon Clan from this Void Demon Clan. Call friends and gather together into a group of monsters to kill.

This is a hunting method that is different from hunting the second-level void demon group at the second level.

Or it could be called ‘fishing and hunting’.

Moreover, when he was at the second level, it was difficult for his warriors to form a legionary battle formation and could not gather the strength of the crowd. They could only use magic weapons, spells, and bloodline magical powers to hunt down the second-level void demon group. The continuous attacks on the periphery were like flesh and blood, slowly killing them bit by bit.

If they charge any deeper, they will be swallowed up by the demon swarm and suffer heavy casualties.

But now, after reaching the third level, with the help of the battle formation and the power of the crowd, the legion battle formation led by the Wood Emperor has achieved the power of the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', which is almost as powerful as the fourth level, but it is so powerful. The family battle formation single-handedly defeated the entire group of camel demons and killed thousands of camel demons.

This kind of combat power comparison is undoubtedly far beyond the second level.

As long as they can catch a few more demon groups formed by the third-order void demon clan, Liang Ji's family legion will undoubtedly be able to hunt down a large number of third-order demon clan and harvest a large amount of demon pills and demon materials.

Even if the battle is more intense, like this mountain star, which almost breaks several stars, it will naturally be possible to harvest a batch of star treasures, resources, and a large amount of income.

Spiritual stones and resources are never too much for Star Lord monks at any time.

In the past few years, Liang Ji has mostly concentrated on the tasks of the "Security Department" and earned a lot of merit. However, the spiritual stones, resources, etc., he also harvested some loot while doing tasks, are also limited.

The biggest harvest was the harvest when we cleared out a black market on the Black River Star in the 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals', but it has been almost consumed by now.

Next, the subsequent promotion of third-level stars, the cultivation of dependents, the opening of the fifth-level underworld, and the construction of reincarnation, each of which requires the consumption of a large amount of spiritual stones and resources.

Liang Ji has even considered borrowing another batch of student loans from Xinggong.

Although he is no longer a freshman and the student loan will have to be calculated with interest, after he advances to the fourth level, he will be able to leave the Covenant area and enter the outer world to explore. As long as he can find one or two unowned life stars, he will basically be I was able to pay off all the student loans I owed.

But now, the harvest from the battle with the camel demon group made him realize that he might be able to earn a fortune of spiritual stones and resources here. Even if he could not meet all the spiritual stones and resources he needed, it would at least allow him to borrow less. If you pay less interest on your student loan, you will gain more benefits later on when you find the stars of life.

With the decision made in his heart, Liang Ji had no intention of leaving Manggu City for the time being, but he was not in a hurry to let Emperor Mu lead the army of his family members to go on an expedition.

On the one hand, the Wood Emperor and his Familia legions have not yet recovered, and the sacrificed Familia warriors need to be replenished. After the replenishment, they need to be rehearsed and familiarized. Otherwise, it may be difficult to increase the Wood Emperor's magical power of 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' in the next battle. To the limit of nine hundred and ninety-nine feet.

Therefore, these dependents still need some time to cultivate and regain their fighting strength.

On the other hand, Liang Ji also needs to find a good home for demon pills, demon materials, star resources, treasures, etc.

These demon pills, demon materials, and star resources cannot be directly refined and consumed by Liang Ji's natal stars. He must find a good buyer to exchange them for the spiritual stones and resources he needs.

In Mang Ancient City, Liang Ji's residence, he took out a newly hunted third-level camel mountain camel demon demon elixir, raised the 'Star Mirror', opened the teleportation formation, and sent the demon elixir into the natal star.

The dragon soul wrapped around the stars raised its head and roared, swallowing and refining the demon pill, and then planted it into the natal stars.

The power of the demon elixir melted into the spiritual veins, increasing the strength of the spiritual veins. The power of the demon soul sank under the Nine Earths and transformed into the new layer of underworld that was taking shape under the fourth layer of underworld.

Liang Ji looked at the stars with his mind and consciousness, and saw the fifth layer of the underworld being formed. He made some calculations in his mind, and it was not far away to be able to open the fifth layer of the underworld.

"Spiritual stones and resources must be prepared as soon as possible!"

A thought flashed through Liang Ji's mind.

Every time a layer of the underworld is opened, a lot of heavy treasures are consumed. In addition to the 'divine crystal' fragments, the treasures used to open various pools of merit and hell are all heavy treasures and cost a lot of spiritual stones.

And his previous accumulation was basically consumed in opening up the first four levels of the underworld.

Next, to open up the fifth level of the underworld, Liang Ji must prepare enough spirit stones in advance.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji couldn't stay any longer and immediately left his residence to take action.

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