The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 402 Wild Star

The Mangyuan Star is a fifth-level spiritual star located in the Manggu Star Territory. It was one of the indigenous stars when the Star Alliance opened up the Manggu Star Territory.

According to the original agreement between the immortals of each lineage and the Star Alliance, the indigenous stars laid down to open up the Manggu Star Territory will be occupied and refined into blessed lands by the immortals of each lineage. They will try to follow the path of the earthly immortals in order to break through the immortals of each lineage who have no way to enter. dilemma.

This wilderness star was naturally the same. It was refined into an 'underground blessed land' by a venerable man who had reached the pinnacle of the third-level human immortal cultivator.

The name of this human immortal has been buried in history for a long time. Nowadays, all parties refer to him as 'Venerable Mangyuan' or 'Mangyuan Earth Immortal'.

Liang Ji and his party gathered in Manggu City. After two days of rest, they boarded a starship and crossed the Manggu Star Territory, arriving at Mangyuan Star from Manggu City.

At this time, we can see that on the wilderness star, various types of starships, sky islands and other aircraft are coming in and out. A large number of monks from all walks of life and viewers from all walks of life have gathered on this wilderness star.

As early as a few years ago, news had spread in the Mangyuan Star that Venerable Mangyuan was about to live a long life and would hold a 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' in the Mangyuan Star, inviting monks from all over the world to come and watch the ceremony.

In this regard, no matter whether it is the cultivation path of each lineage in the Star Alliance, the Star Alliance itself, or even some enemies inside and outside the Star Alliance, they all pay special attention to it.

After all, many forces both inside and outside the Star Alliance are very aware of some of the shortcomings and key conflicts that have always existed in the Star Alliance.

In the Star Alliance, except for the Star Lord Dao Lineage, all other Dao Lineages are unable to break through the third level. There is no way forward, no way to ascend, and no way to live forever.

This can be said to be the main source of many contradictions and conflicts in the Star Alliance.

Evil organizations such as the Temple of Demons, the Temple of Gods, and the Temple of All Saints were also born because of this. Most of the evil cultivators who gathered in these evil organizations were because it was difficult for ghosts, gods, immortals, etc. to find a way to break through. Going down a wrong path to find a way to break through.

As for the earthly immortal way, although it has been deduced very maturely in the Star Alliance, it can be regarded as a reluctant step forward on the basis of the third-level immortal level of each channel, but this step has not been completely implemented after all.

This time, Venerable Mangyuan Star's "Long Live Birthday Banquet" may be the key to whether the "Road to Earthly Immortality" can be implemented.

If Venerable Mangyuan can completely implement the path of 'Earth Immortal' before the end of his life, it will undoubtedly be a great merit that will benefit the present and the future. It will be of great benefit to Venerable Mangyuan himself and the Star Alliance. Things.

But if Venerable Mangyuan fails to open up the 'Road to Earth Immortality' this time and dies at the Longevity Birthday Banquet, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to all the branches of the Star Alliance and to the Star Alliance.

It may even cause another turmoil in the Star Alliance. This is undoubtedly what many enemies inside and outside the Star Alliance want to see, and even what they pursue.

Therefore, this time the longevity banquet of Lord Mangyuan is of great importance. The Star Alliance's 'security department' has issued various tasks and sent some intern teams and even formal members to participate in the banquet.

Not only are we paying attention to Venerable Mang Yuan's important breakthrough, we are also on guard against some enemies inside and outside the Star Alliance taking this opportunity to create chaos and attacks, destroying Venerable Mang Yuan's breakthrough and paving the way, thereby causing greater chaos and destruction.

Entering Mangyuan Star and heading straight into Mangyuan City, the entire city is now filled with a lively and festive atmosphere. Restaurants have flowing banquets, merchants offer various promotions, and many places have auras that turn into light curtains, in which various scenes are staged. The deeds related to Venerable Mangyuan promote the achievements, merits and prestige of Venerable Mangyuan.

Liang Ji could see that around the light curtain where many spiritual lights were manifested, many indigenous ethnic groups on the Mangyuan planet gathered here, bowing to the Lord Mangyuan in the light curtain, or praying for blessings.

It can be seen that the faces of these indigenous groups are full of respect and faith for the Venerable Mangyuan.

Just like his natal star, the family members' faith and respect for him, the Emperor of Heaven.

"It is said that the way of the Earth Immortal is the path opened by the third-grade immortals of each lineage to imitate the way of the Star Lord. Now it seems that it is not unreasonable."

"Looking at the performance of these indigenous groups, it seems that Venerable Mangyuan's management in this 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals' is very good, and he has become somewhat like a star lord and a dependent clan."

Several thoughts quickly emerged in Liang Ji's mind.

Over the years, he has also entered many 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands', and has seen various situations in different 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands'.

As in the original "Chishan Star", the indigenous groups continued to resist, and even the Red Flame God Lord needed outsiders to help annihilate the indigenous people; it is also like this in the Wilderness Star, where the Earth Immortal Lord has conquered the indigenous groups and controls it like the Star Lord and the Heavenly Emperor. Of the stars.

Judging from Liang Ji's experience in cultivating the Planet Master Taoism over the years, it is impossible to say that this 'Mangyuan Venerable' can really take the step of becoming an 'Earth Immortal' and complete the eternal merits of opening up the road.

"The senior monks in the ministry will pay attention to and protect Venerable Mang Yuan's breakthrough."

At this time, the leader of the team, Senior Sister Yang Yun, told Liang Ji and others about the mission, saying:

"The task of our intern team is to patrol various areas in the Mangyuan Star to guard against evil cultivators, or even outside forces setting up means to cause attacks and destruction, so as to prevent interference with the breakthrough of the Mangyuan Venerable."

"This mission is of great importance. If something goes wrong, it is likely to have unpredictable consequences, and may even lead to chaos in the Star Alliance!" Captain Yang Yun said, and the smile that often hung on his face faded. He looked at Liang Ji and the others with a serious expression, and said, "So, everyone must show full spirit this time, do you understand?"

"Understood, Captain!"

Liang Ji and others responded in unison.

"Okay, there are still two months before the birthday banquet starts. Let's take a rest in this wilderness city first. I want to contact the person in charge sent here by the ministry to receive specific tasks."

Speaker, Senior Sister Yang Yun led Liang Ji and others into a restaurant and stayed temporarily.

Senior Yang Yun went to the center of Mangyuan City with Senior Qi Changge to meet with the person in charge of the operation of the 'security department' and to learn some materials and information.

Senior Qi Changge has now broken through to the fourth level Star Master and entered the middle level. He has enough power to protect himself. According to the regulations of the Star Alliance and the Star Palace, he can already leave the scope of the Star Alliance and enter the outer star field. It’s time for internship and action.

However, Senior Qi Changge did not choose to go to the outer star field, but chose to continue working in the Star Alliance's "Security Department". According to the regulations, Te has been able to leave the internship stage and officially join the "Security Department" and become a "Security Department" Department's official members, and even formed their own internship teams.

This time, Senior Sister Yang Yun took Senior Qi Changge to visit the senior leaders and senior monks of the 'Security Department', in order to help Senior Qi Changge.

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