The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 427 Complete Divine Crystal

The evil gods projected through the 'Shen Gate' are the existences of the 'God Realm' in the star field outside the Star Alliance and belong to the same super-order civilization. They are also the main targets of the Kunlun Star Palace's constant battles and killings, and they are also the main targets of evil ways. The man behind Temple'.

Liang Ji was admitted to the Kunlun Star Palace. Although he is only a third-level star master now, and is far from the level of leaving the protection of the Star Alliance and entering the outer star realm to fight the gods, but whether it is the courses in the Kunlun Star Palace or the star Many materials in the palace library, and even discussions among seniors and senior students in the official website forum, etc., contain a lot of materials and information about the evil gods of the divine world.

It can be said that although this is the second time Liang Ji has seen the real evil gods of the God Realm, he already knows a lot about their combat power and methods.

At this time, Liang Ji controlled the Starlight Body and threw the 'Starlight Spear', which hit a bone-like Hades Evil God.

In fact, because this time the God of the Underworld is also the god of the underworld, and the God of Hades is the most attractive among the gods of the 'God Realm', the projection of the evil god projected this time is also in the form of various underworld gods. God has the most.

These evil gods sacrificed the divine crystals and mastered the power of laws. Although they were projected, they could directly distort the surrounding world and laws with the power of the laws of the 'divine crystals'.

Where the Bone God of Hades was, the surrounding world of the underworld was distorted and turned into a world of bones, in which there were many white bone angels guarding God of Hades and fighting.

The 'Starlight Spear' shot by Liang Ji contained the power of immeasurable starlight and the supreme way of stars. It blasted through the 'Bone God Realm' with extremely powerful force and blasted towards the Bone God within.

"Oracle, Death Harvest!"

In the 'Bone God Realm', the Bone God of the Underworld shouted coldly and issued an oracle.

The next moment, in the 'Bone God Realm', many Bone Angels gathered together and merged into a huge Bone Angel, standing tall in front of the Bone God, with a Bone Scythe emerging from his hand.

Facing the incoming starlight spear, the huge bone angel cut off the bone sickle with a wave of his hand. The terrifying power of the Law of Death directly distorted the space and collided with the starlight spear.

Amidst the loud roar, the starlight spear directly shattered and exploded. Countless starlights erupted from it, impacting and destroying the 'Bone God Realm' wantonly, trying to shatter the entire 'Bone God Realm'.

The huge bone angels were also directly shattered by the bombardment and explosion of the starlight spear, and turned into a large number of small bone angels, scattered throughout the 'Bone God Realm', and more than half of them directly collapsed and turned into white bones. Powder scatters.

However, the evil gods of the 'God Realm' and the Star Alliance both belong to the super-level civilization. These projected evil gods, like the Star Lords, master the path to transcendence, which is different from the previous third-level gods.

Liang Ji's power of rotating the star chart can easily destroy the "incense and fire divine domain" of the third-level immortals, and even backfire and severely damage the fundamental golden edict of the immortals.

But at this time, under the impact and destruction of the immeasurable starlight, the "Bone God Realm" formed by the evil god's projection twisting the power of the surrounding laws is even more solid and powerful, and it is difficult to destroy it with the explosion of the starlight spear.

Moreover, the ‘divine crystal’ appeared above the eyebrows of the projected Bone God, from which boundless divine light bloomed and spread throughout the ‘Bone God Realm’.

Not only was the destruction of the 'Bone Divine Realm' difficult to backfire on the 'Divine Crystal', but it was quickly restored and became stronger and stronger under the power of the 'Divine Crystal''s divine light.

"Sure enough, these evil gods can become the main enemies of the Star Alliance, but they are not comparable to those immortals in the Star Alliance who have no way forward!"

When Liang Ji saw this, although he was a little surprised, he didn't feel too troublesome.

After all, this is the star domain of the Star Alliance, it is within the scope of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Celestial Star Array’, and it is the territory of their star master.

What's more, the evil god on the opposite side is only the power of the real evil god from the 'God Realm' projected through the divine gate. Although it is difficult to deal with, its power is limited. The real evil god himself does not dare to pass through the divine gate and enter the Star Alliance. of.

"Prison cow, Wan Mu Sheng!"

Seeing that the starlight spear was unable to break through the 'Bone God Realm', Liang Ji used the power of the Star Law to activate the magical power he had mastered again.

The huge phantom of the prisoner cow appeared behind him, and countless blue lights gathered together and brushed towards the 'Bone God Realm' on the opposite side. The blue light contained immeasurable power of vitality and the power of the supreme law of life.

In an instant, countless plants, vines, thorns, etc. grew out of the 'Bone God Realm', took root in the 'Bone God Realm', climbed onto the bodies of the Bone Angels, and used the power and law of life to match the 'Bone God Realm'. The power of death and the law of death that twist the world are confronting and contending.

In the 'Bone God Realm', although the Bone God God issued oracles one after another, the Bone Angels gathered or dispersed, and even the 'divine crystal' between the God of Bones' eyebrows erupted with bright divine light, fighting and competing with these vegetation and vitality. .

However, this is within the Star Alliance, under the star map, and with the continuous support of the power of the "star map" guided and blessed by Liang Ji, the power of "Wan Musheng" quickly overwhelmed the "Skeleton Bones" The power of the law of death in the divine world.

In the blink of an eye, the 'Bone God Realm' was covered and dismembered by countless vegetation. Many of the white bone angels that were transformed into it were torn to pieces by these vegetation and thorns. Even the projection of the 'Bone God' was entangled in countless vegetation.

"Suanni, burn in the sea of ​​fire!"

Liang Ji used the power of the stars again, and a huge Suan Ni figure appeared behind him. Countless starlights turned into boundless flames and burned out, igniting and burning the 'Bone God Realm' covered and entangled with countless vegetation, turning it into a sea of ​​fire.

Wood makes fire, and under countless vegetation and rich vitality, the sea of ​​​​fire burns more intensely and blazingly, and the flames become more powerful.

Even the projection of the Bone God of Hell was difficult to support. Countless bones, the law of death that distorted the world, and the direct Bone God Realm were all burned to ashes in the sea of ​​fire.

A bit of divine light flew out from it. It was the 'divine crystal' that the evil god's projection relied on that escaped from the sea of ​​fire and flew towards the divine light portal in the distance, trying to escape back to the outer world of gods behind the divine gate.

"Bi'an, thunder strikes from the sky!"

Behind Liang Ji, the vision changed again, from Suanni to Suanyan, and the immeasurable starlight turned into a mighty thunder and struck out of the sky, directly hitting the escaping 'divine crystal'.

"How brave!"

An angry shout came from the 'divine crystal', and an illusory skull was blasted out of the 'divine crystal' by thunder. It turned into blue smoke and dissipated under the thunder bombardment.

The remaining 'divine crystal' fell down. Liang Ji raised his hand and sprinkled out a ray of starlight, collecting the 'divine crystal' back.

Liang Ji looked at it, but his face showed joy. Different from the fragments of 'divine crystal' he had harvested in the past, this time he used the power of the star map to kill the evil god's projection, and what he harvested was a complete 'divine crystal'!

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