The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 409 Fourth level flying boat

Liang Ji and the three of them each opened the 'Starlight Portal' and recruited their family members to form a battle formation to resist the beast tide coming from the east, west and north of Chiyuan City, so that the monks and indigenous aliens in the city could safely return to the city to continue the 'Long Live' Birthday banquet's big festival.

At the same time, Yang Yun and Qi Changge, with the help of the fifth-grade monks and natives in the city, as well as the large formation in the city, have also killed all the missing demon cultivators and foreign enemies in the city.

It can be said that the situation in Akahara City is improving.

In the sky, the black cracks and bloody thunder that the heaven and earth counterattack have completely disappeared, and the figure of Lord Mangyuan has also reintegrated into the heaven and earth.

But at this moment, the volcano on the south side of Akahara City erupted directly. Ground fire, magma, and thick smoke rose into the sky, impacting and covering Akahara City below the mountain.

He just wants to directly destroy Chiyuan City through natural disasters and destroy the ‘Long Live Birthday Banquet’ in the city!

Many exclamations, angry shouts, and screams suddenly sounded in Akahara City, and there were signs of chaos again at the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' in the city.

"Hmph!" At this time, in the center of Chiyuan City, the monk who hosted the 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "I have already said that entangled with these evil cultivators is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger!"

"Sure enough, these evil cultivators have long been interested in this volcano."

As he spoke, the monk who presided over the ceremony raised his hand and offered several seals. A red light shot out from the seals and sank into the erupting volcano. A series of spiritual lights suddenly appeared on the volcano, intertwined criss-cross, like a big net covering the volcano, covering the entire volcano. The volcano is tightly bound. It is obvious that Akahara City has already arranged formations and restrictions in this volcano to block and suppress the volcano, making it difficult for it to erupt. Instead, it allows Akahara City to take advantage of the earth's fire.

However, at this time, it can be clearly seen that the light network formed by the formation and restriction that envelopes and tightly binds the volcano has a big hole in it, making it impossible to suppress the eruption of the volcano.

These are obviously the methods of evil cultivators and foreign enemies.

Seeing this, the monk presiding over the ceremony stretched out his hand to place a seal in the air, and the seal continued to fly high, turning into a stream of light and integrating into the protective formation that enveloped Akahara City.

Channels of red light flew out from it, flowing along the city defense formation and quickly covering the entire city. They blessed the city defense formation and turned into a curtain of red light.

Amidst the loud roar, the ground fire and magma from the volcanic eruption rushed down and collided with the light curtain formed by the city defense formation. The light curtain shook endlessly, and several parts of the city defense formation collapsed directly. If it had not been integrated into The 'seals' bloomed with red light, connecting and merging together, and the protective formation guarding the city would probably be directly breached by the impact of the flame explosion.

At that time, a large amount of underground fire and magma will rush into the city, which will truly become a disaster, and the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" ceremony in the city will completely collapse.

Obviously, the city's defense formation has also been tampered with by evil cultivators.

In the center of the city, the monk who presided over the grand ceremony looked increasingly uglier. Evil cultivators can manipulate the city defense formation, either because there are 'hacker array masters' taking action, or there are important tasks in the city that are bribed by evil cultivators.

However, now is the critical moment, and he has no time to investigate these.

The monk who presided over the grand ceremony immediately turned to Yang Yun and Qi Changge and said: "Two envoys, now that the city defense formation is damaged, we can barely block the attack of the volcanic eruption. But if we want to suppress the volcanic eruption, I am afraid we can only It depends on the two envoys to take action."

Qi Changge and Yang Yun looked at each other and said, "I'll do it."

With that said, he escaped from Chiyuan City in one step and came to the top of the erupting volcano in the south of the city. He stretched out his hand and the Starlight Portal opened in mid-air.

One after another, the airships flew out from the 'Starlight Portal'. Among the airships arrayed, the ones controlling the airships were the Red Tiger Half-Demon Familia under Qi Changsong.

