The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 429 Earthly God

Liang Ji's soul moved his body of starlight and flew out of the Wild Star Underworld, directly to the surface of the stars above the Nine Lands.

His soul did not return to the physical body, but continued to control the starlight body to look at the world.

During the soul refining period, one can fight out of the body, but now the starlight body formed by the power of the star map is undoubtedly hundreds of times more powerful than his physical body.

At this critical moment in the wilderness star, a high-level war may break out at any time. Naturally, it is better for him to continue to operate the starlight body than to return to the physical body.

At this time, the enfeoffment of gods on Mangyuan Star is coming to an end. The enfeoffment of city gods, mountain gods, river gods, land and other places on the earth has been completed. Strong incense beliefs can be seen in various cities, mountains, and rivers. , the power of faith gathers, and there are earthly gods entrenched in it to worship and refine the divine decree, refining the incense and the power of faith into divine light.

These divine lights burst out from various places, disturbing and integrating the laws of heaven and earth above the stars, causing many star lords, monks, indigenous aliens, etc. to gather in various places to observe and understand these earthly gods and laws of heaven and earth, and also to protect these enfeoffed earthly beings.

After all, among the monks of various Taoist traditions, there are those who need to comprehend and practice the power of the laws of the underworld, and naturally there are also those who need to comprehend and practice the power of the laws of the underworld. It should even be said that there are far more than the monks of the underworld.

At the same time, these divine lights erupting from various places are also converging towards the center of the stars, the Wilderness City.

The enfeoffment of the earth is undoubtedly centered on Mangyuan City, and there is even a position of "Emperor" in the city. As the leader of many earth enfeoffments above the stars, he is the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven in the Yang world, and manages all affairs in the stars and Yang world.

Naturally, the position of 'Emperor' is also a third-grade Golden Emperor. After the enfeoffment, it was coveted and competed by many evil cultivators and evil gods.

At this time, Liang Ji could still see through the starlight body that there were many traces of battles inside and outside Mangyuan City.

However, the Star Alliance has made full preparations for this event. In the underworld, they have arranged for Liang Ji and others to lead the star map to blockade and kill all enemies. Naturally, they have already made arrangements for the stars in this world.

It can be seen that the only gods in the Yangjian have not been destroyed. On the contrary, there are still some traces of the collapse of fairy light, divine light, demonic energy, etc. in the world. It is obvious that the evil cultivators and foreign gods who caused trouble were killed and left behind. The traces are still there.

At this time, in the wilderness city in the center of the stars, the divine lights from all the islands converged and submerged into the 'Tiandi Temple' in the center of the city. The bright golden divine light from the Fusion City shot straight into the nine heavens.

Liang Ji looked up while using the starlight, and could see a looming space above the nine heavens, in which images of various gods appeared and entrenched everywhere, including wind gods, rain gods, thunder gods, various star gods, etc. Everywhere, the divine light criss-crossed with each other, forming a great array of gods suppressing the space emerging above the nine heavens.


The stars were flowing in Liang Ji's eyes. This was also opened by the Star Alliance on the Nine Heavens of the Wild Star according to the Star Lord's practice path.

The cultivation of star masters and the development of natal stars require the opening of the underworld and the heavens, and the division of ghosts and gods, earthly beings and gods. However, the matter of opening up the heavens and dividing the gods is a practice that is only involved in at least the sixth-level star masters.

It is still too far for Liang Ji, who is now only a third-level star master. Therefore, Liang Ji has always chosen to stay in the underworld, watching and understanding the underworld, reincarnation, and the enfeoffment of ghosts and gods. He even did not pay much attention to the enfeoffment of the earthly creatures. Not to mention the opening up of the more distant heaven and the enfeoffment of the gods.

That is to say, now, everything in the underworld has been decided, and the conferring of gods has reached the last moment, and the conferring of gods as 'Emperor of Heaven' has begun. Once the Emperor of Heaven returns, it will inevitably have a big impact on the entire wilderness of stars, heaven and earth, and even the stars and heaven will be revealed. out.

Liang Ji had just left the underworld and returned to the stars in the world, preparing to see the grand ceremony of the Heavenly Emperor conferring gods and the law of stars, in order to verify the cultivation of his natal stars and the cultivation of Tao fruits.

Furthermore, the Emperor of Heaven is the key to this ceremony of conferring gods, and he is also the next person on Mangyuan Star who is expected to become a transcendent person according to the Star Alliance's derivation. The fight and battle for the position of the Emperor of Heaven will definitely surpass the position of the Emperor of the Underworld. Fight and fight.

Liang Ji took over the task of the Star Alliance's security department, and now he has received the power of the Star Map to join him. Naturally, he has the obligation to protect the Emperor and the God.

Moreover, for Liang Ji, this was an opportunity to earn merit and seize a large amount of resources and treasures.

In the previous war in the underworld, he had already harvested a broken immortal realm whose resources and treasures had not yet been explored. In addition, he had also harvested two complete 'divine crystals'.

Next, in the battle surrounding the Emperor's Conferment of Gods, I think he can go more and get more resources, treasures, and even complete 'divine crystals'!

The thoughts in Liang Ji's mind were spinning. The voice of the principal of Kunlun Star Palace to confer gods echoed between heaven and earth had already fallen. The 'conferred gods' list' in his hand flew up directly, turned into the last golden edict, flew straight to the heaven above the nine heavens, and returned to his place. The center guarded by God.

"Do it!"

"The position of Emperor of Heaven is mine!"

"Leave me alone..."

The next moment, rays of fairy light, magic light, and divine light rushed down from the starry sky beyond the stars, rushing toward the Golden Emperor's throne rushing into the heavens.

These are undoubtedly the immortals, demon cultivators, and evil gods who want to seize the throne of the Heavenly Emperor of Mangyuan Star and seek a chance to transcend. They do not enter or hide in Mangyuan Star, but directly hide in the dark void outside Mangyuan Star. among.

In this way, he avoided most of the searches and sweeps from the Star Alliance and the Wild Planet, all for the sole purpose of becoming the final Emperor of Heaven.



At the same time, starlights rose into the sky from all over the wilderness star, meeting the fairy light, magic light and divine light rushing down.

Exactly, the Star Lords on the Wild Planet came forward to fight.

At this time, Liang Ji also soared into the sky with his body of starlight, straight into the heaven above the nine heavens, and faced the divine light that struck from outside the stars one after another.

"Starlight Spear!"

With a deep shout, the bright starlight gathered in his hand and turned into a spear. He raised his hand and blasted out, colliding with the divine light, smashing the divine light into pieces, revealing a projection of the evil god.

This is even the target chosen by Liang Ji, the projection of the evil god from the outside world. As long as he kills and captures it, he will definitely be able to harvest another complete 'divine crystal'.

He has now completed more than half of his third-level star master training, and is not far away from advancing to the fourth-level star master. When the time comes, he will need to enshrine ghosts and gods in his natal star and underworld. Naturally, he needs to prepare in advance and win enough. The complete 'divine crystal' will be ready for sacrifice and refinement of the 'Gods List'.

"The crazy people in the star realm and the false gods should be killed!"

After the divine light dissipated, the evil god's projection appeared in the shape of a thunder giant. When he saw Liang Ji blocking the road, he shouted angrily, like thunder rolling and exploding in the sky.

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