The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 410 The troops are divided into two groups

There are forty-five cities on the Wild Planet. Liang Ji and his team need to inspect four cities, but now they have just inspected the second city, and something has already gone wrong.

Looking at the city in front of me that has been breached and turned into ruins, there is still a lot of demonic energy and divine light remaining in the city. Many beasts and ferocious beasts are entrenched in the city. Infected by the demonic energy and divine light, they turn into various monsters and eat in the city. There are many corpses, wreckage, and flesh and blood.

The entire city has turned into a dead place, and naturally the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" held by the monks and indigenous aliens in the city has also been completely broken.

Liang Ji raised his head and looked at the sky. Different from the sky where Chiyuan City was located, there was a pitch-black abyss above the sky. It was formed by a large number of pitch-black cracks that split the sky. Countless blood-colored thunders appeared and died in it, like a piece of blood. Clouds hung in the sky.

Combined with the ruined city below and the horrific images of monsters gnawing on flesh and bones, it can be described as a magical place.

Obviously, this city was breached, and the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" ceremony in the city was interrupted. Without the power of the monks and family members in the city to integrate into the avenue of heaven and earth to help Venerable Mangyuan, the region of heaven and earth where this city is located All kinds of backlash visions and cracks in heaven and earth cannot be healed or eliminated.

Fortunately, only the visions and cracks of the backlash of heaven and earth were seen here, and no figure of 'Venerable Mangyuan' emerged. Obviously, in the entire contest on Mangyuan Star, Master Mangyuan still has the upper hand.

Although the destruction of this city and the interruption of the Long Live Birthday Banquet had an impact, it has not yet had a decisive impact on 'Venerable Mangyuan''s practice of harmony and transcendence.

"This can't continue like this!" At this time, Captain Yang Yun looked at the ruined city in front of him and the backlash in the sky, and said in a deep voice: "Now that the situation has changed, we are just delaying in Chiyuan City. This three-mountain city It has already been breached by evil cultivators, and it is hard to say whether the remaining two cities can hold on."

As she spoke, she looked at Qi Changge, Liang Ji and others, frowned and said: "The most important thing now is time. I'm afraid it will be too late for us to patrol every city like this."

"Anyway, now that evil cultivators and foreign enemies have begun to take the initiative, there is no need to use the 'Great Soul Searching Plate' to search. We simply divide our troops into two groups and go to the remaining two cities respectively."

"If we see evil cultivators or foreign enemies attacking the city, with our help we can at least protect the city and allow the city's 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' ceremony to be held smoothly."

As she spoke, she looked at Qi Changge and asked, "Changge, what do you think?"

Of the five people in the team present, only Yang Yun and Qi Changge were fourth-level star masters. If the troops were divided into two groups, they would naturally lead one group each, so Yang Yun asked Qi Changge for his opinion.

"No problem." Qi Changge agreed immediately.

Next, the five people divided into two teams to act. Liang Ji followed Captain Yang Yun, while Qi Changge took Zhang Xiu and Qin Hongyan to act together.

After all, Qi Changge is a newly promoted fourth-level star master. Compared with the veteran fourth-level star master Yang Yun, his strength is still far behind, so he can bring more help by bringing two people together.

Moreover, Yang Yun and Zhang Xiu both came from the Palace of Good Fortune, while Liang Ji and Qi Changge came from the same school. Their magical powers and methods were often similar, so when they were divided into teams, they were deliberately separated to facilitate their response. Different situations that may be encountered in the two cities.

The detachment was completed, and the two teams immediately took action and rushed to a city respectively.

Liang Ji followed Captain Yang Yun and took the flying boat controlled by Captain Yang Yun's family members to the west, heading to the fourth city originally designated for the inspection mission, which was named Xijiang City because it was close to a river.

Qi Changge, on the other hand, led Zhang Xiu and Qin Hongyan on the flying boat controlled by his family members and continued to the third planned city. That city was still further south, built in a wilderness forest.

