The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 411 Detachment

In Xijiang City, the family members led by Liang Ji and Yang Yun joined in, quickly stabilizing the situation inside and outside the city.

The floods that hit the city were rolled back, the demons and monsters attacking the city were suppressed, and the evil cultivators and foreign enemies who launched attacks in the city were gradually suppressed and killed. The precarious situation suddenly improved.

The monks in the Xijiang City Government immediately announced that Liang Ji and others were the 'envoys' sent by Venerable Mangyuan to protect them and repel the enemy, just like Chiyuan City.

Immediately, the monks and a large number of indigenous aliens in the city burst into cheers. The panic and fear of being attacked and about to break the city suddenly turned into more fanatical faith, praise, and worship of Lord Mangyuan.

In Xijiang City, the monks who presided over the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" ceremony immediately seized the opportunity to guide the monks and indigenous aliens in the city to continue the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" ceremony.

After narrowly surviving, emotions such as fear and ecstasy, as well as fanatical beliefs, praises, etc., made the effect of the re-held 'Long Live Birthday Banquet' ceremony suddenly increase a lot.

When Liang Ji was outside the city, he could clearly feel the surging and strong power of faith and belief in the city. As the many praises and prayers such as reciting epics and holy scriptures came from the city, they spread and blended in. In this world of stars.

In the sky, the dark abyss that was about to patrol the city collapsed directly, turning into many black cracks, which quickly closed and disappeared, and the roaring bloody thunder gradually dissipated.

The effect of the backlash from heaven and earth gradually dissipated, and Liang Ji seemed to be able to feel that the atmosphere around him was no longer so oppressive and a little more relaxed.

However, for Liang Ji and others, as well as the Xijiang City monks and the indigenous foreign races, the improving situation has certainly made them feel a little more relaxed, but for the evil cultivators and foreign enemies who launched attacks inside and outside the city, this is obviously not what they want. Would like to see the results.

Originally, these evil cultivators, foreign enemies who caused floods from outside, and internal attacks were almost one step away from destroying the city. However, Liang Ji and Yang Yun arrived at this time, but their plans were completely disrupted. They saw the duck flying away. , how can they be reconciled?

Therefore, as the situation inside and outside the city gradually stabilized, the remaining evil cultivators and foreign enemies also launched their final and most intense counterattack.

A roaring explosion erupted from the city, and a large amount of demonic energy and divine light rose into the sky with the explosion. The surrounding houses, streets, and the bombarded city defense array shook endlessly, and the remaining evil cultivators and foreign enemies in the city erupted. The final crazy attack, even self-destruction, had a very impressive effect, and even destroyed the city defense formation in several places.

Of course, this is also because the city defense formation was on the verge of being breached in the previous attack that was about to break the city. Now it is even more difficult to withstand the self-destruction attacks of evil cultivators and foreign enemies.

Wow! Boom! Boom!

At the same time, the sound of roaring water could be heard from the mighty Xijiang River flowing outside the city.

Liang Ji turned his head and looked towards the upper reaches of the Xijiang River. There was something huge sweeping across the water of the river, setting off huge waves and crashing towards the city.


Starlight was flowing in Liang Ji's eyes. Although the behemoth hidden in the river had not yet appeared, he had already seen a very bright and conspicuous divine light from it.

As someone who has dealt with the 'Pantheon' many times and killed many 'gods', Liang Ji can be said to know this 'divine light' very well.

This shows that in the rushing river, there is an evil god who has refined the fragments of the 'divine crystal', and is obviously the 'River God' who controls the river.


Liang Ji couldn't help but secretly sigh. This 'Jiang Shen' was obviously not comparable to the previous monsters that were dyed by demons and sacrificed to gods.

At the same time, his team of dependents had also discovered anomalies in the rushing river. Without Liang Ji's instructions, the second-generation Wood Emperor quickly issued an order: "Gather the formation!"

The next moment, the legions of the Ten Meridian Familia who were scattered in all directions to attack and fight immediately gathered together, forming a 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' with the second-generation Wood Emperor as the center.


The second-generation Wood Emperor shouted deeply, and the power of the Ten Meridian Familiamen in the very familiar running formation was added to his body, and his body quickly expanded, growing to a size of more than 700 feet.

Then, still feeling that it was not enough, the second-generation Wood Emperor raised the 'green seal' in his hand again, and a large amount of green light fell on him and the warriors of the clan in the surrounding battle formation, and even greater bloodline power gathered.

The figure of the second-generation Wood Emperor ‘Fa Tian Xiang Di’ continued to grow, breaking through eight hundred feet and approaching the size of nine hundred feet.

When the second-generation Wood Emperor first took over the throne, even with the power of the Ten Meridians Family Battle Formation and the 'Qingzhang', the size of Fa Tian Xiang Earth could reach up to eight hundred feet.

But now, with the increased combat experience and abilities gained from hunting the void demon swarms for many years, the power of his bloodline and combat power have increased, and he has already exceeded the original limit of 800 feet, reaching the size of 900 feet.

Although it is still far behind the generation of the Wood Emperor who was the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven', his combat power has also increased significantly.

"Cross the river!"

In the rushing river flood, the hidden 'River God' finally appeared. It was a giant python. Because it had refined the 'divine crystal fragments' and turned it into a god, it also awakened its spiritual wisdom and neighed in its mouth, like Divine law.

Suddenly, the river that had caused huge waves rose again, as if the entire Xijiang River was overturning at this moment, turning into a celestial river and rushing down towards Xijiang City.

Liang Ji looked at the giant python 'Jiang Shen' that swept down the Xijiang River, and his expression became increasingly grim.

"Another suicide attack that breaks the limits!"

It can be clearly seen that on the forehead of the giant python "Jiang Shen", a little divine light is flying out. Those are the "divine crystal" fragments refined by "Jiang Shen", which are rapidly disintegrating and shattering at this time. It cracked, and a large piece of bright divine light erupted from it, submerging into the body of the 'River God' giant python, causing its divine power and divine power to break through the fifth-level limit, reaching the fourth-level power, and control more and more river water. .

Click! Click...

boom! Rumble...

There were cracking sounds and thunderous roars in the sky. The dark abyss in the sky that had been closed and disappeared opened again, and a large number of bloody thunders were born and died in it.

At the same time, the figure of Lord Mangyuan reappeared in the sky, becoming increasingly clear and larger.

"Is this... Venerable Mang Yuan's practice of Hedao being destroyed again?"

A thought flashed through Liang Ji's mind, and then he realized something was wrong:

"The figure of Lord Mangyuan appeared before, with his eyes tightly closed, as if he was in a deep sleep."

"But the figure of Lord Mangyuan that emerged this time has his eyes open. His eyes are like the sun and the moon, floating in the sky, and he seems to be overlooking the entire Mangyuan star!"

"This is..." Liang Ji's heart raced with electricity, and he remembered some of the information and knowledge about the cultivation of high-level star masters that he had read in Kunlun Star Palace. He suddenly came to his senses, his eyes shone brightly, and he murmured: " Detached!"

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