The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 408 Everyone has their own methods

In order to help Venerable Mangyuan achieve harmony and transcendence, the monks and indigenous aliens on Mangyuan Planet prepared a large-scale sacrifice called the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet'.

The evil cultivators and foreign enemies who wanted to disrupt the Star Alliance were obviously well prepared. Mo Ran drove the wild beasts and ferocious beasts in the wilderness star and turned into a beast tide to attack the cities everywhere, intending to break through the cities and massacre the monks and natives. , from destroying and interfering with the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet', and preventing the detachment and breakthrough of Venerable Mangyuan.

Both sides have their own calculations and preparations, just to see who is better.

At this time, Captain Yang Yun took out the 'Star Book' to check its contents, but received new tasks and messages from the 'Security Department'. She turned to Liang Ji and others and said:

"New orders came from the ministry. The long-lived birthday banquet and attacks by evil cultivators and enemies have begun in advance. The ministry ordered us to fully assist various cities, eliminate the tide of beasts, evil cultivators and outsiders attacking the cities, and fully protect the cities. The stability ensures the normal progress of the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' in the city."

"Venerable Mangyuan is the monk most promising to transcend and open up the path to earthly immortality. There is no room for failure!"


Liang Ji and others responded in unison.

Yang Yun looked at a few people and immediately ordered: "Zhang Xiu, Qin Hongyan, and Liang Ji, the three of you help the beast tide outside the Chiyuan City team. You must not let the beast tide break through the city."

"Qi Changge, you and I will continue to patrol and deal with evil cultivators and foreign enemies that may be lurking in the city."

"Solve the trouble here as soon as possible, and then rush to other cities."

"The forty-five cities on Mangyuan Star are all the key to helping Lord Mangyuan break through. No one can be missed."


"Follow the order!"

Liang Ji, Qi Changge and others agreed and immediately took action.

At the moment, the three third-level star masters, Liang Ji, Zhang Xiu, and Qin Hongyan, rushed to various city walls in Chiyuan City.

With their third-level star masters' cultivation, they can only protect themselves against the fifth-level evil cultivators and foreign enemies that may be hidden in the city. None of their family members are any match for evil cultivators and foreign enemies, so staying in the city to deal with evil cultivators and foreign enemies is completely useless. .

On the contrary, although most of the wild beasts and ferocious beasts attacking outside the city were possessed by demons and sacrificed to gods, their combat power was limited. They only relied on their sufficient numbers, but it was Liang Ji and other third-level star masters who could deal with and destroy them. best opponent.

After all, their dependents are never afraid of numbers.

There is no city wall in the south of Chiyuan City against the volcano. There are only three walls on the east, west and north sides. Liang Ji and the three of them each chose a city wall, and it was the east wall that he climbed on.

At this time, many monks and indigenous aliens in the city also climbed onto the city wall, preparing to fight against the ferocious beast tide attacking outside the city and resist the attack of the beast tide.

This battle is not only related to the breakthrough of Lord Mangyuan, but also Chiyuan City is the home of these people. Their families and relatives all live in the city. Once the city is breached by the beast tide, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, despite the overwhelming tide of beasts outside the city, these monks and indigenous aliens showed no intention of retreating, and many of them had a desperate look on their faces.

At this time, Liang Ji held up the Star Map, raised his hand to make a secret, and used the Star Map to open a Starlight Portal on the city wall with the help of the Star Map. On the other side of the Starlight Portal, he was natal star.

At this time, above his natal star, the second-generation Wood Emperor had gathered the legions of the ten-lineage dependents. Under the blessing of the sacrificial ceremony presided over by the new pope, they crossed the 'Starlight Gate' to fight.

"Kill the enemy!"

Liang Ji, as the 'Emperor of Heaven', handed down the oracle.

"The battle begins, kill!"

The second-generation Wood Emperor immediately gave the order and commanded the legions of the Ten Meridians to form the "Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation" to directly face the tide of beasts attacking from outside the city.

In the battle formation, the second generation of the Wood Emperor gathered the power of the ten members of the family and activated the great magical power of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth". He was seven hundred feet tall and could call for wind and rain, drive thunder and lightning, carry mountains and burn flames with the wave of his hand. He swung it freely.

All of a sudden, fierce winds like knives, heavy rains like swords, thunder, mountains, and seas of fire were all blasted into the incoming tide of beasts.

Killings, explosions, and destruction suddenly broke out in the beast tide. A large number of beasts and ferocious beasts that came in were killed, blasted to pieces, and turned into powder.

The power of the battle formation formed by the second-generation Wood Emperor's ten-lineage clan legions was able to fight and kill the demon group formed by the third-level void demon clan in the black hole demon area.

It is easy to deal with the beasts on these stars and the tide of beasts transformed by fierce beasts.

Even the demonic energy and divine light that entangled and permeated the beast tide were shattered and obliterated under the bombardment of various magical powers operated by the second-generation Wood Emperor.

Liang Ji relied on his own strength to hold back the tide of beasts attacking from the east far outside the city with his army of family members.

The remaining two city walls in the west and north are in similar situations. Zhang Xiu and Qin Hongyan, one was born in the Fortune Star Palace and the other was born in the Lingbao Star Palace. Their cultivation and inheritance are no worse than Liang Ji, and their dependents naturally have many skills. Keep the incoming beast tide away from Akahara Castle.

On the three city walls, the monks and indigenous aliens who had gathered to resist the beast tide suddenly burst into cheers when they saw this.

Although they were ready to sacrifice for their homeland and Lord Mangyuan, they were naturally very excited to see the beast tide being easily resisted outside the city by the envoy who came to help.

Not only was he excited because he didn't have to sacrifice himself, but he was also excited to be able to save his home and help Venerable Mangyuan.

"The people of Akahara City, with the envoys to eliminate the beast tide, there will be no worries in Akahara City. Everyone will return to the city immediately and continue to hold the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' ceremony to help the Venerable break through!"

In the center of Akahara City, the official who presided over the city's grand ceremony immediately raised his voice and gave orders.

Just now, due to the panic caused by the attack of the beast tide outside the city, there were also a large number of monks and indigenous aliens who left the festival to prepare for the battle in the city. This has caused the power of incense belief, indigenous beliefs and other forces that gathered during the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' festival in the city to greatly decline and merge into The power in the stars, heaven, earth, and avenue also weakened as a result.

Therefore, in the sky above Akahara City, the black cracks and bloody thunder disappeared, and their recovery speed slowed down a bit.

Now, seeing that the beast tide was blocked by the envoy who came to help, the officials who presided over the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" naturally hurriedly recalled everyone.

On the three city walls, the cheering monks and indigenous foreigners heard the call of the officiating officials and knew that the situation was urgent. Seeing that the threat was gone, they returned to the city one after another to continue participating in the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' ceremony.

The power of faith and belief that had gathered in the city suddenly became strong again, continuously integrating into the great avenue of heaven and earth.

In the sky, the figure of Lord Mangyuan has completely disappeared, reintegrating into the avenue of stars, heaven and earth.

boom! boom! Rumble...

However, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, there was another loud roar. This time it was not thunder from the sky or a tide of beasts on the ground, but came from the volcano to the south.

But seeing the volcano shaking, a large amount of ground fire and magma erupting, the volcano on the edge of Akahara City actually erupted at this time!

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