The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 395 Void Blue Chapter

Shandelou and Herborist Group, the two companies that originally funded Liang Ji and have cooperated with him all year round, are large groups that span multiple star regions and even have branches in the nine star palaces.

Nowadays, there are naturally branches in Manggu City in the Manggu Star Region.

When Liang Ji was looking for a place to dispose of the demon pills, demon materials, star resources and treasures obtained from hunting, the first thing that came to mind was naturally these two companies that he often cooperated with.

In addition, the Bian family of the local power "Yujing Tower" and Senior Bian's family have taken good care of him over the years, so Liang Ji naturally did not fall behind.

In just three days, Liang Ji visited the three families, found local responsible persons, and finalized plans for the purchase and sale of various demon pills, demon materials, star materials, and treasures.

These three forces are quite familiar with Liang Ji's situation. They often cooperate with him and often intend to invest in him. The acquisition and sales plans they have negotiated are also very beneficial to Liang Ji.

In this way, with the sales problem solved, Liang Ji can relax and practice and hunt here in Manggu City.

Ten days later, the clan army led by the Wood Emperor in the natal star had been repaired and replenished. Liang Ji went to Manggu City's "External Relations Department" to hand over the spirit stone, and then opened the "Starlight Portal" on the natal star again.

The Wooden Emperor led all his family members in a grand sacrificial ceremony, praying for the blessings of the Emperor of Heaven and the victory and peace of the expedition.

Afterwards, he led the army through the 'Starlight Portal' and once again arrived at the third-level demon area in the black hole of the Manggu Star Territory.

In the past ten days, Liang Ji did not just rest in Manggu City and wait for the recovery of the Familia Legion. He used these ten days to search for information and learn about Manggu City, Manggu Star Territory, etc. through three companies including Shande Building and Herborist Group. local market demand.

This time the hunt was not for his own cultivation of stars and dependents, but to earn spiritual stones. Naturally, Liang Ji had to consider the market demand.

He would hunt which demon pills and demon materials the market needed, so that he could sell them at a high price in the market and earn enough spiritual stones for his subsequent cultivation and the promotion of the stars and his family. , training and providing resources.

Therefore, this time, what came to the legion battle formation led by the Wood Emperor through the 'Starlight Portal' was no longer a mountain star, but a liquid star. According to the data that Liang Ji had checked in the past ten days, in the black hole of the Manggu Star Territory, there were three Among the liquid stars in the first-order monster area, there is often a kind of third-order monster clan 'Void Blue Chapter'.

This kind of Lan Zhang's demon elixir is quite popular in the market. It is one of the types of family members that many local star master monks are willing to practice and cultivate. Moreover, Lan Zhang's demon materials are also very popular in the local area, whether it is making spiritual meals, It can be used for refining elixirs, refining weapons, making talismans, etc.

It can be said that if you hunt for a third-level blue seal, all kinds of demon materials such as blood, flesh, bones, skin, etc. from the demon pill can be sold at a high price.

Therefore, after checking the information and market demand, Liang Ji first chose the 'Void Blue Seal' as his hunting target.

The Wood Emperor led his legion to the liquid star, took out an elixir and crushed it in the liquid star. He then controlled the wind and rain, raised waves, and mixed the power of the crushed elixir into the surrounding liquid and spread out.

Soon after, liquid surged up in the distance, and a giant blue seal with a size of more than three hundred feet was seen, stirring up large waves and coming towards it.

The elixir just crushed is also the meaning of the information that the Liang family has learned through the 'Yu Jing Tower' in the past few days. It is made of special materials. After being crushed, it will produce a special smell that can attract the 'Void Blue Seal'.

Because of the popularity of the 'Void Blue Seal' material, in the black hole of the Manggu Star Territory, there are quite a few Star Master monks who hunt blue seals all year round, so they have developed some practical hunting techniques, and this elixir is one of them.

Faced with Lan Zhang who was rushing towards him by the waves, Emperor Mu quickly dispatched his troops to attack.

"The Wind-Mocking Legion, call the wind! The wind roars!"

"Chi Kiss Army, Call for Rain! Thousand Waves!"

Among such liquid stars, the "Mountaining Wind and Rain" of the Chao Feng and Chi Kiss Legions are undoubtedly the most advantageous, so they are also the first to be dispatched by the Wood Emperor.

The two legions quickly formed a battle formation, and then connected the battle formations to form a formation.

Subsequently, 'Call the Wind' and 'Call the Rain' combined to form the great magical power of 'Call the Wind and Call the Rain', sweeping up a violent storm and covering a large area around it. It competed with Lan Zhang for control of the surrounding liquids and waves, and even turned into wind knives and rain. The sword kept attacking Lan Zhang.

With roars and roars, the more than 300-foot-long Void Blue Chapter that rushed towards it could not break out of the area enveloped by the violent storm. In the end, it was completely swallowed up by the violent storm and was killed by the Wind Blade and Rain Sword.

Then the waves swept back the demon corpse, and the Wood Emperor's family army quickly collected the demon materials on Lan Zhang's body, and luckily, he opened a third-level demon pill from it, which was a good start.

Half an hour later, another wave of water rolled up in the distance, and a three-level blue seal more than 200 feet rushed towards it, and was swallowed up by the violent storm in an instant.

Seeing this, the Wood Emperor also made a rough judgment on the combat power of the third-level blue seal. Its combat power was not even as good as the third-level Tuoshan Camel Demon.

At the moment, arrangements were made for the remaining Familia legions. Basically, the two Familia armies were united into one team, and then each was sent out with pills to go fishing and hunt for Void Blue Badges in various parts of the liquid star.

Different from the previous high mountain stars, due to the different terrain environment of this liquid star, the Familia team also made some adjustments.

Soon, one after another Familia allied army teams were hunting for the Void Blue Seal all over the liquid stars, and the progress was going smoothly. With the current strength of each Familia army, the two armies joining forces were not as powerful as Chaofeng and Chi Kiss. 'The Great Divine Power is powerful, but the Void Blue Badge, which is not strong enough to hunt the humpback demon, is still no problem.

Liang Ji was initially concerned about the hunting situation of his clan legions. Seeing this, he relaxed and allowed the clan legions led by the Wood Emperor to hunt here, while he himself withdrew his mind and consciousness and continued to wake up in Manggu City. The practice of daily travel.

Manggu City is located in the center of the Manggu Black Hole, suppressing the black hole. It looks like a city, but it is actually as big as a star. There has already been a class of immortals in the sky who have made the void into reality, moved the stars, the sun and the moon, and arranged it in the sky. The grand formation of the sun and moon galaxies satisfies the growth and evolution of spiritual veins and life in Manggu City.

It can be said that like Mang Ancient City, the city in the Star Alliance suppressed in the center of the thirty-three star field black holes is a special ninth-order star. Such an environment is naturally suitable for daily practice of soul refining.

However, after all, the environment in Manggu City cannot be compared with that in Kunlun Star Palace. If Liang Ji wants to practice out-of-body day tours, he also needs to rent a cave to practice in a special practice place in the city, not only for a better practice environment. , also for safer practice.

After all, dragons and snakes are mixed in Manggu City, and there is not a safe enough practice environment. If you rashly practice out-of-body and day-trip practices, you may be plotted, attacked, and trapped in the city.

The rental of the training cave in the city was a moderate expense. Looking at the shrinking number of spirit stones, Liang Ji became more and more looking forward to and paying more attention to his family members' actions of hunting and earning spirit stones.

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