The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 404 Attacking and being attacked


Two fifth-level martial saints led ten fifth-level natives and went straight to explore the house where the evil energy was found. Before they could take action, they heard a roar and the house containing the evil energy exploded directly. Thunder, fire, demonic energy, and demonic souls burst out from it and rushed in all directions.

Obviously, the demon cultivator hiding in the house noticed the strange movement here, realized that something was wrong, and took action first.

"How brave!"

"court death!"

Seeing this, the two leading fifth-grade martial saints suddenly became furious, shouted angrily, and took action together.

One person raised his fist like a mountain, blasting down endless majestic and heavy Gang Qi, which immediately dispersed most of the large amount of demonic Qi that erupted in the house.

Without the cover of the demonic energy, the traces of the demonic cultivator hidden inside suddenly appeared.


Another fifth-grade martial saint practiced and mastered the art of swordsmanship. He slashed out with a sword that sounded like thunder. The sharp and powerful sword light instantly cut the exposed demon cultivator in half.


The demonic cultivator let out a shrill scream, and the demonic energy erupted from the body cut in half, connecting and intertwining with each other, trying to reconnect and recover the demonic body.

However, the sword light of the fifth-grade Martial Saint contains the extremely strong will of the Martial Saint. The sword light always lingers at the point where the demon body is broken, constantly consuming and erupting, and destroying the demon energy erupting in the two demon bodies. Continuously wearing away and killing.

Soon, the demon body that was chopped into two pieces completely lost its life and fell into the broken house below.

While the two martial saints were killing the escaping demon cultivators, their ten fifth-level natives also took action, surrounding them in all directions, blocking and blasting away the demonic energy and demonic souls that were rushing in all directions.

These fifth-level natives are all a kind of fire wolf alien race, mastering the power of fire.

Ten fifth-level fire wolf aliens surrounded the surroundings and formed a battle formation. Each of them sprayed fifth-level spiritual fire into a sea of ​​fire, swallowing up the demonic energy and demonic souls rushing in all directions.

Without the control and supervision of demon cultivators, these demonic energy and demonic souls will be powerful in a moment, but they are difficult to last, and their levels are limited, and few can reach the fifth level.

Under the burning of the fifth-level spiritual fire set off by the fifth-level fire wolf alien race, he was immediately restrained, the demonic energy was burned out, and the demonic souls were burned to ashes screaming in the sea of ​​fire.

A stronghold hiding a demon cultivator was wiped out in just a moment. The two martial saints immediately led their fire wolf alien team back to the search team. As for the damage and losses caused by the battle, the city government sent a follow-up team to deal with it.

Liang Ji and others watched the team sent from the city easily deal with the hidden demonic cultivators, so they paid no more attention to them and continued to activate the 'Great Soul Searching Plate' to cooperate with Captain Yang Yun to explore the surrounding streets, shops, cities, and the earth.

After exploring one street, we quickly turned to the second street.

As a result, Liang Ji and others explored less than half of the second street, and another discovery was made in the 'Big Soul Search Plate'.

But this time the discovery was not in this second street, but still in the first street that had been explored before.

"Oh, these evil cultivators are quite smart. As expected, they took the opportunity to escape into the streets that they had explored before."

Senior Sister Yang Yun sneered when she looked at the reaction in the 'Great Soul Searching Plate'.

"It's a pity that they underestimated the ability of the Great Soul Searching Plate."

Liang Ji, Yang Yun and others had already expected that evil cultivators and foreign enemies hidden in the city would move to the streets they had explored in order to avoid detection.

However, these evil cultivators and foreign enemies do not know that wherever the 'Great Soul Searching Plate' has explored, invisible and immaterial search auras will be left behind. As long as these evil cultivators and foreign enemies move in, these search auras will be triggered. , thereby exposing the location.

The 'Spirit Searching Plate' specially crafted by the Star Alliance security department is used to search for these evil cultivators and foreign enemies. Naturally, various situations have been taken into consideration.

"Here, here, and here!" At this time, Yang Yun created a light curtain of spiritual light, which revealed the situation around the first street that had been explored. She quickly took action and pointed out three places to detect evil cultivators, The place of foreign enemies.

However, in a short period of time, three enemies moved to the first street, which was enough to show that there were many evil cultivators and foreign enemies lurking in Akahara City.

This shows that there are indeed many evil cultivators and foreign enemies who are eyeing the longevity birthday banquet of Venerable Mangyuan. They want to create chaos, attack, destroy and prevent Venerable Mangyuan from breaking through, in order to gain a foothold in the Star Alliance. Create chaos and unrest.

On the other hand, it is also because it is easy to hide and connect with some evil cultivators in these 'Blessed Lands of Earth Immortals'.

Evil cultivators basically come from cultivators from other Taoist traditions other than the Star Lord Taoist tradition, so naturally they have a deeper connection with the ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Land’ who also come from other Taoist traditions.

In addition, after being refined and mastered by various Taoist immortals, the various 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands' have a special status in the Star Alliance. The supervision and control of the Star Alliance and the Star Map are much lower than those of the Star Alliance. Among the main stars, this makes it easier for some evil cultivators and evil organizations to hide.

Therefore, during the exploration and speculation of the Star Alliance security department, it was originally estimated that there were many evil cultivators, or even evil cultivators, hidden among the native stars of the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.


Seeing Yang Yun pointing out three evil cultivators' hiding places, three fifth-grade martial saints immediately walked out from the team following them and each led an indigenous team to attack the evil cultivators' hiding places.

Soon, several roaring explosions sounded from the first street again, and demonic energy and divine light were seen erupting from the three fighting places, setting off a fierce battle with Wusheng's energy, sword light, and the indigenous aliens. The sea of ​​​​fire collided together, exploded and impacted in all directions.

Obviously, the evil cultivators hiding in Chiyuan City are not just demon cultivators, there are also evil cultivators from the Pantheon.

Liang Ji looked at the direction of the battle. Although it was fierce, he could see that the fighting was suppressed in one place and there was no sign of spreading to the surrounding areas. It was obvious that the indigenous team led by the three martial saints had the upper hand.

"Enemy attack!"

At this moment, Senior Sister Yang Yun suddenly raised her voice and exclaimed.

Liang Ji was also suddenly startled. He also saw several evil cultivator auras rapidly attacking from all around in the 'Great Soul Searching Plate'.

boom! Click...

The next moment, roaring and shattering sounds erupted, and various explosive attack methods such as demonic energy, divine light, and blood shadows were seen, impacting from the surrounding streets and seemingly, directly towards Liang Ji and others.

However, other evil cultivators and foreign enemies hiding in Chiyuan City, seeing that it was difficult to avoid the detection of Liang Ji and others, actually turned to hiding and attacked, taking advantage of the fact that most of the accompanying team was attracted to the first street. , gathered directly and attacked the exploration team.

Since you can't avoid the search, destroying the search team will have the same effect!

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