When the Star Master reaches the fourth level and sixth level, his family members have gathered the inheritance of talismans, weapons, and arrays, and can combine various flying boats, gunboats and other war magic weapons. Although Senior Qi Changge has advanced to the fourth level Star Master only a few years ago, However, the fighting methods of his family members have been updated, from battle formations to magical weapons such as flying boats and cannons.

At this time, these airships and gunboats were surrounding the volcano and were arranged in all directions. Following Qi Changge's order, streaks of red jade light suddenly shot out from those airships and gunboats, directly into the crater below.

These red jade lights are the inheritance of Kunlun Star Palace’s ‘Jade Lineage’, and the power of ‘Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade’ has the effect of breaking laws.

Where the red jade light penetrated, the fire and magma erupted from the crater suddenly collapsed, the flames extinguished, and the lava turned into rocks and fell to the ground.

The power of the volcanic eruption was immediately greatly weakened, making it more difficult to attack Akahara Castle at the foot of the mountain.

In Chiyuan City, a group of monks and indigenous aliens immediately breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, and then started to hold the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" even more enthusiastically.

Under the propaganda of the monks who presided over the ceremony, Liang Ji, Qi Changge and other envoys were all envoys sent by the 'Venerable Mangyuan'. Now it is the envoys who are blocking the tide of beasts from outside the city, killing the enemies lurking in the city, and blocking the volcano. With the eruption in danger of destruction, everyone in the natural city became more and more grateful to the envoy and Lord Mangyuan, and their faith became more and more fanatical.

And this is exactly what is needed for the ‘Long Live Birthday Banquet’ ceremony.

Outside the city, on top of the volcano, Qi Changge continued to take action, blasting red jade light into the volcano, completely resolving the crisis of fire surging and magma erupting deep in the volcano, and suppressing the volcano.

At this time, the families sent by Liang Ji and others had also destroyed and killed all the beasts attacking from outside the city.

The evil cultivators and foreign enemies hidden in the city were also wiped out by Yang Yun.

At this point, it can be said that Liang Ji and others' mission to come to Chiyuan City has been completed. However, the mission they received from the ministry was to eliminate evil cultivators and foreign enemies hidden in the four cities.

But now, the situation has changed, and the sudden outbreak of evil cultivators and foreign enemies wantonly broke through the limits of the world of Mangyuan Star, and almost forced the Venerable Mangyuan who was aligned with the world of Mangyuan Star to be born early, but his achievements fell short; the monks and indigenous aliens on Mangyuan Star, They also had to start holding the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" ceremony in advance to help Venerable Mangyuan continue to join the path and make breakthroughs.

Based on the situation here in Chiyuan City, Liang Ji and others can also know that the other three cities where they need to explore and search for evil cultivators and foreign enemies have probably begun to hold "Long Live Birthday Banquets" in advance, and they should all be affected. After being attacked by various means from evil cultivators and foreign enemies, it is really difficult to determine what the situation will be like now.

"The situation is urgent now. Since there is nothing going on here in Akahara City, it would be better for us to rush to the remaining cities as soon as possible to check the situation."

Captain Yang Yun also frowned slightly at this time and said to Liang Ji and others.

They accepted the mission to clear out the evil cultivators and foreign enemies in the four cities, in order to protect these four cities. If something unexpected happened, a lot would inevitably be cut off in the merit assessment afterwards.

Liang Ji and others also knew the situation, so it was naturally meaningless.

At the moment, Yang Yun came forward to negotiate with Akahara City and left Akahara City to go to the next city to investigate the situation.

Naturally, Akahara City had no intention of stopping it, and they did not want other cities to make mistakes that would affect Lord Akahara's 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' ceremony.

Afterwards, Liang Ji and his party left Chiyuan City, boarded Captain Yang Yun's family flying boat, and accelerated their progress.

But when they arrived at the second city, what they saw was a city that had been breached and turned into ruins.

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