There are forty-five cities on the Wild Planet, of which Wild City is the main city, and the remaining 44 cities are considered secondary cities, distributed throughout the Wild Star.

This time, the longevity banquet of Lord Mangyuan is the last chance to break through to the realm of earthly immortals. On the entire Mangyuan planet, not only Mangyuan City is busy and celebrating the banquet, but other cities are also decorated and celebrating.

This is the most critical place in Wilderness City, and it is also the place where the Star Alliance security department pays the most attention. Naturally, high-level monks from the department are stationed and investigating. There is no need for Liang Ji and other intern teams to investigate and look for possible evil cultivators and foreign enemies.

Their main task is to inspect the remaining forty-four sub-cities, looking for evil cultivators and foreign enemies who may be hiding in them, so as to prevent them from causing trouble, attacking and destroying them during the critical moment of the Long Live Birthday Banquet and the breakthrough of Lord Mangyuan.

Therefore, Liang Ji and others only stayed in Mangyuan City for one day. After Captain Yang Yun took Senior Sister Qi Changge to visit the senior monks in the department, he took them away from Mangyuan Star and went to various sub-cities to perform tasks and patrols. to bring up the possible existence of demon cultivators.

There was more than one team participating in the mission this time. The senior monks in the department had already assigned cities and places to explore based on their respective situations.

Yang Yun's team needs to explore four sub-cities, all of which are located in the southern area of ​​the wilderness star.

The group took a flying boat and flew for nearly half a month before arriving at the first city that needed to be explored: Akahara City.

This city is located on the edge of a volcano, and the surrounding land is mostly red, hence its name.

They lead the mission of the Star Alliance's "Security Department" and are doing important things related to the breakthrough and safety of Lord Mang Yuan. Naturally, they have received strong support from the local government here in Akahara City.

They even sent a team to follow them, and if they found an enemy, they would be able to help them.

The Wild Star is a fifth-level spiritual star. The monks and natives in the star can practice up to the fifth level. The team sent by Chiyuan City is composed entirely of fifth-level monks and natives. It can be said that it has done its best. .

After making various preparations, Liang Ji and others began to patrol Chiyuan City.

During Lord Mang Yuan's long-lived birthday banquet, the entire planet was in a state of excitement and carnival, and Akahara City was no exception.

There are flowing tables in restaurants, various discounts and promotions in stores, and the streets are full of festive decorations. There are also various light curtains showing the various deeds of Venerable Mang Yuan.

Of course, these deeds, just like the 'epics' recorded by the family members in Liang Ji's natal stars, all praise Lord Mangyuan as the stars, the patron saint of the indigenous people, and even the emperor of heaven.

Around these light curtains, there are also many indigenous people worshiping respectfully and enthusiastically.

"Sacrifice the Souling Plate." At the city gate, Senior Sister Yang Yun took the lead in offering the Souling Plate and gave the order in a loud voice.

Liang Ji and others also offered sacrifices to the 'Soul Plate'.

This is a treasure given to them by the Star Alliance security department. It can search for abnormal auras nearby, especially demonic auras, the power of evil gods, etc. It is an important means for them to do daily tasks, pursue evil cultivators, and eradicate evil cultivators.

This time, the security department issued a mission to convene ten intern teams to search for possible evil cultivators and foreign enemies on the wilderness planet. They mainly relied on the "spiritual search plates" in their hands.

At this time, Liang Ji and others sacrificed the "Soul Plate", and the five "Soul Plate" were floating in the air. Senior Yang Yun's "Soul Plate" was in the center. Liang Ji, Qi Changge, Zhang Xiu, Qin Hongyan The four people's "soul searching boards" are in all directions.

At this time, Senior Yang Yun made a secret in her hand, and a spiritual light penetrated into the "Soul Searching Plate" in the middle. Liang Ji and the other four followed closely behind, each making secrets and firing a spiritual light into their respective "Soul Searching Plate".

Suddenly, five 'Soul Searching Disks' vibrated and buzzed in the air, each with auras blooming from them, intertwined and connected with each other, with Senior Sister Yang Yun's 'Soul Searching Disk' as the main one, connecting into a larger one, composed of auras. The huge 'spiritual plate'.

This is also a function of the 'Soul Searching Board'. Many tasks in the security department are completed in a team situation. Naturally, there are means to combine the strength of the team. The distributed 'Soul Searching Board' can also be combined to form In one body, a larger and stronger soul-searching effect can be unleashed.

At this time, Liang Ji and others used Senior Sister Yang Yun's 'Soul Searching Plate' as the main one, combined with five 'Spirit Searching Plate' to form a larger and more effective 'Big Soul Searching Plate'.

"Let's go and search the whole city with me!"

Senior Sister Yang Yun was at the front, leading the work of the 'Great Search for Spiritual Plate'. Liang Ji and others followed closely behind, each urging their hand seals to provide energy for the 'Great Search for Spiritual Plate', and also cooperating with Senior Yang Yun's actions.

The ‘Great Soul Searching Plate’ flew in the mid-air of Akahara City, casting a large invisible aura of light over the surrounding streets, houses, roads, and the earth, searching for the auras of evil cultivators and foreign enemies that might be hidden in them.

Such a vision naturally attracted the attention of many monks and natives in Chiyuan City. However, the Chiyuan City government had already sent the strongest team in the city to accompany them, which naturally blocked these monks and natives from attacking Liang Ji. Others' exploration caused interference.

Chiyuan City is not small. There are 8 vertical and 8 horizontal avenues in the city. There are sixteen avenues. Liang Ji and others walked along the avenues. With the power of the 'Great Soul Searching Plate', walking through the sixteen avenues was enough to detect. The situation in the entire city.

As a result, before the first avenue was completed, the 'Great Soul Searching Plate' made a discovery.

It was hidden in a house behind a large store on the side of the street. Under the invisible aura of the 'Dasou Lingpan', it was immediately discovered that there was hidden evil energy in it.

"There is a demonic cultivator hiding!" Senior Sister Yang Yun said, raising her hand and shooting out a piece of spiritual light to mark the house where the demonic energy was hidden.

Next, without Liang Ji and others taking action, the accompanying team sent by the Chiyuan City government took action directly. A fifth-level martial saint led a team of ten fifth-level indigenous aliens to attack the house where the evil energy was hidden.

Venerable Mangyuan, who refined Mangyuan Star into the Blessed Land of Earth Immortals, was born in the lineage of human immortals. Naturally, the lineage of human immortals is also the most popular in Mangyuan Star.

Especially among the governments in various cities, the monks of the Human Immortal Tradition are the most numerous and occupy the most rights, interests, etc.

This time, the accompanying team sent by Chiyuan City was led by four fifth-level martial saints of the Human Immortal Taoism, leading a team mainly composed of fifth-level natives to help Liang Ji and the others.

It can be said that these fifth-level martial saints who practice human immortality are all direct disciples of Venerable Mangyuan. Naturally, they are the most loyal to Venerable Mangyuan, and they are also the most willing to celebrate Venerable Mangyuan's long live birthday and break through the "Earth Immortal". The existence of hard work and fighting.

Venerable Mangyuan's survival and breakthrough have the most direct interest in them.

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