The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 428 Competition

All this time, whether it was the evil god he killed for the first time in the college entrance examination or the subsequent battles with the evil cultivators of the 'Pantheon', Liang Ji had only harvested fragments of 'divine crystals' and had never harvested a complete 'divine crystal'. crystal'.

These 'divine crystal' fragments have become important resources and treasures for him to open up the Jiuquan underworld, and they can be said to be powerful.

The complete 'divine crystal' is undoubtedly far more powerful than the fragments of the 'divine crystal' in terms of efficacy and function. Among the many courses and inheritances of Kunlun Star Palace, there are also various methods of using the complete ‘divine crystal’.

One of the most mainstream and important ways of using it is to use it for sacrifice and making the ‘God List’!

The 'Feng Shen Bang' can be said to be the most important inheritance and treasure of the Kunlun Star Palace. It is comparable to the 'World Tree' of the Creation Star Palace and the 'Millennium Furnace' of the Vientiane Star Palace. Naturally, it is also the key to Liang Ji's later training and sacrifices. treasure.

"It's just that, if you want to sacrifice the 'God List', a complete 'God Crystal' is not enough!"

Liang Ji murmured in his mouth and raised his head to look at the underworld in front of him.

At this time, in the sky of the underworld of the Wild Star, the star map enveloped the earth. A dozen star masters, including Liang Ji, took the power of the star map and joined them, condensing into a body of starlight, fighting, killing those evil cultivators, The evil gods.

With the power of the star map added to them, these star masters have no lower combat power than Liang Ji. Naturally, they also have extremely strong combat power like Liang Ji, whether they are facing third-grade immortals, evil cultivators, or those within the Star Alliance. Fighting and fighting with the evil gods projected from behind the Divine Gate, you will be the victor!

At this time, in the underworld that was blocked and suppressed by the star map, the fighting and killing were coming to an end.

After all, the number of immortals, evil cultivators, and evil god projections blocked in the underworld is also limited. Liang Ji has killed one immortal and one evil god projection in a short period of time. Naturally, the other dozen star masters also have their own unique characteristics. Capture, now the trapped enemies have been almost killed.

There are only three enemies left in the field, but they are all projections of the evil god from the ‘God Realm’.

This is because the evil god's projection's combat power and methods are stronger and more powerful than those of evil cultivators and immortals, so they can persist to the end.

Liang Ji turned his eyes and quickly stared at the projection of an evil god. Without any hesitation, he manifested the vision of Yaizhen behind his back, raised his hand and turned countless starlight into a sky-splitting golden sword, carrying the mountain of swords and slashing directly towards the evil god's 'divine world'.

Almost at the same time, on the other side, there was also a piece of starlight that turned into a Ruyi, which directly hit the evil god's "God Realm".

Although the realm twisted by the evil god's power was strong, it could not withstand the combined bombardment of two extremely powerful combat forces with the power of the rotating star map. The evil god's 'divine realm' was shattered on the spot, and all kinds of gods transformed by the evil god's power were in it. The angels were shattered one after another, and even the projections of the evil gods were severely damaged by this combined attack.

"Kunlun Star Palace Plum Leaf..."

"Kunlun Star Palace Liang Ji..."

At this time, Liang Ji and the starlight figures attacking from the opposite side raised their voices to sign up.

Since they are all eyeing the projection of the evil god, and their combat power is enhanced by the power of the star map, it can be said that their combat power is almost the same, so naturally they can only be determined based on their identity and background.

However, Liang Ji did not expect that the person opposite him was also a student of Kunlun Star Palace.

Just after a second thought, Liang Ji already figured it out.

This time, the ceremony of conferring gods on Mangyuan Star was presided over by the principal of Kunlun Star Palace. For the students of Kunlun Star Palace, this was not only an intuitive teaching by the principal himself, but also a great opportunity for them to be conferred in their own stars in the future. God has great guiding significance; at the same time, we can also take this opportunity to hunt down the projection of the evil god of the 'God Realm' and seize the complete 'God Crystal'.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone. Naturally, there are many students in Kunlun Star Palace who are unwilling to miss this opportunity and come to Mangyuan Star.

