The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 431 Return of the Emperor of Heaven

Mangyuan Star, the heaven above the nine heavens, the principal of Kunlun Star Palace, the Conferred God Emperor, is about to return to his throne.

The projected evil god finally broke out, directly attracting the trump card, foundation, and lair of the cult organization 'Pantheon', the Taoist Pantheon.

Even, with the blessing of the power of the super-level artifacts of the ‘God Realm’, the ‘Pantherines’, the power of the Taoist Pantheons can be directly upgraded to the level of acquired spiritual treasures.

The acquired spiritual treasure has reached the ninth level of power, which is almost comparable to that of a first-grade immortal and second only to the innate spiritual treasure. Its power can be imagined.

The 'Pantheon' was summoned, and the palaces were like stars. The Pantheon was like thousands of stars, as if a galaxy was rushing from the depths of the starry sky and the dark void of the universe.

Wherever it passed, the void burst, the stars shattered, and the laws of heaven and earth were distorted and crushed.

Before the "Pantheon" at the acquired spiritual treasure level could arrive, a mighty cosmic storm hit like a tsunami or a wave, hitting the Wild Star and its galaxy.

Liang Ji was above the Nine Heavens of Mangyuan Star. When he looked up, he could see the sun and moon appearing together in the sky, and dozens of stars manifesting, shrouding the Mangyuan Star.

He knew that these sun, moon, and stars were not the power projections of the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array", but the real galaxy where the Wild Star was located, including the sun, the satellite moon, and the satellite moon that provided light, heat, and life support. Dozens of stars in this solar system.

Originally, according to the normal operation of the power of the law of the universe and the galaxy, now the sun is in the sky, and the other satellites, moon, and other stars in the galaxy will be invisible in the void of the galaxy, obscured by the golden light of the sun, making it difficult to see.

But now, these satellites and stars hidden in the darkness of the void have been blasted out by the cosmic storm set off by the incoming 'Pantheon'.

Liang Ji looked up and could even see the sun, moon and stars in the sky. They seemed to be shaking, and were about to be impacted and fell from the starry sky by the incomparable force.


"The Temples!"

"Taoist weapon!"

"The day after tomorrow spiritual treasure!"

"Hidden deep enough..."

On the Wild Star, many star masters looked at the changes in the sky, and they all changed their colors and exclaimed in surprise.

Although the Covenant has always targeted the 'Pantheon' as the main internal cult organization, and the security department releases many missions targeting the 'Pantheon' every year, it seems that it still underestimates the internal troubles. Cult organization.

Sure enough, with the support of the super-level civilization from the outer world, the Taoist artifact has been refined without making a sound!

This has surpassed the top level of other sects in the Star Alliance except Star Lord.

After all, Taoist weapons are of the eighth level, and usually only eighth-level star masters and second-level Hedao realms can refine and use them. Other Taoist systems can only cultivate to the third-level realm, and can only refine seven-level Taoist weapons at most. It's just a level 1 immortal weapon. It's simply difficult to break through the limit and refine an eighth level weapon.

It is certain that there must be the intervention of the super-order civilization ‘God Realm’ behind the sacrificial refining of the Pantheon.


At this time, the principal of Kunlun Star Palace, who had completed the task of conferring gods, also looked up at the temple and the changes that were impacting in the starry sky, and snorted coldly.

Then he raised his hand and flicked it towards the starry sky, like plucking the strings of a piano or dropping chess pieces.

Immediately, the faintly swaying sun, moon and stars in the sky shined brightly. Not only were they stable in the void, but the sun, moon and stars were connected vertically and horizontally, forming a large formation and the simplest 'microscopic star map', shrouding the wilderness star. , facing the storm rushing in the void of the universe, and the acquired spiritual treasure 'Pantheon'.

Innate spiritual treasure, Zhoutian star array!

However, this time it is no longer the power of star chart projection, but a part of the real body of the weekly star chart.

The galaxy composed of the sun, moon and stars is part of the star map itself. At this time, it was inspired and activated by the principal of Kunlun Star Palace, bursting out with the power of the true innate spiritual treasure.

boom! boom! Rumble...

In the void, the collision between the cosmic storm and the galaxy array erupted into a loud roar. These roars have far exceeded the scope of "big sound and sound".

In the wilderness star, those who are below the level of third-grade high-level monks can only see countless stars flowing around when looking up at the starry sky, and cannot even hear the roaring and colliding figures.

Only high-level beings of level three and above can clearly see and hear the collision and roar of this kind of great law level.

Liang Ji's cultivation level is far from enough, but he now has the power of the star map to control the starlight body, and his combat power has reached level three or above. Through this starlight body, he can clearly see and hear the confrontations and collisions in the starry sky. .

Immediately following the cosmic storm, the 'Pantheon' that had reached the power of acquired spiritual treasures crushed the void, and the laws rushed in, colliding with the star map of the wilderness galaxy with a loud roar.

In the sky, the sun, moon and stars are shaking again, threatening to fall!

Obviously, it is difficult to resist the impact of the ‘Pantheon’ at the acquired Lingbao level with just the power of the galaxy where the Wild Star is located.

Seeing this, the principal of Kunlun Star Palace raised his hand to rub the starry sky. Suddenly, many stars appeared around the wilderness star system that appeared in the sky, and countless starlights connected vertically and horizontally. They were connected with the star map of the wilderness star system, connecting this galaxy. The star chart is strengthened and stabilized.

These stars that emerged later were more illusory, like reflections of stars. Liang Ji could clearly see through the body of the stars. These were the projections of the power of the 'Celestial Star Array', helping and blessing the wilderness star system star chart. Power.

With the blessing of the power of this star chart projection, the Wild Star System immediately stabilized, firmly resisting the impact of the 'Pantheon' in the void, preventing it from breaking through the sky of the Wild Star, and making it more difficult to affect the return of the Emperor of Heaven. .

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate!"

On the Wild Star, seeing that the situation was stable, the principal of Kunlun Star Palace once again raised his hand to rub the starry sky.

As time went by, the vast starry sky and the power of the projected star map seemed to be spinning. The stars were shifting and moving, and unparalleled starlight exploded into the sky, blasting directly into the portal of divine light manifested in the starry sky. Boom on the 'Path of Gods' where the projection is manifested.

The next moment, the divine light portal collapsed, and the projections of the temples and the starlight that blasted into them all dissipated.

Even the remaining evil god projections in the wilderness star were directly dissipated at this time, leaving a few complete 'divine crystals' suspended in the sky.

Nine days above the Mangyuan Star, in the heaven, the Heavenly Emperor's Golden Edict has flown into the center of the heaven and fallen into the guard of the gods. The golden divine light burst out, connecting and blending with the divine light of the gods in the heaven, forming a 'Celestial God's Palace'. Array'.

Another divine light fell from the heavens and connected with the "Earth Divine Formation" above the stars; then the divine light continued to fall into the underworld under the nine earths and connected with the "ghosts and gods formation" in the underworld.

The three realms of gods are connected and integrated into one, covering and operating all living beings in the three realms of the wilderness star. The entire laws and avenues of heaven and earth have been integrated into the control and operation of the gods of the three realms.

At this point, the Emperor of Heaven returns to his throne and the canonization of the gods is complete!

Around the golden edict of the Heavenly Emperor in the center of the heaven, there seemed to be a golden light evolving, and a figure appeared, wearing an imperial robe and a crown, vaguely like the image of the Venerable Mangyuan.

Later, this vision and the golden imperial edict merged into the origin and avenue of the wilderness star.

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