The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 430 Pantheon of Taoist Weapons

Facing the projection of the evil god from the outside world, Liang Ji didn't say much, and directly activated the power of infinite starlight and the supreme avenue of stars, and the phantom of Baxia appeared behind him.

"Baxia, Zhenyue!"

With a deep shout, the immeasurable starlight turned into the Hengtian Mountains, directly blasting and suppressing the 'God Realm' formed by the thunder god's projection twisting the surroundings.

Amidst the loud roar, the 'Thunder God Realm' was shaken by the mountains, and a large number of angels transformed by thunder were impacted and broken. However, the 'Thunder God Realm' was strong enough to block the suppression of the mountains.

"Oracle, Thor's Hammer!"

In the Thunder God Realm, the Thunder God projection commanded the oracle, and the remaining Thunder Angels in the realm fell to the ground one after another, praising and chanting the Thunder God's Psalms. Immediately, countless thunder and divine power gathered in the realm and turned into one. The giant hammer swept through countless thunder and divine lights and struck the mountains in the suppression realm.

Amidst the loud roar, Thor's hammer and the suppressing mountains exploded and collapsed.

When Liang Ji saw this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. He could see that the strength of this thunder god's projection was obviously much stronger than the two evil god's projections that he killed in the underworld.

In the "God Realm" of the super-level civilization in the outer domain, the gods are also divided into superior and inferior, strong and weak.

"Huh... I don't have time to fight with you here, so I have to hurry up and grab more loot!"

Liang Ji murmured in his mouth, and immediately pushed the starlight body he controlled to the extreme. The star map projection in the sky had reappeared, and a large number of starlight fell down, falling on their starlight bodies.

At this time, behind Liang Ji, countless starlights manifested, and the visions of the ten-lineage family members, including Half-Dragon, Prisoner Niu, Yasu, Chaofeng, Baxia, and Jiaotu, all appeared.

The visions of the ten-line family members each control one line of power, and the ten powers complement each other to evolve the power of destruction and destruction. With the blessing and integration of the power of starlight, this power of destruction and destruction is pushed to the limit.

"Every direction will be destroyed, destroyed!"

Liang Ji shouted in a deep voice, and waved his hand to spread out a large area of ​​starlight, which contained infinite power of destruction. It brushed on the 'Thunder God Realm'. The unparalleled starlight and the extreme destruction immediately destroyed the 'Thunder God Realm'. , many of the Thunder Angels collapsed one after another, and the Thunder God projection that distorted the world into the 'Thunder God Realm' also suffered heavy damage in an instant.

"God's Domain, God's Punishment!"

Suffering heavy damage, the thunder god projection showed no intention of retreating. Instead, it surged up and turned into a beam of divine punishment thunder, directly passing through the starlight and blasting towards Liang Ji.

The difference can be seen from this. After the Bone God of Hades in the underworld suffered backlash and heavy damage, he had almost no resistance; while this Thunder God projection also suffered heavy backlash, but was still able to take the initiative to attack Liang Ji, and it was a sure kill.

However, Liang Ji faced the thunder of divine punishment without any fear or intention of retreating.

Continuing to rotate the starlight body, countless starlights condense around it, as if stars are spreading out, like a star map projection, surrounding the body, directly blocking the incoming divine punishment thunder.

Now that he has received the power of the Star Map, he is naturally protected by the power of the Star Map. Although the divine punishment thunder projected by the Thunder God is strong, it is difficult to break through the protection of the Star Map.

On the contrary, Liang Ji took this opportunity to use the power of the star map to directly obliterate the God's Punishment Thunder, completely killing the Thunder God's projection, and then swept out the starlight to obtain another complete 'divine crystal'.

After harvesting the spoils of war, Liang Ji did not stay here for long. He immediately activated his starlight body and pounced on the next target.

This time, the Star Alliance was fully prepared for the Deity of Mangyuan Star, and it was within the Star Alliance and under the coverage of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation", taking advantage of the right time, location, and people.

