The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 432 The Purpose of the Pantheon

The Emperor of Heaven has returned to his throne, and the gods of the three realms have joined forces to form an array, covering the entire three realms of Mangyuan Star. This also means that the ceremony of conferring gods on Mangyuan Star has been successfully completed.

Next, whether a true emperor of heaven can be cultivated in the wilderness star, the next transcendent person can be cultivated, and the road to earthly immortality can be opened up half a step further, it depends on the cultivation and evolution of the wilderness star later.

In the sky, the principal of Kunlun Star Palace saw the return of the Emperor of Heaven and the completion of the canonization of the gods. His attention did not continue to stay on the Wilderness Star, but turned to the starry sky and looked at the place where the Divine Light Portal stood before.

He frowned slightly, seemingly confused.

The gods of the outer realm 'God Realm' projected many evil gods, and finally even attracted the trump card of the 'Pantheon', the Taoist tool Pantheon, and projected and blessed it with the power of the super-level artifact 'Pantheon', raising its power to the level of the acquired spirit. The treasure level comes with an impact.

It looks powerful, but in the end it feels a bit anticlimactic.

The power of the outer god's projection was obviously too easy to remove.

"Is it a test?"

"Or is there another purpose?"

Principal Kunlun suddenly changed his mind and turned his gaze beyond the wilderness star system.

There, the Taoist artifact 'Pantheon' made by the Pantheon of the cult organization, after the divine light portal and the projection of the 'Pantheon' disappeared, its power did not decline, but continued to maintain the acquired spiritual treasure level. of power.

"Is it to sacrifice this 'Pantheon' to the acquired spiritual treasure?"

The thoughts in his mind turned again, and the principal of Kunlun Star Palace did not hesitate. He stretched out a giant hand of starlight and grabbed the acquired spiritual treasure 'Pantheon' outside the galaxy.

But at this moment, bright divine light erupted from the acquired spiritual treasure ‘Pantheon’, and while protecting the ‘Pantheon’, they rushed towards the depths of the dark void and escaped.

"Hmph! Now that you've missed the point, you still want to run away again?"

The principal of Kunlun Star Palace snorted coldly, stretched out his starlight giant hand to rub the starry sky, and the star map projections around him suddenly rotated, as if turning into a cage, sealing and suppressing the pantheon, preventing it from escaping into the depths of the void. .

Buzz! boom……

At this moment, I saw the starlight giant hand about to grab the 'Pantheon', but heard the buzzing and explosion sound coming from the 'Pantheon'.

The next moment, bright divine light burst out from the 'Pantheon'. The entire Houtian Lingbao 'Pantheon' disintegrated and exploded in an instant. Palaces and temples turned into streaks of divine light and rushed towards the dark void. in all directions.

"not good!"

Such a change was obviously beyond the principal's expectation. He shouted loudly, and the giant hand of starlight instantly opened up, turning into countless starlights and blending into the projected and manifested star maps around him. It seemed that the entire star map was transformed from an illusory projection in an instant. The real thing is like a giant net of starlight, sweeping towards the palaces and divine lights that have collapsed in all directions.

Starlight and divine light, stars and temples, entangled, collided, and exploded in the dark void. The surrounding starry sky seemed to be shaking and vibrating in the collision and explosion.

The power of countless explosions and impacts set off a large number of cosmic storms in the dark void, impacting the stars in the surrounding void.

The Wild Star and the galaxy in which it is located are undoubtedly the first to bear the brunt.

At this time, I saw the figures of gods emerging one after another in the wilderness star, the heaven, the ground, and the underworld. The array of gods from the three realms that had just been conferred and condensed appeared and moved. Countless divine lights came from everywhere in the three realms. It burst out and merged into one, covering and stabilizing the entire wilderness star.

Even, these divine lights are centered on the Wild Star, spreading out to the surrounding void and the entire Wild Star Galaxy, and blending into the sun, moon, and other stars in the galaxy.

These stars and the entire galaxy have stabilized with the help of these divine lights, resisting the impact of the cosmic storm in the void.

After the success of becoming a god, the Wild Star not only has enough power to protect itself, but can even protect the entire Wild Star galaxy.

These forces will also be the power basis and base point of the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array".

The principal of Kunlun Star Palace knew this, so he took action with all his strength to sweep and capture the palaces and divine lights that collapsed and shot out in all directions, without worrying about the safety of Mangyuan Star and the surrounding galaxies.

However, even though he had tried his best to attack, he was still a little bit unpredicted. Among the tens of thousands of palaces and divine lights rushing towards the four directions, only most of them were captured by him with the help of the power of the surrounding star map projection, and there were still less than half. Thousands of complete or broken temples turned into divine light, breaking through his blockage and capture, rushing into the surrounding void star sea, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the principal of Kunlun Star Palace saw this, his face was very ugly, and he seemed to ask in a deep voice: "Is this your purpose?"

He looked down at the Wild Star where he had just finished becoming a god. After confirming that there was no problem, he left the Wild Star in a flash and disappeared into the starry sky.

With this sudden change, he had vaguely guessed the purpose of the Pantheon, or the enemy of the 'God Realm'. Since everything on the Wild Planet was over, he naturally had no intention of staying here for a long time, but wanted to rush to the Star Alliance House of Lords. , handle the next business.

Nine days above the wilderness star, Liang Ji's soul has been controlling the starlight body. He watched the entire battle and saw the shocking changes in the acquired spiritual treasure "Pantheon", and he already had a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, the principal left, the conferring of gods was over, everything was done, and the power of the star map projected in the sky was also disappearing and dispersing.

Liang Ji had already felt that the starlight body that had been blessed and condensed on his body was already showing signs of dissipating.

At that moment, he had no time to think about other things and immediately moved his starlight body through the nine heavens and returned to the starry earth.

Otherwise, given that he is only at the seventh-level Soul Refining Realm, if his out-of-body soul appears above the Nine Heavens without the protection of this starlight body, it may be directly annihilated by the terrifying power above the Nine Heavens, let alone Traveled through nine days and returned to the earth.

Returning to the starry ground, the starlight body has begun to dissipate at an accelerated rate. Liang Ji's soul is not in a hurry to leave the starlight body, but continues to take this opportunity to feel and comprehend the power and starry avenue contained in the starlight body.

Moreover, as the power of the star map projection gradually dissipates, the power and the power of laws in the starlight body continue to weaken, which makes it easier for him to comprehend and study.

After all, for Liang Ji, who is still in the low-level cultivation stage, the third-level starlight body is too high-level. He can operate and use it with the power of the star map, but it is simply impossible to understand and study it.

On the contrary, now, the power of the star map is gradually withdrawn, the body of starlight continues to decline, and the cutting products are declining. The fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, Liang Ji can gain more insights and discoveries from it.

Until finally, the projected star map in the sky completely disappeared, and the starlight body condensed around Liang Ji's soul also completely dispersed. Only then did he finish his enlightenment and practice, and his soul returned to his body.

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