It can be said that probably more than half of the star master monks who are currently participating in missions and guarding the wilderness star are from the Kunlun Star Palace.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Liang Ji met an alumnus from the Kunlun Star Palace and competed with him for the 'divine crystal' projected by the evil god.

But in this way, it would be difficult for Liang Ji to win this 'divine crystal' by virtue of his status as Kunlun Star Palace.

The thoughts in his mind were spinning, but Liang Ji did not hesitate in his hands. After breaking the evil god's 'spiritual world', the vision behind him changed again, from Yaju to the vision of a half-dragon, and the starlight turned into the power of yin and yang and swept through Xuanhuang to break the law and break the law. The light of the soul directly shot towards the badly injured evil god.

Similarly, Li Ziye, who was opposite him, took action without any hesitation. Ruyi, transformed by starlight, struck down again, and the power on it was integrated into one body, invulnerable to everything.

The evil god's projection that suffered heavy damage was killed with little resistance under the attacks of the two. Even the soul in the 'divine crystal' was directly blasted, leaving a complete 'divine crystal'. 'Floating between Liang Ji and plum leaves.

"It turns out he is a senior from the Hunyuan lineage."

Liang Ji watched Li Ziye take action and already knew the origin of the other party. He was a student of the Hunyuan lineage in Kunlun Star Palace.

And similarly, his last move also directly showed the Xuanhuang light, and Li Ziye on the opposite side also recognized his origin.

"It turns out he is a senior from the Yu Zi lineage."

After the first attack, the two of them reported their origins. They were both students of Kunlun Star Palace. The second time they made a move, they also showed tacit understanding of the inheritance methods of the Star Palace, not only to prove themselves, but also to distinguish the authenticity of the other party.

Now that they have verified their identities, the next step is to solve the problem of the ownership of the ‘divine crystal’.

"Senior Liang Ji, I am willing to exchange a thousand merit points for this divine crystal!"

Plum Leaf on the opposite side was the first to bid.

"I'll pay you a thousand and a half!"

Liang Ji didn't hesitate at all and directly increased the price.

Students who were both from the Kunlun Star Palace would need to refine the ‘Gods List’ later on. Naturally, no one was willing to give up this complete ‘divine crystal’ easily.

And over the years, whether he participated in the Yinghai Black Hole War or completed the tasks of the Star Alliance security department, he also accumulated some meritorious deeds.

"two thousand!"

Li Ziye, who was also born in the Kunlun Star Palace, naturally had enough strength and connections to earn merit, so he did not hesitate to increase the price at this time.

When Liang Ji saw this, stars flashed in his eyes, and he directly increased the price: "Three thousand!"

Hearing the price, Li Ziye couldn't help but hesitate on his face.

At this time, the sound of the great avenue of conferring gods between heaven and earth continued to sound.

"I command Mangyuan to be the Emperor of Heaven, hold the third-grade golden edict, and command the three realms of Mangyuan Star..."

On the Wild Star, the principal of Kunlun Star Palace is nearing the end of his canonization as the God, and is about to be canonized as the Heavenly Emperor!

At this time, all the enemies in the underworld have been killed, and many star master monks who have the power of blessing the star map have rushed out of the underworld with the starlight, heading to the stars and even the heaven to watch the Emperor of Heaven confer gods!

Liang Ji and Li Ziye also looked up at the underworld at this time. Naturally, they wanted to seize the opportunity to go and watch, and they didn't want to waste time getting entangled here.

"Okay, this divine crystal belongs to you!"

Finally, Li Ziye on the other side waved his hand and pushed the complete 'divine crystal' hanging between the two of them directly towards Liang Ji.

"Thank you, senior."

Liang Ji accepted the flying divine crystal with a smile on his face.

Then the two of them didn't waste any time, and each flew out of the underworld by starlight.

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