The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 436 Five Years

The cultivation of the third-level star lord's realm of perfection requires the soul of the star lord to enter the reincarnation of the natal stars. After a reincarnation, only then can the 'soul and Tao merge' and completely complete the cultivation of the third-level star lord's realm.

Reincarnation, even if it is carried out in the star lord's natal star, is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing.

In the Star Alliance, every year there are Star Lords who fall into this step, and various problems arise in their reincarnations, resulting in their body and soul disappearing.

Naturally, in the Star Alliance, there is also a lot of research and experience on the practice of 'soul and Tao union' in this reincarnation, and various methods are used to ensure the success of reincarnation as much as possible.

These methods are mainly divided into two aspects. One is 'casting reincarnation', trying to cast a perfect reincarnation; the second is the monk's soul. As long as the monk's soul is strong enough and well prepared, he will naturally be more able to reincarnate in the reincarnation. Protect yourself, take the initiative, and successfully complete the practice of "unity of soul and Tao".

The soul seals, elixirs, arrays, runes and other inheritances that Liang Ji purchased from the Star Network were all based on his previous experience, Kunlun Star Palace course introductions, library information, etc. in the past ten years. A lot of information, and thus the selected target, can help his soul to successfully reincarnate in the natal star to the greatest extent.

He has now completed the training of the Sun Travel Realm and refined the Pure Yang Soul. In the next few years, Zheng Ke will continue to cultivate third-level stars, open up the underworld, and cast reincarnation, while practicing soul seals, inheriting secret techniques, and preparing elixirs. , runes, arrays and other treasures.

Try your best to be fully prepared for reincarnation.

Two years later, the 'Lord of Black Water Hell' was born in the underworld of Huangquan. Liang Ji did not stop him, but allowed him to reincarnate, thus triggering division and war in the 'Water Dynasty', the third generation country of the family members.

Half a year later, Liang Ji was sent to the underworld of Hanquan, and the red heroic soul that had been baptized by the 'Fire Dechi' was reincarnated, and was born in the Suanyi clan as the fourth generation of 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven'.

A few months later, the fourth generation of the Familia clan, the ‘Fire Dynasty’, was born in the natal stars.

Under the seventh level of the underworld, the cultivation of the new underworld was completed, and the pure Yang soul that Liang Ji cultivated went straight into the underworld.

Compared with the pure Yang soul that was just cultivated a few years ago, Liang Ji's soul at this time is still a piece of golden light and pure Yang, but there have been some changes.

In his golden pure yang soul, some golden marks were condensed, including runes and soul seal secret techniques. They were all marks that Liang Ji had practiced and condensed over the past two years, laying the foundation for the union of soul and Tao in the future. 'Preparation for reincarnation.

In the newly cultivated eighth layer of the underworld, the pagoda bloomed with mysterious light, opening up the world and evolving the underworld.

For Liang Ji, these are already very familiar and mature methods and processes. Planting treasures, refining soul seals, integrating 'divine crystal' fragments, deriving the underworld, and creating bitter springs. Step by step, they become mature and flow. The eighth level The underworld 'Bitter Spring Underworld' was gradually opened and evolved under his control.

Finally, Liang Ji uprooted the island in the center of the bitter spring, built a palace to worship Emperor Hades, and opened a "Poisonous Virtue Pond".

On one side of the bitter spring, various poisonous treasures and spiritual seeds were planted, and a large array of poisonous snakes was laid out to create a 'venomous snake hell' in the underworld of the bitter spring!

With the successful opening of the eighth level of the underworld, the "Bitter Spring Underworld", the source of the natal stars and the Tao Fruit have been greatly increased. At the same time, the power of the stars and the power of the underworld feed back and nourish the soul, making the pure Yang soul refined by Liang Ji become stronger and stronger. tough.

Under such circumstances, Liang Ji was able to make more and more complete preparations for his soul.

Just a few days after Liang Ji completed the opening of the eighth layer of the Bitter Spring Underworld, he saw a message on the official website of the Star Alliance's "Security Department".

In the Manggu Star Territory, after Lord Mangyuan, there is a second Earth Immortal who is about to expire and begins his final sprint and breakthrough.

It's a pity that this 'Earth Immortal' who was seeking a breakthrough was much worse than Venerable Mangyuan. After joining the path of the stars in the blessed land, he failed to escape from it successfully and directly transformed into the Dao and fell into the stars of the blessed land.

All the cultivation and Tao fruits were transformed into the stars of the blessed land, which pushed the stars of the blessed land to barely advance to the first level.

After the 'Earth Immortal' became Taoist, the blessed land star suddenly became ownerless, triggering a fierce struggle and conflict.

Immortals refine stars, demon souls seize bodies, evil gods plunder, and the Star Alliance protects them!

The last blessed land star was severely damaged in the fighting and fighting between all parties. The spiritual veins that had barely been raised by one level were continuously damaged, but actually fell by two levels in a row.

If the Star Alliance's 'security department' hadn't noticed something was wrong in the end and promptly activated the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Formation' to suppress it, the stars in the blessed land would have been destroyed in the battle and competition.

At the end of the battle, although the Star Alliance protected the blessed land star, it suffered heavy losses. In addition, the stars and spiritual veins have been severely damaged, and the level has declined too low. If the Star Alliance wants to imitate the Wild Star and become a god, it will not work.

After all, if you want to become a god above the stars, you need at least a fourth-level star. Only with fourth-level spiritual veins and great laws can you support the existence of the god.

Therefore, in the end, the Star Alliance could only treat this blessed land star that failed to break through and advance as a special indigenous star, and its rights and investment were far less than those of the wilderness star.

The failure of the second ‘Blessed Land Star’ Earth Immortal breakthrough undoubtedly intensified the turbulence and turmoil in the Manggu Star Territory.

Especially the remaining Earth Immortal Blessed Earth stars in the Manggu Star Territory have turned into turbulent and turbulent factors on the bright side.

Even if Liang Ji does not read the information on the official website of the Star Alliance's "Security Department" and only browses the information on the public star network, there is a lot of news about the stars of the "Earth Immortal Paradise" in the Manggu Star Region.

However, these news are not good news. Basically, one after another of the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' stars that were originally open to the outside world have begun to block themselves, prohibiting entry and exit, and closing contact with the outside world.

In the Manggu Star Territory, the raging tide has almost reached the surface.

Liang Ji browsed this information and continued to seize the time to cultivate his natal stars and open up the underworld.

Two and a half years later, after refining the 100th level third-level Camel Mountain Demon Pill, Liang Ji's spiritual veins in the natal star had reached the third level '100%', and the ninth level under the Nine Earths The underworld has also been cultivated.

Liang Ji's soul left his body and went straight into the ninth layer of the underworld. The black and yellow light opened up the sky and the earth, and the fragments of the 'divine crystal' contained the Mingquan.

Subsequently, he pulled out the island, built a temple, erected a statue of the Hades Emperor, opened the 'Bingde Pond', and used treasures, spiritual roots, and arrays to create an 'ice hell'. Liang Ji successfully opened up the last layer of the underworld of the Jiuquan Underworld. Mingquan underworld'!

At this point, Liang Ji has completed the opening of the underworld, and the next thing that needs to be done is the extremely critical 'casting reincarnation'.

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