At this time, although there were a large number of immortals, demon cultivators, evil god projections, etc. coming from the starry sky, they were still unable to defeat the combat power of many star masters who borrowed the star map to add their own strength.

Immortals, demon cultivators, and evil god projections were beheaded one by one on the Nine Heavens of the Wild Star. After the death of these immortals, demon cultivators, and evil god projections, they would turn into a large amount of fairy light, divine light, and the power of the Great Dao, etc., and scatter in the Wild Star.

On the Mang Yuan Star, all the ghosts, gods, and earthly beings in the underworld and the Yang world have all taken their respective places at this time, operating the laws of heaven and earth, forming a great array of gods in the underworld and the Yang world, and bringing together these immortals, demon cultivators, and demon cultivators who have fallen on the Mang Yuan Star. The power of the evil god was swallowed up, refined, and integrated into the Wild Star, becoming the Wild Star to continue to grow and advance, and even cultivate the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

Because of Lord Mangyuan's reunion, Mangyuan Star has advanced from a fifth-level star to a seventh-level star. However, if he wants to cultivate a true transcendent, the stars need to continue to advance. This time, he will use the opportunity of becoming a god to kill Killing a large number of immortals and evil gods and making the Wild Star devour enough power may not necessarily make the Wild Star one step further and advance to the eighth-level star.

This is also a direction for the Star Alliance to deduce and improve the path of the Earth Immortal, trying to find a way to quickly improve the star level.

Above the nine heavens, Liang Ji was running his body of starlight to charge across the sky. At this time, he had killed two evil god projections, a demon soul transformed from a third-grade ghost immortal, and a third-grade immortal. The harvest was not small.

At this time, the Emperor's Golden Edict has already flown into the heaven, flying to the center surrounded by many gods, and will be integrated into the array of gods and the heaven. Once it is completely integrated, the Emperor of Heaven will return to his throne successfully, and the remaining immortals, demon cultivators, and evil gods will It will be much more difficult for the projection and others to snatch and stop it.

Seeing this, the remaining intruders above the Nine Heavens of Mangyuan Star also broke out one after another.

What's more, these intruders seemed to have reached some agreement. The remaining immortals and demon cultivators gathered together to fight and kill with Liang Ji and other star masters. And behind these immortals and demon cultivators, the remaining immortals and demon cultivators gathered together to fight and kill. Several evil god projections.

These evil god projections gathered together and sacrificed the 'divine crystals' one after another, expanding the divine light portal manifested in the starry sky several times.

At the same time, these evil god projections raised their voices and issued oracles.

"Oracle, the return of the Pantheon!"

"The Pantheon hasn't returned yet!"

Under the sound of oracles, I saw deep in the starry sky, in the dark void, as if there was a channel twisted in space, and countless divine lights burst out from it. The next moment, the palaces were shrouded in divine light and rushed out of it, straight away. Attacking towards the wilderness star.


"It has actually been refined into a Taoist weapon!"

Some star owners exclaimed when they saw this, and Liang Ji soon learned that the palace group that rushed out was the headquarters of the cult organization "Pantheon" in the Star Alliance. It was said to be a replica of the super-level civilization "God Realm" Among them, the super-level artifact "Pantheon" was used to sacrifice, which is the foundation of the cult organization "Pantheon".

Now that he has been summoned by these projected evil gods, it can be seen that he has spent a lot of money.

At the same time, behind the divine light portal standing in the starry sky, there is also a group of palaces that are taller and more shining with divine light. They are undoubtedly the projections of the super-order artifacts of the God Realm, the 'Paths of Gods'.

The next moment, a bright divine light shot out from the 'Pantheon of Gods', passed through the divine light portal, and sank directly into the incoming Taoist weapon 'Pantheon of Gods', immediately raising its power, divine light, and power by another level. , directly reaching the first-grade acquired spiritual treasure level!

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