The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 401 Long Live Birthday Banquet

In the black hole of the Manggu Star Territory, there is a third-level demon area.

Above a metal star, in the dark void, a large number of golden fish-like void monsters gathered in groups, sweeping in a storm of immeasurable golden energy.

Above the stars, the second-generation Wood Emperor gathered the legions of the Ten Meridian Familiars to form the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation'. The power of the Ten Meridian Families manifested and gathered in the body, operating the power of the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', and offering sacrifices to the 'Qingzhang'. "Law Order", sprinkled with green light blessing, causing his figure to expand up to eight hundred feet.

Calling for wind and rain, carrying mountains and subduing mountains, driving thunder and lightning, golden swords like mountains, reversing yin and yang, black and yellow souls, and destruction in all directions!

Although the second-generation Wood Emperor's combat power is not as good as that of the Heavenly Emperor's messenger, the Wood Emperor, he controls the magical powers of all the family members and gathers the power of the battle formation. He also bursts out with some fourth-level power, driving the metal stars under his feet to impact the dark void. The coming golden energy smashed into pieces, breaking apart the group of tens of thousands of golden swimming fish monsters.



Around the group of golden swimming fish monsters, more than a dozen clan legions rushed out in battle formations, guerrilla and hunting for the scattered monster groups.

Liang Ji has been hunting here for several years, and has become quite famous by cooperating with Lu Ding and other students from Manggu Academy. It has also attracted more students from Manggu Academy to lead their families to cooperate.

So much so that every time he hunts a group of monsters, there will be more than a dozen students from the Manggu Academy accompanying him, each leading his family army to hunt and help around.

Liang Ji naturally refused to accept anyone who came. After all, with their help, his family members could also hunt more void monsters and earn more, and the sacrifice was even more beneficial.

Moreover, it is also a good thing to take this opportunity to get to know and make friends with some students and colleagues from Manggu Academy.

In particular, these Star Master students from Manggu Academy knew the rules quite well. At most a dozen of them came at a time. They basically cooperated with Liang Ji's family members to take down most of the monsters and would not infringe on Liang Ji's interests.

In this way, Liang Ji has been here in Manggu City for several years, while hunting the void monsters to earn spiritual stones and resources, while practicing his own soul out-of-body day trip, and at the same time making friends with the students of the Star Master of Manggu Academy, which has been quite smooth. .

He was even invited by the students of Manggu Academy several times to travel and observe in Manggu Academy, and even borrowed the practice place to help him practice, and he gained a lot.

Although the Star Domain Academy is not as good as the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance, it can occupy a star domain and suppress a black hole. It naturally has its own strengths. There are several formations and secret realms in the Manggu Academy, among which It still retains some of the wild aura and power of the outer star field before the Star Alliance occupied this star field and was refined and transformed by the 'Zhoutian Star Array'.

These are different from the 'extraterrestrial forces' within the Star Alliance, and are quite beneficial to the monks' research and their own practice.

Liang Ji was also invited and recommended by the students of the academy with whom he had made friends, and then based on his status as a student of Kunlun Star Palace, he spent some merit to enter and practice there, get in touch with the "extraterrestrial power", and hone his own practice.

More than a year later, when Liang Ji finished his practice for the day, he discovered that there was a message in the 'Star Book', which was an internal mission message for the 'Security Department' team.

In the past few years, Liang Ji has been hunting and earning spiritual stones in the Manggu Star Territory, focusing on his own cultivation. In addition, the 'security department' has just cleaned up the various strongholds of the 'Pantheon' in the Star Alliance. At this time, the 'Pantheon' has suffered heavy losses and has shrunk. The tasks in the team have been greatly reduced, and most of them are related to the tasks of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, the Ten Thousand Temples, and the Hacker Array Master.

Liang Ji has no interest in these tasks for the time being. He has not participated in many tasks in the past few years and has always stayed in Manggu City to practice.

But this time, Liang Ji looked at the mission mentioned by senior Yang Yun in the team group, and became somewhat interested.

He thought for a moment, replied in the group, and accepted the task.

Five days later, Liang Ji took a flying car and arrived at the airport to the west of Manggu City. The 'Star Alliance' was arranged here, and it welcomed the docking of starships, sky islands, etc. outside. It was one of the gateways into and out of Manggu City.

Soon after, he saw a group of four figures walking out of the airport. The leaders were Senior Sister Yang Yun and Senior Senior Qi Changge. Behind them were two team members, Zhang Xiu and Qin Hongyan.

In addition, Liang Ji was the member of the team who took over the task this time.

Liang Ji immediately greeted him with a smile and said: "Welcome, seniors and sisters, to Manggu City!"

Senior Sister Yang Yun looked at Liang Ji and said with a smile: "Haha, Senior Brother Liang, it seems that you have gained a lot in Manggu City in the past few years. You are almost half a master. I can't leave you for a long time."

Liang Ji also nodded with a smile and said modestly: "I was lucky enough to get something."

He has been practicing in Manggu City and has not participated in several missions in the team. The members of the team naturally know his situation.

Several people greeted each other during the conversation, and Liang Ji specially congratulated Senior Qi Changge: "Senior Qi, congratulations on your further improvement in cultivation, and the hope of immortality!"

A few years ago, Qi Changge had completed the practice of 'Soul and Dao Harmony' and reached the perfection of the third-level star master. Now he has naturally advanced to the fourth-level star master and the sixth-level golden elixir realm.

Facing Liang Ji's congratulations, senior Qi Changge forced a smile on his face, shook his head and said: "I just entered the fourth level and sixth level. A first-level immortal is elusive."

Different from the excitement when he came out of seclusion after completing the cultivation of 'Soul and Dao Harmony', senior Qi Changge has returned to his usual calm and solemn state.

Seeing this, Liang Ji understood more and more that if Qi Changge could always maintain a calm and cautious attitude, he would definitely be able to go further on the road of cultivation.

While they were talking, several people got on the speed car and headed straight to Shan De Tower.

Liang Ji has been here for several years, hunting the Void Demon Clan, collecting star treasures and resources, and selling them through Shande Building, Herborist Group, etc., and his relationship with several companies has become more and more familiar. This time, he welcomes Qi Changge, Yang Yun and other teammates. The banquet was booked at Shande Building.

"This mission is extraordinary." During the banquet, Captain Yang Yun talked about the specific mission. She looked at a few people and said: "The Manggu Star Territory has been opened for thousands of years. I participated in the opening of the Manggu Star Territory. The earliest Earth Immortals who captured the indigenous spiritual veins and stars to refine them into the 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals' are nearly ten thousand years old."

"Our mission this time is to go to an 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' among the indigenous spiritual stars to participate in a birthday banquet. Long live the birthday banquet!"

Although Captain Yang Yun talked about the happy event of participating in the birthday banquet, there was not much relaxation or joy on his face.

When Liang Ji and others heard this, their expressions were different and somewhat solemn.

Long live the birthday party!

On the road to star master, only a first-grade immortal can live a long life.

It can be said that longevity is the ceiling of the life span of monks from all branches in the Star Alliance today.

The third-level immortals of each lineage seize the indigenous spiritual veins and stars and refine them into "blessed lands" to cultivate the way of earth immortals. Even if they have the "blessed lands" accumulation, plus various life-extending treasures, secret techniques, etc., as long as they cannot break through and ascend. The Earth Immortal also does not live to live long.

Therefore, no one can say what will happen to this long-lived birthday banquet, so they cannot help but treat it with caution.

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