Because of the accident in the second city, "Sanshan City", Senior Sister Yang Yun was worried that the remaining two cities would also suffer accidents. So she used all possible means on the way to let the family members push the speed of the flying boat to the limit, even destroying the flying boat.

After all, although flying boats are rare, they can always be refined as long as the family members, inheritance, and resources in the natal stars are endless.

On the contrary, this mission is more critical. It not only affects their own merits, but also affects the internal stability of the Star Alliance. Yang Yun naturally does not want to lose it.

The flying boat flew all the way, reaching its maximum speed, like a bolt of blue lightning across the sky. It took only a few days to reach the vicinity of the fourth city, Xijiang City.

Before approaching the city, Liang Ji and the two of them were on the flying boat, and they already heard a loud roar coming from the direction of Xijiang City.

In this roar, there is not only the roar of thunder, but also the loud noise of the impact of waves, and the sound of battle explosions.

Obviously, a fierce battle is breaking out in the direction of Xijiang City.

The two of them stood on the flying boat and looked at the sky. They could see a large number of dark cracks emerging and converging in the sky, almost turning into an abyss. Countless bloody thunders gathered in it, and blood thunders continued to fall. Square land.

It was a vision of the backlash between heaven and earth. Obviously, during the battle in Xijiang City, there were also evil cultivators and foreign enemies breaking through the limits, destroying the avenue of heaven and earth in this star, and disrupting and destroying the Hedao practice of Venerable Mangyuan.

Seeing such a strange phenomenon, Yang Yun breathed a sigh of relief and said solemnly: "Fortunately, I came in time."

Yang Yun and Liang Ji were not worried that Xijiang City would be attacked by evil cultivators and foreign enemies. This was inevitable. They were only worried that they would be late and that Xijiang City would be broken into ruins like Sanshan City.

"Junior Liang Ji, summon your family members and prepare to fight!"

Captain Yang Yun ordered Liang Ji.

At this time, they had flown to Xijiang City in a flying boat. They could see that there were battles inside and outside Xijiang City. There were evil cultivators in the city, and foreign enemies broke out beyond their limits. Not only did they cause a backlash from heaven and earth, but they also suppressed the monks and indigenous aliens in the city, making it almost impossible to disrupt the city. The 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' ceremony was held.

Outside the city, those evil cultivators blew up the embankment of the Xijiang River, turning the river into a torrent, and transformed the many fish, shrimps, crabs, and gods in the river into various monsters, which continued to hit the city with the flood.

Xijiang City's city defense formation is now in danger under the attack from both inside and outside.

It can be said that Xijiang City is not far away from being broken down and destroyed.

"Yes, senior!"

Liang Ji raised his voice in response, offered the 'Star Mirror', and opened the Starlight Portal. The second-generation Wood Emperor immediately led the legion of the Ten Meridian Familiars to fight out.

This time, they did not directly gather into the "Ten Directions Total Destruction Battle Formation". Instead, each of the Ten Meridian Familia Legions formed a battle formation, and under the instructions of the second-generation Wood Emperor, they rushed towards the river that burst its embankments and the torrential floods.

The Wind Mock Legion formed the "Wind Roar Battle Formation" and the Chi Kiss Legion's "Thousand Waves Battle Formation" cooperated with each other. The formation used the magical power of "calling for wind and rain" and immediately controlled the torrential waves that rushed out of the river. The flood rolled back and no longer hit the city, but instead rushed into the Xijiang River.

Ba Xia's legion formed a 'Mountain-Suppressing Battle Formation', carrying several mountain shadows and turning them into mountains to suppress them on all sides of the city to protect the city.

The Jiaotu Army united in the "Ice War Formation", freezing rivers for miles, freezing to death many monsters in the rivers that were infected by demons and sacrificed by gods.

There were also various driving formations such as Yasu, Suanni, and Biuan to kill the enemy and block all the enemies outside Xijiang City.

Captain Yang Yun, on the other hand, led his team of dependents and rushed directly into the city to fight against the evil cultivators and foreign enemies who had broken through the limit. He assisted the monks and indigenous aliens in the city to suppress the chaos in the city and ensured the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" ceremony in the city. proceed normally.

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